Why aren't there any good IDE made in Java...

Why aren't there any good IDE made in Java? Almost all IDEs made in Java are huge fucking RAM hogs and are bloated as shit
Meanwhile every IDE made in C++ is great and snappy

C++ is good. Java is bad.

Good ide? What is "good" in here? You people don't want "bloat" and want "good", if you want something minimal get any fucking text editor and add an autocompletion plugin for your language.

jetbrain's IDEs are superior to a lot of shit out there, 500mb-4gb ram investments into a really good IDE with decent debuggers/completions/integrations is well worth it.

I dislike this "bloat" idea going around, is your machine so slow that you can only keep 1-20mb for your IDE? This looks like a neet post to me.

>tfw have done all my work in c++ on atom and gdb
What's a good IDE for c+++, I don't want to use NetBeans

OP is a fucking idiot

Visual Studio is bloated as fuck and made in C++ (at least the old versions I used).

I might as well use emacs and suffer from caporale tunnel

Honestly, the latest Eclipse release Oxgen isn't that bad. I downloaded a cool theme and settup their shitty version of intellisene the best I could and its actually pretty good as far as Java IDEs go


Java is just fucking bloat ass shit. The newer Eclipse releases arent too terrible.

C#/.NET + Visual Studio is a much cleaner, more enterprise ready setup.

VS code is good for smaller projects or web dev.

CLion, you can keep on resetting the trial and there's a free versio (EAP)

So VSCode can't enterprise?


Why aren't there any IDEs made in Rust yet? I want something both fast and safe with no compromises.

>Almost all IDEs made in Java are huge fucking RAM hogs and are bloated as shit
Replace "IDEs" with "software" and you're spot on

Not 100% true.
Java will use basically as much memory as you throw at it, similar to how an OS will use spare RAM to cache files. It doesn't garbage collect until it actually starts bumping into the specified heap limit, which by default is quite large (1/4 of RAM).
Blame whoever authored the program for setting a needlessly large heap max if a program is taking way too much RAM.

>It doesn't garbage collect until it actually starts bumping into the specified heap limit, which by default is quite large
And that's retarded. Java is not my OS and does not get to dictate how much memory my other processes have available.

>Java is not my OS and does not get to dictate how much memory my other processes have available.
Okay, then specify -Xmx 64m or whatever you want on your Java programs.

>then specify -Xmx 64m or whatever you want on your Java programs.
No. I'm just going to use software written in non-shit languages that don't need me to disable their retarded default behavior.

Riddle me this:
Let's say a program has an in-RAM cache for something. Doesn't matter what, it can be anything.
How much RAM should that cache be allowed to use?

Basically, your argument boils down to "well I shouldn't have to specify how much I want the program to use, it should just know!"

There's also the issue that many programs written in Python/JS/etc will suffer actual memory leaks that aren't an issue in Java because of how their GCs work. Java's reachability-based GC avoids almost all common sources of memory leaks, whereas refcount-based GCs are more likely to have the programmer miss something and start using up RAM that, unlike in Java, cannot actually be reclaimed until the program exits.

Pretty much this. I haven't used anything other than intelliJ, but it's really nice and I would consider using jetbrains other editors if I need to work on a bigger project in a non-jvm language.

>I haven't used anything other than intelliJ
I haven't used anything from jetbrains other than intelliJ*

That's like trying to build a spoon out of bricks, you are going to end up with a comically large and heavy spoon.

>Why is Java a slow RAM hog?
>Why is C++ fast and memory efficient?
Gee, I wish I could answer that.

Netbeans hurt my eyes so much I just instantly closed it after a minute. Extremely tiny fonts and completely white.
Eclipse's UI was too buggy to be usable.
Decided to give up on that language after finding out I hated everything about it.
Sublime text is super comfy for me though. Customizable, looks good and I don't get used to an IDE.

>specify -Xmx 64m or whatever you want on your Java programs.
For jars it's doable via Runtime.exec() or fx:platform if you're using JavaFX, so not sure what your point is.

Depends on the size of the project.
It's a good text editor, but a mediocre IDE.
For large/"enterprise" projects you will eventually need a proper IDE.

Use themes and increase the fontsize. It's not that hard.

Eclipse is top tier IDE technology

No offense but this is completely wrong.

Almost all new SPA web development is done using VSCode and these projects can get massive.