Why are Americans so afraid of Russia becoming a developed country? What do you think they're going to do

Why are Americans so afraid of Russia becoming a developed country? What do you think they're going to do

They literally dindu nuffin that wasn't completely fair

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Oh, I have no idea. Maybe we just have difficulties trusting a country who wanted to annihilate us for half a century.

Soviet Union ended a while ago.

What do you think of your future Chinese overlords OP? Maybe they'll make Australia better than it already is without the US for support

a rose by another name

>Economy entirely dependent on oil
>Males die young
>Women get exported
>Only relevant due to rusting nukes

Russia must discard all pretentions of being a world power and start from zero. Which is agriculture. Modernize that first. Also ban vodka. Seriously, it kills Russian males like bug spray.

>wanted to annihilate us
Why do you think this? It's not even true at all

Kinda this; have Prohibition even temporarily - the US has rather low alcohol consumption rates within the Western World.

They tried that already and millions died

>Russia becoming a developed country?
Literally will never happen. Russia is shit because Russia is full of Russians.

it happened many times in the past

They had nukes pointed at us, and they had intelligent services that tried to undermine us and democracy around the world.

Now try to tell me how that doesn't look like they wanted us gone.

this thread is full of Americans trying to get screencapped and turned into a burger bear meme

Russia has never once not been shit.

Lingering remains of Cold War era distrust, especially with things like the Crimea affair not helping.

cuz Russians let America fight Japan for communism

America did exactly the same and you guys did it first. What did you expect them to do?

The difference is they never actually nuked anyone. They weren't the aggressive one in your relationship

>we did it first
We weren't the ones to steal the nuke designs and start using them to threaten the west and expand communism


While true (or at least legitimately debatable), it means nothing towards our views on them. We still saw/see them, justifiedly or not, as the prime underminer of America.

Give me one example of when Russia has not been shit. Was it when they were slaves to a royal autocrat or the time they were slaves to a communist autocrat?


You used nukes, threats, spies, overthrew foreign governments, inserted your chosen candidates into positions of power in foreign governments and intervene in international affairs SO MUCH MORE than they ever did or wanted to. All for American interests

Plus they never nuked anyone

Have you even tried to compare number of foreign people killed by Americans since ww2 vs those killed by Russians?

Because of everything you've been told growing up it takes a while to see but America has been so much more aggressive and antagonistic towards Russia than vice versa

Yeah, but American interests don't cause millions of people to starve under communist rule.
We were so aggressive because we had to remove the Soviet threat. I will never trusts reds, and I'm sure many of us won't for generations, which is a good thing in my opinion.

What you fail to realise is that everyone would love to annihilate you, they're just the only ones who stand a chance

Wtf, I HATE Finland now!

The world hasn't really had a major realignment since the Cold War. Reapproachment with Russia and China would be the correct foreign policy for the U.S. but all the old stereotypes and prejudices still exist in our populations, and our Foreign Polocy is now just a cocktail of idealism, free market economics and permanent defense of Israel.



Dude lmao you sound like the anti-communist giant robot from fallout 3

It was shit.

Try again.

Kiddo, if you were living under the benevolent rule of the Party and it happened to you to deliver such speech in public, but in the opposite direction ("but US of A are not as eeeviiil as you portray them! try to understand!"), you'd just accidentally fall from stairs next evening and break your neck.

The awarness of this harsh REALITY is what makes the butthurt belt butthurt.

Can somebody screencap those posts?

This; the Soviets killed or sent their opponents to the Gulag, Americans just severely ostracized them. Pick your poison 2bh.

*domestic opponents, my b