#define NULL 0

>#define NULL 0

>Let true = λx λy x

int zero = 0;

True = False

print( = true)

Bjarneposting bastard!

for (;;) { }

>everyone missing OP's point

#define NULL nullptr

its just the end of the memory array for that variable

#ifndef nullptr
#deinfe NULL nullptr

>return error_code;

#define nil NULL

alias cd='rm -rf'

# Disable `unalias` and `alias`.
alias unalias=false;
alias alias=false;

# Quit vim on startup.
alias vim="vim +q";

# Map Enter, Ctrl+J, and Ctrl+M to backspace.
bind '"\C-J":"\C-?"';
bind '"\C-M":"\C-?"';

if(isTrue(asBoolean(go_ifThisVarIsTrue == TRUE))) == asFloat(1.00)) {

# Invert `if`, `for`, and `while`.
alias if='if !' for='for !' while='while !';

# Shut down the computer instead of running a command with super-user rights.
alias sudo='sudo shutdown -P now';

>#define this nullptr

What the fuck even

0 is just a memory address that points to nothing

Oh god that's evil.

No it's not.

Do you actually no anything about computers?

yeah for pointers, but when you're talking ints, its the last element in that array - null \0

> unisgned int x = -1;

enum {

>#define else else if(false)

#define OP and everyone else in this thread a fucking FAGET

hahaha owned lmappppppppppp

A man who has fully castrated himself

enum PerfBool {
false = 0x00000000
true = 0x00000001

#define NULL ((void*)(0))/*at least get it right*/

int *ptr = NULL;
error: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'int*' [-fpermissive]

#define private public