Taking upper division computer science courses

>taking upper division computer science courses
>seeing classmates taking notes with a fucking paper and pen/pencil

Who are these dinosaurs?

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Pen and paper is patrician note-taking user, get better taste

I also enjoy pen/pencil/paper.

But I switched from CS to Math s my exp. probably isn't applicable.

I have a steel pen and ink just for this purpose. pretty gud user

Writing by hand increases memory retention.

I feel sorry for Pen&Paper cucks who have to carry around huge binders.

>t. facebook browsing retard

Be honest. The retards in the lower-level classes with laptops aren't even paying attention. They're on facebook and shit

what software or plugin do you use for notes senpai/

If you're taking COMPUTER SCIENCE courses you don't need a computer. If you're just doing code monkey shit then feel free to bring your laptop.


Pencil/paper is more flexible and more comfy. Screens are actually shit, everyone uses them because paper doesn't have an Internet connection.

"Upper division computer science courses" are just math classes, good luck browsing Facebook in class retard

Writing something down with pen(cil) + paper and saying it out loud to yourself will help you learn it better 99% of the time. As opposed to mindlessly typing 100WPM and forgetting things 5 minutes later

Enjoy your filing cabinet faggot.

Why aren't they fucking around on facebook like all the other brainlets.

for someone with slower learning, pen and paper is very good method for remember something what you've been taught.

>>writing shitty unrecongnizable sudo code on some piece of paper while listening to your indian instructor lecture about Delhi.

No thank you


>sudo code
uh oh

The only time I saw someone be productive during class while on a computer was some dude writing up all the notes in fucking latex.
Everything. Math equations, side notes, everything the professor said and wrote on the board. I was completely blown away, props to that guy.

For my job, a small notebook in the back left pocket and a pen is far quicker and more convenient than digital means, as well as the fact that laptops/phones/etc. are restricted from use where I do most of my work.



I considered doing that myself, but I don't actually use my notes, and drawing figures can be mega aids especially in mathematics.

the professor who taught programming languages/OS/automata theory for me already had everything in easy-to-digest slides so doing handwritten notes was a cinch. it wasnt a surprise that i was the one who graduated with the best GPA in CS and all the fucks who brought their windows laptops and barely paid attention barely graduated.

what textbook (if any) did you use for automata theory?

what kind of notes would you write during the lectures?


>huge binders
ok manlet

Taking notes on a computer is generally for Pajeets studying IT or software development. For computer science, pencil and paper is most sensible

Enjoy your useless brain.


WROGN FUCKING. I used pen and paper. Only in MIT I see neckbeards browsing facebook in one tab and writing in notepad in other tab. We are not allowed to open laptop during class which obviously tell that you are cucking in Facebook.

>get you jobs

This is literally the only actual argument for pen&paper. Everyone else sounds like they have ADD and can't focus since facebook is apparently too enticing

me desu

pretty transphobic teebee aitch
someone should raise awareness of this gross microagression

>Claims to be MIT
>His ability to write a sentence says otherwise

>Who are these dinosaurs?
People who are going to do well in school and life

>sudo code

Tablets have too much latency

>going to lectures
not me

>sudo code
$ sudo code
C.O.D.E. v10.4.83c
Released under the GNU GPLv2 license
All rights reserved
No "POWER_LEVEL" environment variable found, defaulting to "0":


what the FUCK is this?

it's sudo code can't you fucking read

but what does it do

man code

$ man code
nice try ;-)

seriouesly wtf is this

Eventually you get to a point when you don't even bother taking notes anymore because you dont need to. You just sit there with no laptop. Occasionally checking Sup Forums on mobile