Will this kill javascript?

Will this kill javascript?

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Name a better alternative.

if someone did not hear about this shiny new technology yet

"will this random thing nobody has heard of replace one of the most used languages in the world?"

Gosh, we just may never know

No. This will.

it's not even funny how useless this shiiet

Unfortunately not

>can't use existing Javascript libraries without going through very cumbersome interop system

No, it's dead.

>will typescript kill js?
>will dart kill js?
>will elm kill js?
>will coffeescript kill js?

Here we go again

>random thing nobody has heard
Everybody is talking about ReasonML last few month, just check twitter of top web developers.
But facebook already killed angular and jquery, why you think they can't kill js?

>Everybody is talking about ReasonML last few month, just check twitter of top web developers.



Typescript pretty popular, but can't kill js due it's subset of js. But almost every big js code base uses ts or flow in 2018. Now ts\flow implementers resolved all easy issues and to evaluate we need to get rid of js design flaws such as typeof null. And facebook already have resources and community to try push another paradigm to the front end world.

No but webassembly will, believe in the dream boys.

Why would you want to kill javascript? Also, it is too late. Javascript is the reigning king of all languages. It is a pretty good language too. Google tried to kill it with Dart, Facebook is trying to kill it with "React is javascript, we just made a little change, oh and here are some more changes, oh and some more", and Microsoft tried to kill it with Typescript, but nobody will kill it.

>But almost every big js code base uses ts or flow in 2018.

I think you mean every big corporation uses ts, not every big code base. It is designed to solve the problem of drone programmers.

>Everybody is talking about ReasonML
No one is. But you've definitely taken marketing 101.

>It is a pretty good language too.
Javascript is a verbose piece of shit

It is not a verbose language at all.

>Why would you want to kill javascript?
No type system. No autocurring. No pattern matching. Never can break backward compatibility.
Wasm not a language, and ReasonML can be compiled both to js or wasm. In second scenario it have near c++ performance.
>No one is.

>No type system. No autocurring. No pattern matching.No type system. No autocurring. No pattern matching.

If you want to kill an entire ecosystem with millions of libraries over trivial bullshit like this, most of which is being fixed in various ways, you are retarded.


>10 "devs"
>over 7,000,000,000 people
Fuck off cunt. No one gives a shit about your fad language of the week.

>If you want to kill an entire ecosystem with millions of libraries over trivial bullshit like this, most of which is being fixed in various ways, you are retarded.
This is what react did to jquery. Now react has own ecosystem better ecosystem.

Its so verbose it becomes unintuitive.

These are libraries not programming languages. Also we are onto Vue now.

Um there is a type system sweetie.
Also it broke backward compatibility
(() => ())()

>no type system
>no autocurrying
Useless feature that only FP autists care about
>no pattern matching
Switch statements have been there since the beginning
>never can break backwards compatability
Look how well that turned out for Python

give me an example.

>Also we are onto Vue now.
We used vue on hype train, now back to react. Turns out vue is pretty cool in small to medium apps and it is nightmare in big ones.
>Also it broke backward compatibility
>Switch statements have been there since the beginning
Oh this fancy switch statements on strings god how i love them...

Js sucks for a lot of reasons. Nodejs is awful in its own right.
JS itself sucks because of a shit typesystem, awful features inherited from C like switch fallthrough "this" keyword being ambigous, a shit design like automatic type conversion or scripts being executed in a single global namespace accesible in browsers with the window object, missing of actual needed features like the non-existant STL, DOM is shit too and that is again just JS and nodejs, not even talking about other shit frameworks.

>Turns out vue is pretty cool in small to medium apps and it is nightmare in big ones.

I doubt it. I used knockout on a large application. Wasn't too bad. People used angular on large applications. Hell, people use no framework. Also facebook and instagram have bugs all over the place. I was using facebook yesterday and I went from looking at the list of who went to an event, then switched to another event and it still showed "went" when the event wasn't completed. Should have showed "going". So it didn't change state of UI to reflect new event.

>Browser back then
>Browser now
Virtual machine emulating both hardware and an OS for the sole purpose of running crappy JavaScript application.

This is so wrong. It's a waste of resource and will probably emit TONS and TONS of CO2 in the future. Fucking morons, you already have an OS. Why build another fucking meme machine on top of it. USE THE FCKING PROTOCOLES REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I swear 2% of my electricity bill must be related to JavaScript alone.

They trying to solve their problems. Added ts support to vue-files (still shitty, but comparing to vue-class-component much better) and rewriting their cli to be config-less just like cra.
But still many opened issues where evan writes something like 'yep ut would be fine if we change this, but it require time we do not have, so priority is low'.

The browser is just a sandboxed OS you idiot, and Javascript is a protocol.

Computer are many layers of abstractions built on top of each other. We are not writing web sites in c.

>browser is a sandboxed OS
>and Javascript is a protocol.
Whoah are these your standard javashit bootcamp buzzwords I see? Is this what numales believe?

Also if anyone interested in ReasonMl join discord discordapp.com/invite/reasonml

Yes, but you should be writing websites in html and css only. Any piece of javashit code should have an html fallback ready.

No I shouldn't. Why should I give a fuck about the 0.01% of people who disable Javascript?


We must do our websites reachable by disabled people. Why we care only about blind people? Autism is disease to!

ok, I should write browsers in html and css only as well. I should write operating systems in html and css only.

>Javascript is a protocol.

So at least something works when your javashit code breaks as it always does. Whenever I visit a website that makes heavy use of javashit the browser console is littered with all kinds of errors. Of course your can stay a dirty pajeet and make the web a worse place. Just don't think anyone is thinking kindly of this.

>I should write operating systems in html and css only.
But browser is not an operating system. False equivalence there buddy.

You didn't have an argument to begin with though. You didn't say why a website should be html and css only, you just stated that it should. So I stated everything else should as well.

How do you make youtube in the same responsive way without javascript?

Yeah, and there totally can never be any errors in the server code right?
My employer sure is thinking kindly if the paychecks I receive are anything to go by.

>You didn't have an argument to begin with though
So not having an argument somehow makes your argument alright even when it's absolutely fallacious?
>How do you make youtube in the same responsive way without javascript?
What responsive way? Majority of the people watch video on demand which is absolutely servable using video src. Comment section isn't live in any amount.

>My employer
The guy paying you a pittance of what he gets out of your job, waggie? The javashit is taking a toll on your health while he probably leisurely codes everything in html and css, knowing full well that at the end of the day he will have something joyful and purposeful to reminisce, while the only memories you'll have will be those of shitty performance, constant bugs, 300 different modules of ass and a retarded syntax.

Oh shit I have a warning in the console right now:

>64499151:1 [Deprecation] 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead.

What will I do? I think I am going to stay up all night worrying about this. How is that different to a normal application. Hmm.. oh the warning is in your IDE. Wow.. and the console is a developer tool. It is almost like.. the same thing.

Alright big boy how much are you being paid to write websites in HTML and CSS only? Where are these jobs posted? Why does every job posting I see require experience in Javascript?

>What responsive way? Majority of the people watch video on demand which is absolutely servable using video src.

Ahh, so I go visit youtube.com. First thing I notice is all the videos on the front page aren't loaded right away. As I scroll down, it loads more videos. There is the first thing you can't do with html/css.

Then I click on search, and the results don't require an entire page reload. Then I click on a video and I can do all kinds of shit like pause, rewind, slow motion, all without a page reload. and then there are all the animations and then.. literally everything. It is an application. That is what javascript is for. To turn what was once just static content like reading a document, into a platform for applications.

You can argue it should go back to just being for documents, but then it will jsut be scrolling through text and pictures.

Cause all the comfy html+css jobs are already taken. You're not going to get them without knowing people at the top. Opportunities for wageslave javaflippers however are plenty because the damage to one's mental state is so much worse.

This is sadly true.