What's the best way to remove the smell of shit (literally) from a leather computer chair?

What's the best way to remove the smell of shit (literally) from a leather computer chair?
I tried clorox wipes and its still there.

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get a new chair and don't shit in the next one

There’s literal shit particles in the foam numbnutz

Don't shit on it in the first place.

oil the leather up and put it under sunlight - the leather has to heat up for the pores to open so all the shit can get out. afterwards wipe the oil off and the leather should be cleaner.

and in the future, have a pillow or some blanket covering your chair to catch all the shit leaking from your dirty ass.
it's easier to wash a pillow than to clean leather properly

I'm not shitting on it, but sometimes I'm doing long session so I have to run to the bathroom and back and don't have time to properly wipe.

For fuck's sake user, that's even worse. Have some dignity.

>Not asking your mom to help you out while you're raiding.

Casual, I would kick you from my party tbhon.

The absolute state of Sup Forums

>don't have time to properly wipe.

maybe it isn't the chair

This is the proper strategy.


Lmao. Whites are so filthy and disgusting. Even if there are any Indians that are apart of that "shit streets" myth we at least my people use water and clean up their butthole. You unhygienic pig

Well, a bit of sunlight wouldn't be bad, I meant you, not the fucking chair

At least whites have learned hygiene

Yeah cool, Arabs were advanced in science and medicine in the middle ages, doesn't matter cause now a bunch of sand niggers are blowing everything up

And indians are still shitting in streets and washing themselves in sewerage till this day

what the fuck nigger


go take a shower ....

Include me in the screencap


>be white male
>go to middle east for work
>use bathroom in office building, shared with other offices on that floor
>water sprayed everywhere, bidet-hand-spray thing lying on floor
>literal shit particles floating around in the water
>paper towels everywhere
>arab guy in the bathroom by the sink peering at his receding hairline
>i know he did it
>flash him a look of pure disgust and gesture to the shitwater flood coming out of the cubicle
>he just shrugs at me and leaves
>overpowering smell of shitty Oud follows him out but doesn't cover up the smell of old body odor and shitwater
>arabs thinking they're remotely clean people just because they wash their hands 5 times a day


buy baby wipes you dirty fat fuck. Jesus christ if you cant wipe properly id hate to see the rest of the house

you need a pro gamer chair like this.

by not shitting on it, you disgusting creature

At least our streets don't have shit in them.

include me in the screenshot

>don't have time to properly wipe.
nigger what?

spread baking soda on it, leave it overnight

>mfw when I know that feeling
I feel you my brother, I feel you.

source this shit nigga

>don't have time to properly wipe

I sent mine to some upholstery shop and had them refabricate it. The Asian lady showed me the old cushioning and it was all brown especially right where my butthole sits. Do we blow out poo particles when we fart? Had i been injected poo parties into my chair?

classic amerisharts

put me in the screencap

>catch all the shit leaking from your dirty ass.

>don't have time to properly wipe

Jesus Christ user....


Holy shit user.


Do you live in India?

you can't fool us Pajeet

put me in the screeny for r/Sup Forums :DD

>I'm not shitting on it, but sometimes I'm doing long session so I have to run to the bathroom and back and don't have time to properly wipe.



just eat your shit for the nutrients


Back to /r9k/ with you, holy shit.

Strong start for a new year boyos

>white """people"""

What said.
Even if you don't want to go full PRO MMO and use diapers like a fucking nerd, baby wipes will at least speed up bathroom usage enough that you won't find yourself justifying THIS SHIT.

>implying OP is white

Put me on the screencap.

And this nasty cretin is why tech enthusiasts get a bad rep.

Are you literally naked? How the fuck are you getting shit on your chair, you fucking freak? Please kill yourself.

Wait just one God damn minute. The only way that not wiping your ass properly would make the chair smell is if you sit on your chair naked from the waist down. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Yes. He probably meant long masturbation sessions. At least use towels people.


op the type of nigga to pull his pants all the way down to take a piss

similar problem i guess
GF ends up making my idea markus cloth meme chair seat smell like vagina because she sits on it while on period or some such
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