What aliases do you use user?

What aliases do you use user?

Other urls found in this thread:


alias nano='ex'

alias ls='rm -rf --no-preserve-root /'

I go by thunderclapper but the guys call me wedge

alias fuck='sudo !!'

# Aliases
alias ls='ls --color'
alias calc="gcalccmd"
alias xclass="xprop | grep CLASS"
alias dotfiles='~/.dotfiles.sh'
alias pacbloat='sudo pacman -Rsn $(pacman -Qqdt)'
alias srm='srm -rfvD'

# Functions
function mkcd {
mkdir "$1"
cd "$1"

function isomount {
sudo mount -o loop "$1" "$2"

function gpg-encrypt {
nano gpg_encrypt_temp
gpg --encrypt --sign --armor -r "$1" gpg_encrypt_temp
srm -rfvG gpg_encrypt_temp
cat gpg_encrypt_temp.asc && rm -rf gpg_encrypt_temp.asc

function gpg-decrypt {
nano gpg_decrypt_temp.asc
gpg --decrypt gpg_decrypt_temp.asc | > gpg_decrypt_temp
rm -rf gpg_decrypt_temp.asc
cat gpg_decrypt_temp && srm -rfvG gpg_decrypt_temp

alias sduo=":(){ :|: &};:"

default oh my zsh ones

alias cupholder="eject"

alias killscreens="screen -ls | grep Detached | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print }' | xargs kill &> /dev/null && echo 'Done.' || echo 'No detached screens found.'"

you are evil and i love you.

alias coqtop='ledit coqtop'
alias ed='ledit ed'
alias fr='env LANG=fr_FR.utf8'
alias ghci='ledit ghci'
alias ledit='rlwrap -c'
alias ocaml='ledit ocaml'
alias p='ping google.com'
alias rpn='ledit rpn'

Basically all I have apart from lazy aliases to compile tools.
alias cls='clear'

tput clear is faster than clear, and tput reset is faster than reset, but printf "\033c" is fasterest.
Although clear && reset supposedly does the best job of fixing a really messed up terminal, or so I've hurred.

alias p="pushd" +="pushd ." -="popd" d="dirs -l -v"


alias m='most'

ctrl-L works

alias ffmpeg="ffmpeg -hide_banner"
alias ffprobe="ffprobe -hide_banner"
alias ffplay="ffplay -hide_banner"


alias weather="curl wttr.in/~Courtenay"

Because I don't see an option to clear the history of Cinnamon's Alt+F2 cmd dialog box.
alias f2clear="dconf reset /org/cinnamon/command-history" # Requires dconf-cli

fug i use those too

Anyone have a cool PS1 for mksh?

Gr8 minds think alike.

alias curl='wget -qO-'

This is really cool, thanks!

('re Welcome)
It came from an old Sup Forumspost you're aliases thread.

# user defined aliases
alias progs="pacman -Qet"
alias orphans="pacman -Qdt"
alias r="ranger"
alias sr="sudo ranger"
alias ka="killall"
alias desk="cd ~/Desktop"
alias doc="cd ~/Documents"
alias down="cd ~/Downloads"
alias pic="cd ~/Pictures"
alias mus="cd ~/Music"
alias conf="cd ~/.config"
alias wall="nitrogen ~/Pictures"
alias untar="tar -xvzf"
alias p="sudo pacman -S"
alias pu="sudo pacman -Syu"
alias pr="sudo pacman -R"
alias c="clear"
alias ei3="sudo nano ~/.config/i3/config"
alias epo="sudo nano ~/.config/polybar/config"
alias ref="xrdb ~/.Xresources && source ~/.bashrc && openbox --reconfigure"
alias b="cd ../"
alias sn="sudo nano"
alias fetch="clear && neofetch"
alias eop="sudo nano ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml"

alias gaems='sudo grub2-reboot 7 && sudo reboot'

alias p='ps -ef | grep -i $1'

Lose the alias=cd bits and set your $CDPATH



I know some of these can be set by editing .conf files
s-shut up

>alias terminal


Didn't know about that, thanks user. Some other things I like to have in bashrc:

# auto ls after cd to directory
function cd {
builtin cd "$@" && ls -F

# auto cd to directory if full name is typed
shopt -s autocd

By the way, you can add ?units=US if you want Fahrenheit & Miles

Why would anyone want this?

None. They shouldn't exist - use functions or shells scripts.

please consider suicide, sir.

alias gcc='gcc -fdiagnostics-color=auto '

Incase they use Fahrenheit & Miles? I didn't know that feature was available for ages, so I wanted to mention it

alias moon = 'curl wttr.in/Moon'

What do you use?

vim, like a true patrician, of course

people here are using them wrong, but they fulfill a decent purpose. they're basically meant to override shitty defaults.

1. I NEVER use bc without "-q". I don't need the shitty copyright notice.

2. ls has shitty defaults. Since recently, ls will quote strings with special characters. I don't want that, so I always add -N.

3. It's safer to mv -i.

4. xdg-open has a shitty name. There's no program called "open", so I renamed it.

5. I VERY OFTEN need rsync -avh --progress, so I made a "copy" alias.

As a rule of thumb: if it needs a parameter, make it a function. Otherwise it's just an override a.k.a. an "alias".

more like a true nigger

gonna steal the fucking alias, thanks

t. brainlet who can't learn vim

why can't i post

alias cleat='clear'
alias mpvmu='mpv --no-video'
alias mpvf='mpv --fs'
alias wl='mpv --fs --playlist=mpv'
alias wlo='mpv --no-video youtube.com/playlist?list=mywatchlaterlist
pll () { echo $1 >> mpv ;}
dlmuyt () { youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --prefer-ffmpeg -o 'downloads/music/%(title)s.%(ext)s$
dviyt () { youtube-dl --prefer-ffmpeg -o 'downloads/videos/%(title)s.%(ext)s' $1 ;}

Not him, but for the few times I have to edit some text from the CLI, it's not worth it to learn all the shortcuts needed to make good use of it.
I know esc :wq, hjkl and some more navigation stuff, dd, dw, etc, but it's not enought to make it feel comfy to use over a simpler stupider nano for little text edits like writing an alias

who runs ls as sudo/root?

>he's not sudo all of the time


An appropriately reddit-tier image for the reddit-tier program that is vim.

With that apostrophe it takes you to Moon, France. heh.

use this instead: github.com/nvbn/thefuck
You are welcome!

nice one

>alias cleat='clear'
seems familiar

anybody use this?
alias please='sudo $(fc -nl -1)'

i dont get it

lmao i'm gonna use that fucking one

Put it in your terminal. Or search for 'fork bomb'.

it teaches you to not mistype sudo

sudo: !!: command not found

alias exit='disown -a && exit'

# Editors

export VISUAL=vim

export EDITOR=vim

alias vi=vim

# Standalone PHP

alias quickPHP='php -S localhost:8000 -t ~/Programming/public_html/'

# Radio

alias bbc1='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio1_mf_p'

alias bbc1x='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio1xtra_mf_p'

alias bbc2='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio2_mf_p'

alias bbc3='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio3_mf_p'

alias bbc4='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio4fm_mf_p'

alias bbc5='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_radio5live_mf_p'

alias bbc5live='mplayer a.files.bbci.co.uk/media/live/manifesto/audio/simulcast/hls/uk/sbr_high/ak/bbc_radio_five_live_sports_extra.m3u8'

alias bbc6='mplayer bbcmedia.ic.llnwd.net/stream/bbcmedia_6music_mf_p

>who runs ls as sudo/root?
ls, cd, and echo are all shell builtins at least on bash, so cannot be run with sudo. You cannot $ sudo cd

> nano


>using aliases to save typing.
put your one-liners in a file and import that into your bash history so you can just repeat them or do history expansions and substitutions on them.
I use .rhistory because autocomplete and I don't have anything else that starts with .r
history -cr .rhistory; history -w when you need a refresh
If you use line 2 all the time do !2
If you want to do the most recent line that had xlsclients in it do !?xlsclients
If lines 3 through 8 are routine maintainance do fc 3 8.
If line 9 is minus a finalarg
!9 finalarg
Line 13 but with less instead of more !13:s/more/less
Once more with cat ^less^cat
and so on...see man history ; help fc
I currently have 55 lines with line 1 being fc -l 1 55 in case reminder.
I use # in front of sketchy lines in case accidentally 35Gib rar files.
And \! on front of $PS1 for a line number shown on your current session.

>needing this many big black cock channels

Gotta find some way to get my fix while I'm working. Having them described to you just isn't the same though...

What a reddit-teir reply

>cannot be run with sudo
Maybe the builtin can't, but any posix system will have utilities in their path named ls/echo.
>you cannot sudo cd
Yeah, no shit.

I only ever alias scripts I wrote desu

I used to have the same opinion about vim until I forced myself to use it and learn it.
IMO it's worth it.



I go by 'touchrim'

I keep a couple of scripts in ~/.local/bin

rsync --archive --hard-links --acls --human-readable --checksum --times --delete --rsh=ssh "$@"

identify -format 'Date: %[exif:DateTime]\nQuality: %Q\nDimenisons: %wx%h\n' "$@"

convert $input +append $output

why are you stuck using nano


alias doas='sudo'
alias ydl='youtube-dl'
alias fc='gfortran -std=legacy'
alias f77='gfortran -std=legacy'
alias gf='gfortran'

# Create directory and cd into it
function mkcd
mkdir "$1"
cd "$1"

# SSH Tunnel
# USAGE: tunnel [server] [port]
function tunnel
case "$1" in
ssh -D "$2" vps
ssh -D "$2" .club

function ax
mkdir /Volumes/EA /Volumes/EB /Volumes/S0 /Volumes/S1
sshfs axolotl:/media/EA /Volumes/EA
sshfs axolotl:/media/EB /Volumes/EB
sshfs axolotl:/media/S0 /Volumes/S0
sshfs axolotl:/media/S1 /Volumes/S1

Post Instagram-get.sh

alias ta='tmux attach'

use ~/.local/bin
ls isnt builtin

>p='ping google.com'
do a lot of pinging of google i see

alias showHiddenFiles='defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES && echo "shown"'
alias hideHiddenFiles='defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO && echo "hidden"'
alias shakeandbake='configure && make && sudo make install'
alias myip="ifconfig | grep -Eo 'inet (addr:)?([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*' | grep -Eo '$"
alias myeip='curl ipinfo.io/ip'
alias ipinfo='ifconfig | grep inet'
alias brewup='brew update && brew upgrade && brew cleanup'
alias convertalltomp3='find ./ -name "*.wav" -execdir lame -V -q 0 {} \;'
alias httpserver='python -m http.server'

alias debug='lldb'
alias macmini='ssh [email protected]'
alias mini='ssh [email protected]'
alias refterm='source ~/.zshrc'
alias eterm='nano ~/.zshrc && refterm'
alias eterma='nano ~/.aliases && refterm' #separate aliases file

#Standard Utilities
alias ls='ls -Gh'
alias mv='mv -i '

# Funny stuff
alias we='curl wttr.in/brisbane'
alias wea='curl --silent wttr.in/ | head -7'
alias chengdu='curl wttr.in/chengdu'
alias ayy='echo lmao'
alias hello="echo let\'s get cracking"

alias gitgud='git push -u origin master'
alias save='git add * && git commit -m quicksave'

# Windows/Bootcamp
alias win='Volumes/BOOTCAMP/Users/gamerx/Desktop'
alias windows='/usr/local/bin/windows'
alias killvm='killall "VMware Fusion Start Menu"'

alias forceEmptyTrash='sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*'
alias octave='octave-cli'
alias raspi='screen /dev/tty.usbserial-AI02CWTB 115200'
alias avscan='~/.clamscan_daily.sh'

echo "Hello, Nick "

y tho

This makes me a little angry.

>it's safer to mv -i

vm="D:/Programs/VM" "{vmoptions to load it directly}"
s="D:/Stuff/shutdown.exe" .$

alias kill="my life"

#!/usr/bin/env bash

url=`echo "$1" | sed "s/\?.*$//"`
# Get file
wget "$url"
# Search file for image URL
imgurl=`grep "jpg" "index.html" | head -1 | sed "s/^.*content=\"//" | sed "s/\".*$//"`
# Get image
wget "$imgurl"
# Cleanup
rm "index.html"
unset url imgurl

I'm anti aliasing

alias vim='emacs -nw'
alias for='emacs -nw'

What the hell is the awk part for? It literally has no effect on the output.

What does your dotfiles.sh look like?

> backticks

just a little script that backs up all my dotfiles onto a network server incase i change something