Is private research a waste of time and money...

Is private research a waste of time and money? I highly doubt this guy found something governments with trillions of dollars have yet to find.

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your average government official doesn't understand the difference between "reply" and "reply to all" when sending an email. governments have stability and practically infinite funding, but they're not perfect.

the government is like you and me, except they have the power to kill people

that's it. they're the same idiots.


Hell no, not a waste of time. It’s the best.

Pretty much, practically all research that can be done with what resources a single person has available has already been done, innovating is worthwhile though

Why can't you guys post a minimal description of your pictures.

I mean, the Human Genome Project was mainly privately funded. And Bell Labs invented pretty much everything that's more advanced than a sharpened stone on a stick.
Government research is the waste of time and money, you just never hear it because it's not politically correct.
I would suggest reading Terence Kealey, and by that I mean seeing if there's any lectures of him on Youtube.

Based SENS.

This. Even something as short as a filename would be sufficient.

Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation
Currently researching and looking to trial rejuvenative therapies that reverse age-related damage, effectively ending age-related diseases, and creating indefinite healthspans/lifespans

They need a budget of $50MM a year, but have only reached about $3-5MM a year thanks to Aubrey's inheritance, a donation by Peter Thiel, public donations, and another big donation from another internet entrepreneur turned philanthropist.

They struggle to get peer-review funding, because of various logjams in the peer-review funding process:

Any of the TED talks are a good introduction to the science and research:

In addition, there are a lot of psychological barriers that have delayed the funding for this type of gerontology. The sticker shock video is the most relevant to OP's remark, as to whether government funded science would ever be able to focus on such high-risk high-reward projects.

>Peter Thiel
>tfw I will always be too much of a brainlet to work for Palantir

I unironically think Palantir was a big factor in the success of Trump's campaign (Thiel was publicly endorsing him). And it just so happens that with Trump winning, and Thiel being on the transition team:

>Mr. Trump has been vetting candidates to run the agency, which regulates the safety of everything from drugs and medical devices to food and cosmetics. Among them is Jim O’Neill, a former official at the Health and Human Services Department who is an associate of the Silicon Valley billionaire and Trump supporter Peter Thiell

>Mr. O’Neill is a libertarian who is on the board of the SENS Research Foundation, a charity that funds anti-aging research, and until recently served on the board of the Seasteading Institute, an effort to create new societies at sea.

Thiel is no fucking joke. He probably has a lot more influence on the world than most people realize. And I suspect that he used his connections and technology to help Trump win, specifically to influence and advocate for a pro-tech and pro-innovation administration, because of the failure of government funded research to produce such innovation thus far.

On a side note, Vitalik just donated $2.4MM


When I looked into SENS 5 years ago everyone was saying this guy was a hack who didn't even have a background in the field.

Did something change or what?

>And Bell Labs invented pretty much everything that's more advanced than a sharpened stone on a stick.
But they were literally a government created monopoly

I think people started actually looking into their research instead of shouting "buhhhtttt he's another transhumanist!"

I remember specifically watching a dcoumentary on him, and at the end of the program, they tried to say that the university he worked for had no record of him actually working there other than a maintenance guy. Something along those lines.

ADG seems like a really smart conman that is able to befriend really smart and influential people. He has spent years saying:

>Here are the things that cause aging
>If we can stop these things we could live a really long time
>Give me millions of dollars

>Put $14MM of inheritance into a public charity you found
>Go give 100 talks all over the world every year so everyone knows your face and agenda
>Convince billionaires to donate
>Convince scientists to dedicate their career to the project
Yes, very smart