Post good valid reasons why aren't you running BSD or at least why you haven't tried a BSD based distribution Sup...

Post good valid reasons why aren't you running BSD or at least why you haven't tried a BSD based distribution Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: with Gentoo

That image is reason enough to discourage me. I don't want to use an OS popular for gay rapists.

I've tried free, net, and open bsd as virtual machines and not one of them had the package manager working. i wouldn't mind using it, so i'll probably try again soon

1. GNU coreutils is better as far as functionality.
2. I/O scheduling on every BSD I've tried is pure cancer.
3. BSD has poor hardware support, and I don't mean desktops. It's much harder to find a FreeBSD kernel for your obscure ARM board than it is for Linux.
4. UFS is dog shit, ZFS takes far too much RAM. If I need an advanced file system, I'll use btrfs, which is recently stabilized. EXT4 is extremely stable and hard to kill too.
5. I prefer the Bazaar model for distributions, like Linux. Easy to get a 10MB distro for Linux, not so much for FreeBSD etc.
6. There's a lot more drivers for Linux, and they're often of a higher quality.

So there.

because linux is far more superior

Lots of us use a OS based on BSD, which is Mac OS which uses Darwin OS.

Why would you assume the penguin here is male.

Not enough of a benefit for me to switch.

I've been using it on my desktop for more than 5 years and never had a single problem or regret.

Mac OS only uses the userland though

Linux supports more hardware

Its basically a hobby project for old people that spend their free time convincing weak minded soyboys that it has potential.

Because he's not enjoying it.

>1. GNU coreutils is better as far as functionality.
>2. I/O scheduling on every BSD I've tried is pure cancer.
i cant comment on this, havent tried bsd
>3. BSD has poor hardware support, and I don't mean desktops. It's much harder to find a FreeBSD kernel for your obscure ARM board than it is for Linux.
this is probably the main reason i stick with linux

nice to see uriel still getting some love

He drank too deeply of the copyleft is bad kool-aid and forgot it was an elaborate ruse.

Same shit happens to jihadists.

>I don't want to use an OS popular for gay rapists.
I've got bad news for you...

why isn't copyleft bad tho

I use pfsense, does that count?

>Post good valid reasons why aren't you running BSD or at least why you haven't tried a BSD based distribution Sup Forums?
Because even BSDfags have to admit that {Free,Open}BSD on your desktop is a fucking joke.

Sometimes I wonder if Uriel was severely autistic. I can't find a single picture of him where he makes direct eye contact with either the camera or another person, a trait commonly associated with autism.

I run OpenBSD on my laptop

Because linux touches rim

Me too, and so happy with it

24 replies in but no cuck license? Neo Sup Forums is shit.

The cuck memers are neo-Sup Forums

> ZFS takes far too much RAM
This illiterate shit again

BTRFS is terrible. Can’t hold a candle to its predecessor. People who use it in 2018 are either retards or Linux fanatics. If you are stuck on Linux might as well just use LVM2 and XFS.

linux and bsd are basically the same thing. if not then tell me the difference between bsd gnome and fedora gnome? they basically look the same and feel the same. You just use different commands

Is there any practical advantage for desktop/laptop use over running Linux? I was tempted to try some BDS when I saw you can run xfce on it, but just out of curiosity.

can you give an actual reason for why its terrible

> Linux
> minimalism
Don't worry, systemD will creep it's very in all linux components

Because it has poor compatibality. Its obscure dong.

If you want nonpaid os, debian/ubuntu/mint and redhat/centos/fedora have pretty decent compatibility.

openbsd package manager works just fine for me. only thing you might have to do is pick a mirror in /etc/installurl, and you don't even have to do that if you selected one during install

I remember seeing a video of him giving a talk at some conference. Don't remember what it was though.

avoiding eye contact does not equal autism
it's a symptom of many common psychological disorders, especially social anxiety

Why do you think of tux as male? Who has ever heard of a male brand mascot, especially in software and computing?

considering he killed himself it's safe to say he was psychologically disordered

What do I gain for switching to a cuck license?

Forget the license memes and focus on the software. This is the technology board, not the legal one

The name implies he's tucking something.

Haha what? Coreutils is a fucking joke. Try to compile them manually and see what happens.

I did try it search warosu for a latitude d500 you'll see my problems with it.
The short of it is this.
1. FreeBSD did not even start
2. OpenBSD did start but it was a pain in the ass just to get internet working.
3. I might try a *BSD again in the future.
4. Haiku worked much better.

I use runit
Also didnt systemd recently get ported to openBSD?

>OpenBSD did start but it was a pain in the ass just to get internet working.
1. plug in cable
2. sh /etc/netstart
3. there is no 3

1. ifconfig iwn0 nwid networkname wpakey networkkey
2. sh /etc/netstart
3. there is no 3


I'm neither running any Linux distro, because just like FreeBSD it has:
3)You have to learn over 9001 terminal comands and memorize a dozen of terminal shortcuts IN 2018, WHEN HE HAVE GUI

I like bsd. For my work and internet surfing I'm using MacOS and for gaming I'm using Orbis OS. Whatsapp server os? FreeBSD is the way to go.

p.s. FreeBSD for faggots. see the pic

I like to solve my own problems and sometimes even contribute the solutions back. Why should I help fund future corporate cancerware with my labor?

You're not, you're helping the project you're contributing to.

This one?

Good talk if he didn't say ERHM every few seconds.

I find it hilarious when macfags try to claim that their duct-taped OS is somehow a BSD when Applel just copy and pasted a few things like the coreutils from FreeBSD. Imagine trying to pretend to be related to a heaping pile of shit like FreeBSD just for a tiny bit of credibility.

autotools make me want to hang myself in general

It has an actual support. As an European is like the date -s format in openbsd more, but that's all.

The autistic mug-cutting prince of r/golang decided to assume the harmfulness his own lifero.

>the "you need to learn terminal commands to use linux" meme
In a normal beginner friendly distro there is basically nothing thats required to do in a terminal. And if you for some obscure reason need to use it you still dont have to learn it, just copy/paste and be done

Computer is here for allowing you to work, have fun and not getting in the way. So I don't use systems where you spend your time "managing" the machine.

>"i feel like my obscure OS with no software just isn't obscure enough."
>"wait, I know!"


>I'm using MacOS
>p.s. FreeBSD for faggots. see the pic
See the pattern.

Because I went back to using Windows Enterprise on my main laptop after Linux has become a systemd infected mess. I recently migrated my home server to OpenBSD though.

im not running a BSD based distribution because i have tried it.

Neither free nor open BSD support my years old GPU, so for me they're dead on desktop.

Tried it.
It's garbage.
Stop shilling garbage.
Why do you shill garbage?

God that image made me cum so hard

No software

OpenBSD lacks a good alternative to Linux cgroup feature. This makes it unsuitable for any mainstream containerization solution. FreeBSD has docker port which uses jails instead but I don't want to use FreeBSD because I don't like the developers. I tried to reason with them about bugs but they're elitist ass holes like the gnome devs.

how can you stand windows? why not use a systemdless distro?

Linux is a kernel. BSD a complete OS.

no disk encryption

all of the BSDs have disk encryption user

Next time you say Linux isn't a prime platform for GNU coreutils...

The only completely free BSD is LibertyBSD and it's not even FSF approved.

Because I still use Windows 7 mainly as I have to actually work on my PC (use photoshop etc).

I tried mint for a few months, but hell, if I can't even get the proper software for working on linux, how the fuck should I get it for BSD?

Doesn't matter what you use. Systemd is included in all the major distros and more and more software has systemd as a dependency. It's only a matter of time before you will have to install systemd to use emacs or compile something with gcc because they both have systemd as a dependency.

Also, the thing you said about systemd being ported to OpenBSD is not only not true, but also makes no sense.

Why is there a nigger claiming to use Photoshop for work in every single thread? How is that even possible?

It's his actual work.

Yes, it is. I need it to check on and do very simple changes to the work the artists do, as I develop small software solutions. And not only that, also other art and productive software that only runs on windows for some reason

Also, the weakest point of non-windows imo really is graphic software.

Everything but blender sucks total ass. Even Gimp and Pinta

Larping this hard.

I use OpenBSD on my desktop and no one can hack me.

Doas kicked off sudo.

>install openbsd as first BSD
>heh its easy install
>oops theres no handbook only have man pages
>k time to install freebsd I can learn BSD from there
>error code 1 attempting to build modded kernel

Feeling real JUST using BSD OP, might as well install gentoo at this point


Except everybody with spectre and meltdown.

Containers are a meme anyway. OpenBSD still has jails, and 6.2 (and CURRENT) has

>OpenBSD still has jails

if you're not pulling the source code and compiling your updates, you're not running a BSD

Because I support a superior European OS. Amerimutts on suicide watch.

>the same application is still the same when run on different platforms
gee, who would've thought

openbsd has a FAQ which is kind of a misnomer

im happy with linux

i said a reason, not a two hour vlog

>unironically expecting user to watch a 131 minutes long bullshit

Because everyone that I know who uses it is an arrogant piece of shit

Gentoo/SourceMage/Slackware/Void are probably the closest things to bsd in the linux world desu. Not as nicely organized as a neatly separated base+ports system, but they're decent alternatives in a pinch.

your fault for asking about what's wrong with a silly Linux project. Even 2hrs isn't nearly enough to contain all that bullshit.

Portage BTFO everything at BSDs and other Linux distros.

OpenBSD is okay. Trying right now on my X200. On a different note: some user linked to a talk about *BSD security that took place in 2017. tl;dr OpenBSD > FreeBSD > NetBSD.

guess you dont have an argument


even sourcemage's bash scripts are nicer than crusty old portage: with Gentoo

We should make the mods use BSD for a couple of weeks.
They'd be so pissed off, they'd delete all BSD shill threads on sight.