Was Unity ahead of its time?

Was Unity ahead of its time?

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It's funny how Sup Forums seemed to hate it up until the moment it was discontinued.

Probably, but it is still bloated. But better than Gnome...
I didn't hate it, I didn't care about it simply.

literally anything other than gnome 3 right now is better

I liked it when I started out with linux. It was a nice DE, granted I was running Ubuntu on a potato and it really killed my performance. Rip in pieces Unity.

unity is a dumpster fire.


>switch the default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME next year.
>ending development of Ubuntu software for phones and tablets
Canonical are fucked

It was shit then, its shit now, it'll be shit in the future.

I made the mistake of asking to be set up with ubuntu gnome at work. God its a nasty DE. I miss the mac mini i was on but the shit was way too slow

get xfce

I might try it. I declined arch because it is not as well supported an ubuntu but it has manjaro gnome and i would really like it if i would run that on ubuntu

Here's what I did. Get XFCE, customise your desktop, and download another DE as a backup. I had cinnamon, but that failed on me, and I had already purged all my other DEs so I was fucked. Is it worth the extra disk space? Yea, its better than having to rescue my data

Yeah thats what the guy who set it up said, if i dont like it i can install another one. Disk space doesnt matter its a work pc with no media saved to it just pulled repos

LIM and HUD was ahead of everything and still is.

Clearly. They've now been vindicated by everything that has happened since.

I am tried to writing it again and again in many other threads so here's the short of it.
* Logical keyboard shortcuts provide a great mouseless experience.
* dash search is ages beyond other search systems.
* it mostly sucked because cannonical had to patch every gnome app so that it would not look fat. And look thin and sexy.

No, it was a Frankenstein that keep Compiz on live support for a decade.

no it was just a copy of os x which was around since 2000

They managed to have the least shitty hidpi implementation on any OS save for maybe OSX.


I think the way they merged the title bar with a global menu at the top was a really cool idea.

I love It, the global menu, that functionality that lets you use the search bar to navigate through menus and the fact that it was quite lightweight, I just can't find anything like unity.

Unity was shit because it was unstable and not customizable. The fact that it was Gnome/GTK based didn't help. But it's UI was great since it was an extremely compact GUI and had some great space-saving tricks.

Yeah the space saving stuff was nice on small screens but the bugs were atrocious. Gnome is crap on my laptop because of its oversized menus but at least it works and the tweak tool adds easy extensibility.

ppl who like it didn't complain like fags or cuckhat shills did everywhere, we were busy enjoying our desktop.
Now thanks to those faggots, we are fucked.

I'm don't want to use Windows again because it is a piece of shit but I'm considering it because I don't like any other DE.
Probably if Plasma 5.12 or LxQt are shit I'm going back to suck ms cock.

unity was gnome shell with patches gnome did not want to accept

it was just the best pseudo OSX for Linux