Do you prefer working with hardware or software?

Do you prefer working with hardware or software?

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Hardware. Software is for soyboys

Change Software for someone from India or a Nu-Male and it will be accurate.

Unless the guy mostly works in assembly, then change it for a wizard.

What's this obsession with soy lately? Can someone explain this meme

any idiot can "work" with "hardware"

Casually the leftist male(nu-male, hipster, snowflake, etc) that is not manly at all love soy which is known for interfering with testosterone thanks to estrogen.
Just a causality.


>which is known for interfering with testosterone thanks to estrogen
the meme has taken this fact and exaggerated it to absurdity though
many foods contain estrogen - dairy for instance is a huge source of dietary estrogen and if you drink out of plastic bottles or use plastic tupperware you are ingesting potent xenoestrogens

>is known for
t. armchair nutritionist

also forgot beer
ironically the stereotypical macho drink is very high in dietary estrogen

I drink my soylent from glass bottles.

People. That's why I always have a job.

Just filthy normalfags coming here to flaunt how much of a nonvirgin they are with lots of friends they have, disgusting

Flipping burgers made of human flesh?

please explain how correlation is causation

Definitely hardware, software is a pain in the ass imo.
I actually decided to enroll in a CS class once because I liked working on my PC. Big mistake, I couldn't program for shit.
Big respect for programmers though, I can't see how they do it but I'm glad there are people out there who enjoy writing code.

>20 fucking 18
>posts .gif



Does hardware mean PC building & plugging things into switches or electronics/PCB design/IC design/etc.?

You leave the Black Science Man out of this.

I don't think op means swapping out a GPU or shit like that .

And now that the children have chosen, what will the adults be having?

This but the opposite. Hardware engineering seems impossible to me outside of small hobby projects. I'm really glad that we have a team of people who just tell us the specs of their designs and we just write software for it.

But I must ask, why can’t the customers talk to the engineers directly?

And I'm glad that you people exist to make the hardware functional.
Isn't it wonderful how different people can enjoy different things?

How does having exclamation marks equate to immaturity ?

The engineers are autistic.

thank god I hated the new star wars now I can officially say Im not a soyboy

I wonder if the people who got laughed at for liking the prequels feel better about themselves now.

the image is missing pug dogs

probably not, since now they're being laughed at for not liking nu star wars


no obviously soldering the computer together is the MANS job

is that a fucking wolf

Siberian husky. The eternal Slav strikes again.

all nutritionists are armchair, it doesn't require any education at all



scratch a russian's skin to reveal a mongol inside

Teamwork is best work.

No retarded devs with retarded dependencies. It's just me and the metal.

russkies are far worse than mongols pic related

not your op but the only guy i know that actually uses exclamation marks works with me and is a complete retard fucking jr. developer after 2 years soyboy i'm grinding my gears just thinking about him

Hardware, looking at the diagrams and how the components work makes sense to me. The fact that we have made rocks do math makes me all fuzzy and warm inside.
Software on the other hand, is like staring at the matrix scrolling by.

Both wtf


And lead in your lungs.


The best way to find out if someone's computer illiterate is to ask them if they prefer hardware or software.
If they say anything along the lines of "I'm a software person," they're a computer illiterate tard who thinks they're the shit because pcpartpicker handheld them and they spent 5 hours on building their PC, 3 YouTube tutorials at hand.


soylent has soy listed as the 40th ingredient, I don't even know if it has a substantial amount in it

I fucking HATE soys

It depends on what you're doing. If you're making something cutting edge, your software solution needs to be tailored to your hardware solution (likely vice versa).

Can we get soyboy into the oxford word of the year for 2018? We can do it boys

That pic is stupid. The CPU is hardware and it is the brain, so the hardware guy can't be the dumb muscle

>the hardware guy can't be the dumb muscle
What does a CPU do without an operating system?

Obviously by 'hardware' he means the typical 'expert on computers' that all he knows is how to build a PC, and guess what nowadays even Tyrone can build one, so it is pretty accurate.
If by hardware you meant low-level programming, circuits, electronics, then both would be the guy on the right.

any dimwit can put components together. It takes a true super intellectual to write functioning programs

The CPU should be a strong guy, and the software should be a stack of books.

average soyboy nintendo bing bing wahoo software developer begging for mercy the second it gets confronted by the BBC chad hardware technician

I think it's supposed to portray the people working with hardware and software, respectively.
Not the actual software and hardware themselves.

Oh, but even then. Software writing is a lot less work and easier than hardware design.

But this picture doesn't represent the Intel brainlords that are actually building computer chips.
It's those retards with a 'computer repair store' that don't actually know what they are doing.

Yes, PC builders are the muscle, no doubt.
The ones that create the components on the other hand, are above high-level programmers, always.

So then it makes sense to have a buff guy doing hardware and some goofy faggot for software?

Then the pic should clarify

soyboys will do anything to not roll up their sleeves and grab a screwdriver/soldering iron.

Designing a cpu is also intellectually more work

Yeah well the pic sucks because it doesn't clarify WTF it means by hardware.

Not even so much, the 'software' guy that works at a store, all that does is install Windows, make backups, and set up programs. Programmers don't work in stores.

are you thirsty after eating that fried chicken you had for lunch?

Are you, brainlet?

Have I hit something? Did I sink it?

Hardware requires skills
Software doesn't, hence why you see so much code-monkey-farms around

Designing a power circuit requires some deep knowledge that an amateur cannot have, whereas writing a web page nowadays is literally brainded tier. All the exiting stuff for CS, like discovery of new data structures and algorithm ended the last century.

wtf is this gay shit?


We're very gay in here
You should get out while you're dick is still unsucked.

Yeah dude, normies love discussing technology on a technology imageboard with other tech enthusiasts.

>tech enthusiasts.
normie detected

oh no
the dog wasnt ready to be eaten so soon

I like hardware but prefer working with software. I'm too brainlet to handle doing large amounts of assembly, compiler, and other low level stuff. Reading the Raymond Chen blog on the Itanium and AXP guides is really interesting though.

If you don't like normies and you think I'm a normie, why are you after my attention?

It mean you didn't git gud enough.
After a certain point using assembly becomes easier and faster than any other language

Are we back in the 80's or something?

Unless you are working on the bleeding edge and are the top of your class, if you studied hardware engineering your degree is a fucking waste.

No one fucking wants CUSTOM solutions for shit. Why do you think raspberry pis and other single board computers are so popular right now? Not because wow you get to learn about hardware but they are WATERED DOWN and GENERIC.

Everything that has its own hardware is expensive and a pain in the fucking ass to maintain. At this point if you think you're cool as shit because you support hardware, you are a fucking moron who deserves to make minimum wage fixing PCs for the rest of your life.

The whole internet of things meme is taking all of your garbage hardware made by chinks and putting it on the network so it can be controlled effectively via software.

>in b4 oh look at my niche solution
Chink detected

more like soyware

Have I captured it? I can spot your type from a supernova away

You're way off dude, sorry. I'm a 30+ virgin who barely leaves the house, if that's normal we're in trouble. The tone I'm getting from you is that you're an outsider from maybe Sup Forums or something.

Amazing, you're living up to it perfectly. I'm better than I thought.

>hardware engineering
Maybe your College™ scammed you, only electronic engineers do exists

Not sure why it matters either way, the topic is hardware and software. You shouldn't focus on meta stuff like this in the thread, if you want to chat with me leave some kind of contact info, don't clutter up the thread.

Your degree is worth less than the paper it was printed on, chink.

Just testing theory, and I don't give a fuck about thread topics

>I don't give a fuck about thread topics
You might do better on a site like Reddit or even just some IRC channels, they allow for chit chat tangents like that and you could probably get better analysis since you'll have accountability, it's harder to profile someone when you can't even guarantee they're the same poster.

>ingesting potent xenoestrogens
Real men use baby safe sippy cups.

I prefer working with dicks.

Imagine being this buttblasted and ignorant, you must be a web dev faggot.
Electronic engineering has countless applications, and not only on the computer market, fucking retard.

>working with hardware
Is this even still a thing? What is your definition of "working with"?
Fabrication? Repair? Or like.. putting a card into a slot?

He is the SOYEST of pedants.

The Chipset is the brain you retard.

CPU does the thinking. Chipset are the other vital organs

the cpu doesn't think, it just blindly follows the instructions given to it