Do you have any dreams of one day living in another country?

Do you have any dreams of one day living in another country?

Haven't had a dream in forever

I used to dream about living in Ireland, so I did. I returned earlier this year.
I miss Ireland ;__;

Was it anything like you dreamt it to be? What kind of stuff did you do there?

Would go to the states but I'm not Mexican enough

I had them before i came to actually see the shit side of other places, made me appreciate my little shithole more.
I think i'll see how things go in Denmark, Switzerland and Funland to decide if it's worth moving there or just living comfy here

It's green all year round, like I imagined, pubs everywhere, auld Irish folk are really nice and always have stories to tell. I am not fond of Irish gypsies but no one is I guess.
If you go there visit the Ring of Kerry and the Cliffs of Moher, Dublin is good for parties.
I worked there and travelled a bit.

Best Korea, I think.

I want to retire in Switzerland or Argentina and live in a large house with several anchors of land and lots of qt animals

Moved to the US with my parents as a kid, but I want to move back after university.

Yeah, since i saw the first world streets in japan, i knew i wanted to live there, where i won't worry about the Kevin and the Brayan

I'd like to live in Switzerland. it's a beautiful country

Canada doesn't want me so I'm gonna move to Idaho

US or czech

That had better not be a pic of you and your family trying to swim here, fatso.

I dream about moving to Norway

Good. You are welcome home, Stanlej.
I moved to Ireland but I knew that I'm just a guest and that I will return. I stayed there for 4 years. I will visit for sure though, Ireland is a lovely country.

>tfw you will never live in an independent England free of the leeches that make up the UK.

Wouldn't decide on a particular place until I've been there, but there are a number of potentials.

South Island
Somewhere cold and away from chinks
Oregon probably at the top but what I hear about the inhabitants makes me reconsider.
>Some 3rd world cunt
A cosy apartment in a wealthy area of a/the major city. Live like a king and do drugs/whores all day.

Will have a taste of each over the years before I decide where to settle.

I've lived in the US longer than in Poland. Moved here when I was 7, currently 20. Could I even fit in? :(

zabij mnie, anonku

How's your Polish?
Can you hold a (simple) conversation?
If yes then you can fit right in.

w domu rozmawiamy tylko po polsku

I dream with live in any firsworl country and don´t come back never to this shit hole.

I like the idea of moving to the Czech Republic or Poland since the Scandis and Switzerland sounded a little idealistic.

Heard there were a lot of jobs in my field over in eastern europe too.

lel saved
Come here and don't worry.
What are you studying?


What is your field?

Also, you probably can't comprehend how poor we are compared to US.

The only thing I don't know is a lot of slang I see in /polska/ threads.

what field

I had a dream a few nights ago I was Romanian and got in a car accident trying to flee that country from some bad people

Only Sup Forums dream I can remember recently

England tbqh

Looks comfy

Anywhere safe. Seriously, anywhere.

It's fucking awful, avoid the UK.

GIS and webdev stuff but I could be wrong.

Just heard it form a couple people online.

>What are you studying?

I was thinking of teaching in an English school, but I don't know that's still big over there.

Nowomowa (new-speach)
schoolboys raping our language
I don't visit /polska/ much recently

"comfy" is nice in a dreary picture with some music in the background, but living in a small, rainy, mindnumbingly boring place for years is not enjoyable.

Oh nice. I'm doing my studies in Pharmacy, with minor in French with some Russian classes on the side and then also earn a certificate in GIS. I might also move to Eastern Europe

GIS is pretty cool. I took two classes in college and it turned into my whole career. I love it.

You can go into a lot of industries with it as a useful skill. I work in gas pipelines now but I used to do animal migration/monitoring in college. There's E911 stuff where you can predict fires and crimes, too.

how's the pay?

I have a BS and a basic certificate for ArcGIS and I make 60k in the bay area which is like 40-50k everywhere else for my type of work. 1 year experience.

If I get the new job though I'll be close to 80k after 18 months with benefits.

Moving would actually be a pretty bad idea atm.

I dreamt once that I had a gf and was happy.
The chances of that happening are the same as me living in another country.

I wish to move to Russia and travel through Central Asia and the Eastern Euro countries.

Poccия мoи дoм

Yes, Portugal

Although this is pretty much impossible, so I'll probably end up illegal in the US

Hungary, because muh heritage

No, I just want to go back to Colorado. I miss it there so fuckin' much.

No... I have plans.

Comfy state in America
Maybe somewhere in Switzerland