Be Italian

>be Italian
>could get on any boat and end up in any Anglo developed country
>choose to settle in South America


Argentina was much wealthier in the early 20th century

South America wasn't that bad also more space and better lands.


Also why Brazil ?

Italians were literally the Mexicans of the 19th century

Does the saying "Riche comme un argentin" rings a bell?
Brazil was welthier than the US by the end of the Empire for example.

I can't tell you why but brazil seems to have lots of random groups. Like japs. Why would japs move to brazil?

>Riche comme un argentin
I don't know this expression.

Because choosing between New Jersey and Brazil is a hard choice

You know learning Spanish or Portuguese from Italian isn't all that difficult

Marketing campaign and promising future.

New Jersey has to be better than Argentina

I think

That's true though. If you look at HDI rankings Argentina sits at the top above the US, Canada and most of Europe.

I know HDI is kind of a meme but even so it's still a good way to know if a country is a shithole or not.


You don't because it's from when Argentina was as rich as any western european country.

By the mid-19th century and beginning of the 20th century many places of Latin America were on pair in terms of development with anglo and european nations. This combined with constant conflicts in war-torn Europe at the time led to many europeans to migrate to countries with promising futures back then.

Migrating to Buenos Aires or Sao Paulo wasn't that much different than migrating to New York.

No one expected that Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela would become the shitholes they became.


They fucked up

Brazil had subsidized immigration, which turned out to be more or less like modern serfdom (you never pay your debts), there were places that prohibited emigration to Brazil, besides most people back then didn't know they were coming to Brazil, they thought they were going to "America".

Imagine being an Italian Mexican

Food might be good

That explains Pizza Mexicana being so good

>No one expected that Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela would become the shitholes they became.
Where did it all go so wrong?
Hardmode: Don't say Socialism or CIA

In Brazil was the end of the Empire then the military dictatorship.


Monroe doctrine.

Populism, keynesianism and protectionism, with a retarded political class