What's the easiest way to to learn basic coding...

What's the easiest way to to learn basic coding? I'm a humanities major applying to entry level business jobs and they say it helps your chances to have some knowledge of coding. My boyfriend is computer science major and says he can teach me but it's hard to find time and it hasn't happened yet. I was wondering if anyone knows of some good YouTube channels, forums, or maybe some programs that can help me learn?

Other urls found in this thread:

index-of.es/C /Programming in C 3rd edition by Stephen G. Kochan.pdf

You can go through a book but that gets boring pretty quickly unless its one that enables you to build something practical.

Best way is to find a solution to a problem you're having.

what if I live an empty life and I have no problems that a program can solve?

a program can solve any problem
didn't turing prove that

get an arduino kit off amazon and learn the "processing" language which is similar to C; the arduino kit has excellent step by step instructions

Try Web development (HTML/CSS, and then Javascript/jQuery). You'll be able to make Tumblr/Wordpress themes with them. And websites ofc.
If you want something like lego, then get an arduino kit from amazon/aliexpress. You'll be making electronic circuits + coding them, it sounds intimidating but it's not. You'll be able to make stuff like a plant that tweets you when it's dry, and basic stuff like intruder alarms.
What are your hobbies atm? Learn something to compliment them, I can make more suggestions.

Write a program to objectively evaluate your life in order to test your assertion.

Sup Forums will tell you a lot books or "important" topics but never get things done.


This books don't need pre requisites and begin self container, just read and programming problems.

Usually software developer fail a lot in specifications for new features on software,found real problem and build good solution or lack documentation or mananger project.

You can make a program that sends you a message on messenger to remind you of appointments, etc.

Does anyone have that roll image for programming projects?

Use codeacademy to learn Python with the free interactive lessons and get your feet wet. ( codecademy.com/learn/learn-python )

Learn C through books or try interactive methods like ( learn-c.org/ ).

Harness your Google-Fu and you will find the answers.


Do yourself a favor and purchase (or download) a textbook for a major programming language (for example, Java or C#) and read it from cover to cover. Write the example programs yourself and do the exercises. When stuck on a problem, go onto Stackoverflow.com and try to find solutions that way. While you can learn from YouTube, I'd recommend against it on the basis that a lot of the content on there is either outdated or made by incompetent people. While it is true that many textbooks are not up to date with the latest tech, they are usually written in such a way where it doesn't matter as much.

Fizzbuzz is sixth on the list? You can do it easily with just half of the first chapter of K&R, right around the time they do a temperature converter program, coincidentally.

I recommend this book:
index-of.es/C /Programming in C 3rd edition by Stephen G. Kochan.pdf

It's meant to be a roll image no?

Oh shit, I forgot about those. Haven't seen one in a while.

No one codes in Basic anymore


No, he proved the opposite though:

>Halting problem - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halting_problem

I could see it being a benefit, in the sense that you would have an easier time understanding and conversing with developers and engineers among other things. Makes sense.

If you're wanting to learn basic coding to supplement another career, don't bother learning Java, PHP, or C#, or really any back-end language for that matter (except maybe Ruby). They are waaay to difficult for what you are looking for, and it will only frustrate you and waste your time.

Instead, learn Python, Ruby. These two are easy to learn, have easily understandable and readable syntax, and you'll be able to learn all of the same essential programming concepts as the more difficult languages.

JavaScript wouldn't be a bad choice either, if you want to learn how to build websites at the same time. You'll need to learn basic HTML and CSS too, but those are easy to pick up.

Also, Team Treehouse is a really good resource (monthly subscription though, but great courses), and you can usually find some good courses on Udemy for cheap.
Otherwise, Codecademy is great, as well as youtube.


it's a Berkeley introductory course that gives a pretty good overview of the fundamentals of programming. Lots of hw, projects, and discussion worksheets you can practice with.

The semester just started, and they provide all materials. You can follow along and learn a lot.

I did a variation of 97 in college I called "Little man in the boat computer simulation". I got reported to student services over that one.

Try to understand (truth tables) from philosophy/math/logic class.

Thats the foundation of programming