Is there any reason to use Atom when Visual Studio Code exists?

Is there any reason to use Atom when Visual Studio Code exists?

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there any reason to use Electron and Microshit spew when Vim exists?

Is there any reason to use computers when pen and paper exists?

why does atom use over 400 mb of ram - it's just a text editor ffs


No. At least MS performed some optimisations on the electron shell itself, it's fairly lean compared against most other electron cancer, and considering that it can be extended to be a full IDE for some languages

Is there any reason to fap when women exist?

You have that the wrong way around

You must be white and or japanese.

Atom has better Fountain tools for screenwriting.

VS Code has a Fountain extension as well, which was forked from the Atom extension linked above, but VSC's hasn't been updated since it first came out and is ages behind Atom's.

Does anyone actually use it for screenwriting? I thought serious screenwriters, even amateurs, used dedicated applications.

What's a computa?

or just Word

Hello, Tyrone

>code editor's only pro is using it for a non-coding purpose
the absolute state of github sjws and their shitwipe """"software""""

It has an astoundingly steep learning curve.

Vim? No it doesn't, it even comes bundled with an interactive tutorial, vimtutor

Some plugins are only in one that arent in the other.

Atom's Vim mode plus is vastly superior to the comparable offering in VSC. In some ways its even better than VIM itself, even Vim+Plugins.

I’m not autistic

it's chromium


>doesn't have a steep learning curve
>requires a tutorial just to teach you the basics of navigating the text


The only reason anyone uses atom over VSCode, is they either hate MS itself, or they just haven't discovered VSCode yet