*Destroys Jobs’ legacy*

*Destroys Jobs’ legacy*
heh, nothing personel, kiddo

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And nothing of value was lost.

take that back

How? Explain.

> imblying gays have a legacy

they can't even reproduce, and their money will just go to state taxes when they die, just like the commies they are wanted

>devoid of ideas and innovashun
>software has taken a heavy step back because the dumbfuck forced yearly upgrades and merged the macOS and iOS teams
>ugly hardware
>everything got more expensive
>leaves mac mini & mac pro rotting for years
>current lineup is a clusterfuck that indicates they don't know what they're doing
>retarded ideas in the products (touch bar)
>made Apple as SJW as Google

>what is willing things to cousins, siblings, nieces and nephews

Eh, innovation was always just a buzzword with Apple anyways. As far as I was concerned, there was never any real innovation with Apple. They just took already existing products and made "premium" versions of them.

I don't think the hardware is ugly at all, either. It might not be the best-performing, but at least it looks nice. They tend to choose form over function, and at least they're good at that in my opinion.

>They just took already existing products and made "premium" versions of them.

>premium version of c

>premium version of Unix

It all makes sense now

>>everything got more expensive
Being expensive if what makes Mac stuff Mac you poorfag

Based Faggot.

>>ugly hardware
shut your whore mouth.
>>retarded ideas in the products (touch bar)
The touch bar is not retarded, it's actually more logical than having a shitty Windows laptop where the whole screen is a touch display. The whole point is that (1) the Function keys don't need to always be there and (2) it's awkward to have to keep moving your hands from the base of the laptop to the display.


in defense of the touch bar, full touch displays are awkward.
>grab your laptop's display like a neanderthal, put one hand on each side and use it that way
>flip the laptop around and use it as a """tablet""" except Windows is a terrible tablet OS and it's weird to feel keys on the back of a thick tablet with giant bezels
>tent mode is just gratuitous and unnecessary
>screen wobble is a thing
The touch bar has none of these problems.

Laptop/tablet hybrids are never going to happen. Stop trying to make them happen.
That means you, too, Apple.

>mactoddler justications

It's true though. Full touch displays are more awkward to use than a touch bar. And macOS isn't really optimized for fingers, anyway. Imagine touching those three tiny little buttons in the corner with your hands. It would get frustrating fast, so they didn't even bother.
And the function keys really don't always need to be there; and it would be nice for certain applications to have their own specific "buttons," so why not a touch bar?


So basically nothing changed in terms of trends.

Yep, since Jobs died the whole of Apple has basically gone Full Microsoft.

>What do kids want?
They like touch screens. Lets put a touch screen on a keyboard!

>Wait I thought our non-mobile audience were busy and sophisticated people
lmao nah just a bunch of children and shit. Don't release any good desktop hardware and put a touch screen on something in the mean time.

>Why are we removing the magnetic charger?
dunno LOL

>What do our mobile users hate more than anything?
Nice, responsive tactile feedback. Remove all physical buttons from everything. Put a touchscreen in its place.

>You know these touchscreens are more expensive, right?

>Lets put a touch screen on a keyboard!
You know damn well they would've done that in 2011 if they could've.
>Why are we removing the magnetic charger?
(a) because USB C can transfer more energy and faster, (b) because now you can charge from any port, on either side, which is more convenient imo, and (c) because magnets weaken over time.


>>Why are we removing the magnetic charger?
Because now you can transfer both energy and information simultaneously from one port with thunderbolt over USB type C, meaning your external monitor can charge your macbook as you use it. Which means better usability.

>You know damn well they would've done that in 2011 if they could've.
PCs have had stupid shit like that for years. Jobs had taste.

>Transferring data over charger
Not enough of a reason. A great, useful and key feature of the Macbooks was taken away because of something that would benefit a small amount of people. Power users do shit like have 4 things plugged into their mac. The rest of laptop owners would like to be able to not accidentally hurt their Macbook.

Provide me 10 justifications for a touch screen over keys that don't include emojis and I'll buy a MacBook Pro right now

1.) Less awkward than a touch display. See and for more information.
2.) Uses very little extra power.
3.) Offers room for some pretty cool features, like being able to scrub through a song without having to actually interact with the app you're playing it in.
4.) The touch bar exists for virtually the same reason the iPhone does. Some apps want their own buttons. The touch bar provides those buttons in a way that isn't inconvenient for the user or developer.
5.) The function keys are still there. Just hit 'fn' to access them.
6.) The esc key is also still there.
7.) The touch bar can sometimes make certain operations, like adjusting brightness and volume, faster and easier. No more having to hold a button to turn the volume down or tap it repeatedly. Just hold and drag.
8.) It may not be useful right now but that's only because nobody has programmed uses for it.
9.) Muscle memory, surprisingly enough, isn't a problem despite the fact that it's one big continuous strip. Some part of your brain automatically knows approximately where to put your finger depending on what app you're in, so after some time it actually becomes second-nature. You don't actually need to look down all the time.
10.) Honestly, it just looks pretty cool.

That'll be $2,490 shekels please.

Bonus justification: Fingerprint sensor.


>very little extra power
Stopped reading there

It's an OLED display. Most of the pixels are off most of the time.