What is the spookiest place on Earth?

What is the spookiest place on Earth?

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North Korea. Walking through any B town during night and police hours when it's completely dark sounds scary.


Probably this.

The south of USA.

Edifício Joelma. Haunted af.

Any city in Ukraine/Russia


Hoia Baciu forest in Romania

honestly the south has so many "haunted" shit. i dont really believe in ghosts but you wont see me go inside a fucking crack den runned down murder house



St. George’s Church in Czech Republic

Literally hell

Spookiest place for NEETs

my grandad visited Auschwitz when he was stationed in Berlin
he said it was spooky AF

only if you believe in the gas chambers

the official story is fake as fuck, any chemical engineer can tell you that

next time i see my grandad i'll let him know that he fell for jewish trickery


tell him that in delousing chambers the walls are always blue, due to the reaction of hydrocyanic acid with the iron in the stones, forming a well-known dye called Prussian Blue.

The so-called gas-chambers in Auschwitz and elsewhere were all built after the war, even have glass windows in them, and no trace of blue anywhere on the walls.

If the gassings were true even at a scale 1/100th of what is actually claimed, those walls would be completely coloured blue all over and the blue colour would penetrate the stones of the building completely.

Not even mentioning the impossibility of safely disperging the excess gas and the handling of the bodies. Not even mentioning the thousands of tonnes of coal needed to burn all those bodies, of which there is no trace neither on paper nor forensically.


The dirt-floor gothic basement underneath my apartment building. Some lights here and there, but a bunch of dark, empty (?) rooms. Original building stones 'n' shit. I love going down there.

abandoned NATO early warning radars in Greenland

How come?


I'd guess there are some pretty freaky and very unsettling places in Finnish wilderness.

>entire region is completely urbanized
>the only dangerous thing is muhammad and his cousins
Atleast silver bullets also work against cockroaches.

The vast expanse of Siberia seems pretty fucking spooky

There's a mansion a 5 minute drive away from me that is meant to be haunted.

I sneaked in once as a kid because it's in the middle of a big park. Well I say sneak it was more just walk in through the back door because no one gives a shit.

Eerie as fuck.



ur mums bergina :D:D:D:D:D

Outskirts of Norilsk.


looking bombed out doesn't really seem too creepy
show pics I don't know what I'm trying to see

My grandmother's house was sppokier than this. In dark evenings with the full moon shining through the windows there appeared blood on the windows of the house, because of a murder on a farm of the estate

Truly disgusting how the Russians ruin everything they touch

my basement


A white American female's vagina...how many lives have they destroyed, both grown men and the unborn?

Their fetid roasts are like a vision of Hell itself.

New Jersey is pretty fucking spooky. So is Pennsylvania

I live there.

Space, definitely

Sup Forums

