Help me decide DE

I'm going to do it. I'm going to wipe out Mac OS on my MacBook Pro and install Debian. I can't decide what DE to install. Have 500G in storage and 16G ram so not concerned about bloat. Help me decide a DE Sup Forums

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Why do you recommend Gnome over others?


Why not

why would you pay so much for a MBP and get rid of the software that was made for the system?

Having some difficulty with High Sierra bugs, some concerns over privacy, and am generally bored.


very valid, heard the High Sierra QA is horrendous

Are you already familiar with Debian? If not, I suggest running it in a virtual machine while learning. You can have more than one DE but DEfags get autismal about which. You always have the command line so I don't.

Sample Gnome on Debian. If like, keep. If not, switch and choose either on logon.

Ok. Going to try with Gnome. Here goes. Say a prayer for me and sacrifice a bull in my honor.

whats wrong with your thats literally the worst decision.
kde, xfce (if its older), or be a man and use i3 installed on top of a net-iso

gnome2 is fine. gnome3 is a buggy abortion that happens when the world makes everyone use web dev as a ui

Found your problem.

Gnome is closest to fag os but you can put a dock on just about any de, so i say install kde. Any other obscure crap is just inferior, or useless for anything but ricing.

LXQt. It's the thinking man' DE.

Anything besides GNOME. I use XFCE myself and I have been eyeing out KDE after debloat (seems to be as light as XFCE without effects), otherwise I might go full crazy with LXQt since my laptop battery is going to shit.

gnome is cute. cute!

Don't use Gnome, it was good but it's beyond help now. I have a pretty decent laptop and it's slow in there. It's very annoying bloat, like doing shit in the background you don't asked for and don't need.

You're good with XFCE or KDE.

Indeed, but the devs should die in a fire with that "GNOME is THE Linux desktop" act, and it still leaks memory ffs.

gnome3.22 is really stable.

>lxde but lighter and more customizable
Thanks Sup Forumsent

I've used Debian for 3 month on my MBA mid-2013 and it was a pleasing experience, but I've switched back to macOS because the battery was shit. Even with powertop, tlp and other optimisations, I could not last longer than 3h30, while I can last easily 7 to 8h on macOS.

Assuming you're on Debian.
I'm from your future. In your referential, in a few years you'll see Gnome will make more and more stupid moves, like removing tray icon, then icon on desktop.
KDE will be a little less bloated, but nobody uses it, so I can't confirm.
XFCE however, hasn't moved a iota? Still screen tearing, sorry :(

Hope it help

You'll be back on MacOS in 4 days if you get Linux installed at all.

Try Lumina, OP. Building it from source is a breeze. Just do:
# apt-get install build-essential git qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools libqt5gui5 qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5multimediawidgets5 libqt5network5 libqt5svg5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxcb-composite0-dev libxcb-damage0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libphonon-dev libxcomposite-dev libxdamage-dev libxrender-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-screensaver0-dev qtdeclarative5-dev fluxbox kde-style-oxygen xscreensaver xbacklight alsa-utils acpi numlockx pavucontrol xterm sysstat

to fetch all dependencies, and then
$ git clone
$ cd lumina;qmake
$ make

to compile it, and finally install it with
# make install

It's actually little bit heavier. Lighter than Xfce.

So I made it about 30 minutes in Gnome before I just hated it so much I couldn't deal with life. Downloaded and installed MX linux and I like it much better. Debian but spruced up a bit. Also nice to have a menu with XFCE DE.