What can I do with a computer that hasn't been done before

What can I do with a computer that hasn't been done before

Create a program which determines whether an other program eventually stops or not

>kill program
>if dead print "it stops"

That's impossible user

Or is it?

Yes, it has been mathematically proven.

an init system that is also a complete operating system

You don't need any fancy mathematics to understand this.

Say X is a program that can tell whether another program Y will halt or not.

Now feed X to X. What happens?

Make that computer think for itself. Give it a camera and microphone. Let it record everything of value and let it sort those out without teaching it anything.

But user consciousness is magic

an actual good open source solution of xorg good luck user you are gonna need it

a floppy bird reskin

Say X is a woman that can tell whether another woman Y is a thot or not.

Now feed X to X. What happens?

commit genocide

Artificial general intelligence

Get you laid.


Interface a computer with magic then.
If the Illuminati can do it, so can you.
Figure out how the human brain is connected to the consciousness and replicate it.

integrate a virus with an os to create a polymorphic os. see how long it runs for before crashing.

Done already. Unless you're really ugly, code can't fix that.

>Yes, it has been mathematically proven.
No, it hasn't.

Build an operating system from scratch that talks to Satan instead of God

generate a unique 16-character string with urandom

>if dead
How do you know if dead? You just wrapped his idea with some other crap, but didn't really address it. Retard.

Depends whether you think muh Hoocaust is the only time in history genocide has ever happened, or actually know shit.
There's a genocide currently going on in Yemen by the government of America on behalf of the Saudis. I think it's safe to say computers have been used.

Marry it and have human/computer hybrid babbies.


Something useful.

You need to figure that one out yourself, why would anyone give their ideas to you? Anyway, you should try thinking not in terms of existing stuff, i.e. don't be trapped by existing ideas (Alan Kay has good advice on this when he talks about the stagnation of CompSci (pop culture)).

are you saying your computer's a virgin? in that case I'd say get a few tubes of arctic silver, slather that shit all over your cock, fill her up nice and good with some mineral oil so she won't have no complains and then have at her.