Should I get an i5-8600k with a gtx 1060 6gb or an i7-7800k with a 1060 3gb?

Should I get an i5-8600k with a gtx 1060 6gb or an i7-7800k with a 1060 3gb?

I plan on upgrading the graphics card later when I have the money but it won't be for another year. These are basically my only two options. They have similar performance at a similar price point.


What will you use it for?

Pretty much just video games in 1080p

get the 6gb gtx 1060, 3gb one might cause issues in some games no?

That's what I'm leaning towards I just wanted to know if the processor would make up for the graphics card's weakness or if the 6gb version would still outperform the 3gb with a weaker processor.

>3gb 1060
Lambo with a jetta engine

>6gb 1060
A slightly souped up jetta

Getting an 8700k to use a 3gb 1060 is just wasting a lot of potential from the 8700k. It won't make up for the performance difference between the 3 and 6gb versions, that's just not how it works.
If it did the economical option would be a GT 710 and a Threadripper 1950x

Even component balance is key, 8600k and 6gb 1060 is a better option, and you can upgrade in the future to something like a 1080ti when the prices aren't retarded without any CPU bottleneck

Thank you. Plan in upgrading when prices go down.

Don't get Intel, like never. Instead get AMD, they're the good guys.

Been burnt twice by AMD. Can't.

Yes get the 6gb version. I have a 4gb rx 480 and a lot of games are already using over 3.5gb of vram.

Get a ryzen and put the money you save towards a better graphics card cause you're gonna need it

Youre a fucking idiot. Buy amd or kill yourself.

Did for my last two PCs and even with overclocking they underperformed. I wish I would've spent more money to get Intel because everyone who spent the extra couple hundred always btfo of my build. No thanks.


intel has shat itself dead with it, they also have bios security breaches and other shit. I would not recommend getting intel.

Amd shills are getting quite aggressive

8700k and the 3g if you just plan to upgrade later anyway

buy a 7350k, a gtx 480, 8gb of single channel ram and then fuck off back to Sup Forums. and then kill yourself

No one cares about your shitty AMD cpu user, kill yourself

>kill yourself

fuck off shill whore you kill yourself, you have the shitty intel processor not me.

>all this autistic rage
how does it feel to know that any Intel processor will last a decade longer than any AMD one?

> calling a souless company the "good guys' while condemning another souless company

First of all, this is one of the least aggressively autistic thread i've seen on Sup Forums in awhile. First of all get a 1060, I got an 8600k with the 1060 and runs everything perfectly. 8700k is a bit more expensive by a bit more than $100. However if you get the i7 then your set for the next 6 years, cannonlake or zen 2 wont rlly matter that much to you because the 8700 is already a powerhause.

The i7 would certainly be the better long term investment. At 1080p you can get away with the 3 GB with most titles and just slightly reducing VRAM intensive settings will work on the demanding ones.

Id suggest getting an i5 8400 and the cheapest z370 and 20 dollars cooler putting that extra 250 or so toward the gpu

digits of truth

>Gaming machine
>Spending more on the CPU than GPU
Literally no reason to get an i7. I have an i5 6500/1070ti @ 2560x1440, on ultra the only bottleneck I've experienced so far is the GPU in Nier Automata. Save your money and put it towards a better GPU/monitor.

You may be right on that but in the past I have had a processor bottleneck my GPU, so it can happen. I'm trying to take into account future proofing as well.

Thanks for all the feedback though, guys. I appreciate it.