My step dad has been stealing money from me, and I know this for a fact but he doesnt know that I know...

My step dad has been stealing money from me, and I know this for a fact but he doesnt know that I know. I have set up traps in my room and then the traps go off and he is the only one home. I need to get 100% concrete proof of it even though im 100% positive, I need it on video. I have been looking to get a pretty small camera of some sort that will record my room when I am gone and my mom is not home which is rare, but if it does happens we are only gone at an hour at a time, and that is when he does it. I need something that will ping my phone when movement occurs and maybe takes pictures or records it. Since he has taken several hundred from me, id prefer a recording device that isnt super expensive. Do you guys have any ideas? Thanks much!

It's called a "business partner" and a baseball bat

Either you are underage or you are still living at home past the age of majority. Which is it?

At home still in college at 22. Get bachelors this year so im almost done

Have an old phone with a camera? I'm sure there are apps you could try. I used to use Manything but that might not be around anymore

Get a webcam, and record on motion activation. I did that when I found out my mom was stealing from me.

Get a cheap/old smartphone.
Install Eddy Snow's *Haven* app.
Get your ass beat by the mother-fucker when he catches you 'hoarding' money the family needs.

>parents steal from you

what kind of fucked up homes are you people living in god damned single parent failures

>not being able to beat up your own dad
how can one even call themselves a man if you can't punch your own father to the ground?

If OP's only idea is to set a trap, I doubt that he could even confront him in conversation, let alone in fisticuffs.
Getting a video would be for make crying to mammy easier.

Webcam, maybe with a USB extension cable if necessary to get the placement right. Or hide it in plain sight on your computer. The Logitech one I use has record-on-motion built right into it's control software, with the ability to turn the LED off while in that mode.

>we are only gone at an hour at a time, and that is when he does it.
If you can hide it, pick up an Flip HD or similar camera. You can probably get one cheap since nobody really buys them anymore since smartphones have pretty much obsoleted them, (alternatively, maybe you can pick up an old smartphone.) Flips come in 4 & 8 GB models which will record 1 & 2 hours respectively. The focal length is kind of long so you may have to figure out a good positioning, or look for a wide angle lens attachment.

>can't setup a shitty webcam of some sort
The absolute state of millennials.

at least Im not a NEET like you

>tfw I'm regular Chad-size (187 cm) but my father is literally a 2m wall of muscles with a kung fu black belt
Good thing we get along well

Banker here, is there any reason you don't have a checking account with direct deposit?

Have you considered using a bank or buying a safe, you know - like a not retarded person

>I'm dumber than a NEET

is youd step-dad called daquan or jamal or niggeral? if so start a race war and shot that coal burning whore

>having a stepdad
found your problem, your mother is a whore

>Getting a video would be for make crying to mammy easier.
>my dad has a black belt in a martial art that doesn't even use belts
I wonder if his soyboy San Franciscan shifu trained him to block bullets...

Not OP, but nah. My father's just an asshole. I don't associate with him anymore either.