So this is what techtubers have been degraded to

So this is what techtubers have been degraded to...

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did they switch it with an intel CPU box?

it's kind of insane that you have to pay for tampons in the first place. does anyone in the world want women walking around without tampons or pads soaking up menstrual blood?

maybe amazon was taking a sort of political stand and saying that tampons are just gratis. if you need them then they're free, and if you don't need them then only one or two 12-year-olds who giggle at any mention of adult topics will occasionally take a box. not that significant a loss.


hahaha lulz upvote! how do i give you gold??

By that logic all the sick people should be treated for free



wow sounds like almost every country besides the US.

Waiting in line doesn't count as treatment.

sure, why not? it's disgusting that sick people walk around and go to work and stuff without getting treated. they're just going to get me and everyone i care about sick.

sick people should stay home from work. if you need to throw some cash at them to keep them from trying to come to work and get me sick, so be it. they should also get better as soon as possible so there aren't disgusting diseases festering everywhere.

where do people wait in line instead of get treated?

you realize that our countries with national healthcare also has BETTER healthcare and higher quality of life than the US, right? the corporations of your country has been fucking you over for a very long time, burger.

it's kind of insane that you have to pay for food in the first place. does anyone in the world want people walking around without food, starving or hungry?

what draws commies to technology?

in my country we wait for weeks or months to get treated for "free".

Really? Then why do so many people travel to the U.S for treatment?

i don't really care as much if someone's hungry. that's a thing you can deal with in a longer time frame than bleeding out of your crotch or coughing up a lung, and it's also not something that's kind of personally disgusting (or contagious, in the cases of diseases).

but yeah, i mean we have shitty access to food for the needy in lots of cities. why not pump them up with more resources? it's not like we don't have the food - we throw away enough that we could feed a whole separate country with our food waste.

Spoilers: He doesn't. He gets a refund on them.

Because the US has the most advanced healthcare in the world. It's also the most expensive by an order of magnitude.
No-one argues that the US healthcare system is ineffective, they argue that to get the same level of treatment as in real countries you have to pay like 10 times as much, even including taxes, which you shouldn't because medical research is government funded anyway.

That's not what I asked. I asked where people wait in line instead of getting treated, so I'm not super confident in your reading comprehension going forward, but I guess here we go...

What country? Is this for any basic treatment like a prescription for antibiotics, or is it for procedures like transplants? Are there any other obvious details that you can anticipate me asking for more information about?

I don't understand what you're asking here. I asked a question, and your reply was "really?"

This is true.


If niggas complain about black people items held behind security cases at Walmart

Niggas are gonna complain why they can't steal from this kind of store

what... who are you talking to?

Prices in the U.S are actually fairly reasonable if you pay with cash directly to the hospital and don't look at the made up numbers (((insurance companies))) give. I got an X-ray and cast for a broken arm for $1000 a couple of years ago.

>So this is what techtubers have been degraded to...
maybe you just now started to have some standards

>an X-ray and cast for a broken arm for $1000
>fairly reasonable
jesus christ

eastern european shithole. For basic treatment you may not wait very long, but if you need more advanced diagnostics you may wait for months and die in that time, unless you go to a private doctor. And no matter what, even if you don't use public hospitals, you have to pay for your health insurance.

Mean to put in OP but forgot it.

I've already heard people complain that it's racist because it's too complicated to get a credit card and set it up with Amazon.

Realistically Amazon only needs to make it obnoxious enough to steal from them that nigs will just rob other places instead. Since we started cracking down on them stealing cars here they have gone back to entering stores in a big pack and running out the door with carts full of merch. If they need to scan in to enter the Amazon Go store they will just rob somewhere else and not bother. Genius move by Amazon.

tampons are technology

>Then why do so many people travel to the U.S for treatment?
East Euro here.
Whenever you see some guy needing complicated treatment for nasty disease over here, richfags and people that pooled together funds from charity go to Vienna, Ankara, Germany, etc.

Rather pay $1000 every 5 years than an extra 20% on my income every year. Glad I don't live under socialism.

>eastern european shithole.
I'm not going to read the rest of your post if you're not going to specifically answer my question of "what country".

Y'all serious? It costs around $8k to set a bone and put it in a cast in America. $1k is a steal.

>for $1000
well done amerimutt, well done.

they will do it for free in even in poorfag countries in europe. even if you're an american without insurance. I should realy start selling magic water to amerimutts, it's so easy.

who told you you'd pay 20% more in taxes?
what's your tax bracket?
what's your job?

>I should realy start selling magic water to amerimutts, it's so easy.

Water mix with one third bleach.

hopefully you'll break a bone in canada or western europe or someplace that doesn't hate its citizens.


the market's already cornered. go check out infowars and the supplements store they run. it's honestly really depressing.

Damn that's nice. I guess all countries have their perks. We just get Jewed in different ways than you guys.

I broke my leg pretty badly about 5 years ago and the final cost of the surgeries on my leg and ankle and doctor's visits was over $60k (thankfully my out of pocket max was $4k.)

No, that wasn't an invitation. I'm telling you that I'm not going to play this retarded game where I ask you a question, you answer like a dodgy faggot, and then I have to pull the real answer out of you like a fucking dentist pulling teeth. Kindly fuck yourself.

Because menstruation is a sickness?

where else would americas go burger? mexico?

>not taking The Real Red Pill and going full frog mode

The first commenter was referencing the dumbshit celeb (Rose McGowan? Amy Schumer?) who was demanding all feminine products be free and then just started a trolling chain from there.

Kind of insane that you have to pay for clothes. Why does the world want fat neckbeards to walk around naked?

Kind of insane that you have to pay for food. Why does the botnet want me to starve?

They come to France too

>the final cost of the surgeries on my leg and ankle and doctor's visits was over $60k
Eh, that's mostly insurance foreplay.

>Hospital: Our surgery cost us half a million dollars;
>Insurer: Sure it did. Here's 10k and shut up;
>But the post-op care also was a ton of cash;
>Here's 5k, and stop annoying me;
>8k, and all the medical supplies used are included;
>Oh, fine;

That's insurance haggling for you

>higher quality of life than the US

i don't want fat people walking around naked. if they don't have clothes, give them some rudimentary clothing. same for food. give them some gruel or something if they're going to starve to death otherwise.

this isn't some radical position, and it's not trolling. toilet paper in public restrooms is free. why is this so controversial to people? who's benefiting from tampons costing money?

I'd rather pay 5% extra in taxes, and have medical bills and education covered by the government, but each to their own.

>Eh, that's mostly insurance foreplay.
can we live in a world where getting a broken bone set doesn't involve haggling and foreplay? is my day not already shitty enough from the bone being broken?

>BETTER healthcare and higher quality of life than the US, right
You do realize that if a doctor from your country decides to relocate to the U.S. that medical practitioner would probably end up as a cab driver, or janitor, because he couldn't pass any of the testing required to obtain the certifications to treat people legally.
You can keep your free medicine from your shamans, and witch doctors user I'll just buy insurance.

Then why are so many doctors in the U.S Pajeets and Chinks?

Jews gotta Jew, user. There's a reason the government wants you obese and addicted to pills.

There's really no difference for 90% of cases. Basic medical care is so simple even Africans can do it.

not the guy you're replying to, but a lot of immigrants make their kids pursue a career path that's as low-risk as possible. they took a preposterous risk coming to another country, so they'll be fucked 6 ways from sunday if their kid decides they want to be an entrepreneur or an artist or something.

generally being a medical professional is universally seen as a safe bet. accountants do well too, but that's a weird quirk of the US tax code being really convoluted and necessitating a whole industry of accountants even for everyday people. and being an attorney would work too, but it requires a lot of cultural and linguistic fluency that immigrants and the kids of immigrants tend not to have.

so you're stuck with things that require sort of "abstract" proficiency, for which there are tons of stable, reliable jobs. aside from medicine, that's engineering, which is also why you see tons of asians and pajeets in engineering roles. it's a safe bet. after flinging yourself halfway across the world, it's not that surprising that you're tapped out on risky endeavors.

>Jews gotta Jew, user. There's a reason the government wants you obese and addicted to pills.
that's not the case in most other countries. in most other developed countries, a broken bone or a sudden discovery of something like cancer doesn't also mean a lengthy financial reckoning, regardless of your job status.

we've gotten so convinced that the system just has to suck and be full of jewy nickel and dime-ing. it literally doesn't have to be. it's entirely up to us to decide whether we want that to be the case.

you under IRS you delusional pleb

A broken bone is a couple hundred dollars to fix in the U.S without insurance. Cancer is irrelevant because there's no way a country with "free" health care will pay for full inpatient cancer treatment, it's simply too expensive.

How do these scanner things work? When I was last at the mall for boxing day sales, I heard them going off all the time as soccer moms tried to walk out with things they didn't pay for. Do they work for anything with a barcode?

we literally just heard about someone saying that the x-ray and cast for a broken bone was ~1000 and that that was a "fairly good deal" in the US. try to stay consistent with the narrative of the rest of the thread.

also who told you that inpatient cancer treatment is impossible under single payer? are you aware that other countries do it? is there some extension of your argument you didn't include in your post?

what did google say that you didn't understand?

Show me a country then that provides full inpatient treatment including chemo before the person actually dies from waiting in line.

Canada. and this "dies from waiting in line" thing is very evocative but i don't think you're convincing anyone other than yourself.

>Cancer is irrelevant because there's no way a country with "free" health care will pay for full inpatient cancer treatment, it's simply too expensive.

Well here universal healtcare do exactly this, in fact is by far the biggest spending in national budget.

Finland, literally any other country in western Europe.

FYI I'm not convinced he's having this conversation in good faith.

I didn't really know what to google. Hence why I called them the less than descriptive term, "scanner things".

but "RFID" was in the image you used. if you had searched for just the most prominent words in the image you posted, you would have gotten the answer.

every country with "free" healthcare
even something as simple as an xray will put you on a years long waiting list

Where specifically is that the case? As in, getting an x-ray takes a year or longer on a waiting list?

>does anyone in the world want women walking around
No. They should be locked inside.

hahah epic my man~

But I need an xray for my arm and I had to wait 2 days but only because I didnt want to go out of my way to get one.

Ok burgers let's talk a real case here:

Last Friday my 83-year-old grandmother fell and luckily she just broke her nose.
We called the emergency number and this happened:
- Ambulance transfer to the hospital
- first visit for assessment and prioritizing of patient, second lowest level of four
- Blood exam - standard for every green code patient.
- TAC exam for assessment of possible neurological damage - none found.
- Ambulance transfer to another hospital with an otolaryngology department
- X-Ray exam - result nose compound fracture.
- done nose bandages and all of necessary treatment
- Another ambulance transfer to the first hospital. The granting responsibility is the first hospitalizing structure.
- Final visit to assert if everything has been done properly
- Dismissed to home, with an appoitment for control visit next wenesday.

All of this done in 6 hours timeframe and paid € 0, Italy btw.

She paid €1 million in additional taxes over her lifetime.

She receive monthly €800 of retirement benefits from the state. And she never worked, is national widow's pension.

Her husband paid €1 million in additional taxes over his lifetime.

They don't understand how societies work so they just mess with circuits.

it feels like you're full of shit.

>mate breaks arm
>call 000
>ambulance takes him to the hospital
>doctor looks at him and triages him at lowest level
>he sits around in the waiting room for 4 fucking hours
>he finally gets an x-ray
>some indian cunt slaps a cast on him
>he's kicked out
>he says the cast is fucked but the hospital doesn't care
>he goes back the next day in a taxi and encounters a white doctor who doesn't even ask about the cast and just takes him aside and puts a new one on without saying anything
>he leaves
>$400 ambulance bill shows up
>his arm is slightly bent because of it

>i break arm
>call 000
>i have private cover
>insurer covers my ambulance bill
>get taken to private hospital
>spend 5 minutes in the waiting room with a nice nurse who makes small talk
>get x-ray
>doctor puts a cast on
>cast is perfect
>no more issues
>arm is fine now

either you have a perfect medical system or you're lying.

He is such a man. Makes his father proud.

No, I can estimate my grandfather paid the current equivalent of about €500k for ALL of the taxes.

I'm not lying.

>either you have a perfect medical system or you're lying.

In fact we have the second best medical system in the world.

Why would I defend health care providers doing unneccesary procedures and putting the cost on the taxpyayers just to look more productive? I mean an ambulance ride and 3 hospitals involved for tripping and falling? Imagine how much the taxpayers had to pay for that.

Maybe but if you can't pay you still get all the care needed.

As for trumpland you get what you pay for and if you're poor bad fucking luck.

Thank god your parents are rich, aren't they?

But that's ok, american dream is just one big fucking life lottery, not everyone can be a winner.

>some indian cunt slaps a cast on him
>he's kicked out
>he says the cast is fucked but the hospital doesn't care
>he goes back the next day in a taxi and encounters a white doctor who
How is this relevant?

>why not pump them up with more resources?

Because I worked for my money and they didn't.

Did you also account for a 8% growth rate per year on the real value of wealth based on historical market data?

>toilet paper in public restrooms is free.

No, it's not. It's paid for by the business owner or managing organization. What, did you think there was a toilet paper subsidy or a toilet paper fairy that just drops free rolls of TP?

super markets have had self checkout for years.

But that's not Christian isn't it and unlike us poor commie slavs you're mostly religious people?

I do not see any unnecessary procedure, assessment of neurological damage in case of head hit is very important, and the trasfer was done only because the hospitalizing structure didn't have the department for the best case treatment.

>Imagine how much the taxpayers had to pay for that.

Sure a lot, but we're sure that if this happens for any of us we get treated well.

as a canadian who live in WORSTcanada you get treated for free only if you are able to survive in the waiting room for 15hours


This is exactly why euro system exists in first place.

It's to protect you retards from your "investments" and long term business plans.

Yes, in the 60s-70s government was crazy. Probably I'll end to pay more than the double compared to him.

it's kind of insane that I have to pay for toilet paper or water treatment in the first place. does anyone want me walking around with shit on my ass, dropping my shit just anywhere?

That's not tampons, how can an adult male be this retarded? Doesn't he have any close females friends or a gf?

The absolute state of Sup Forums


Well they should user