Dev Software

What kind of soft you use for coding ?
Visual Studio Code bloated ?
Atom bullshit ?

Other urls found in this thread:

All are shit and produce the same result in the hands of a skilled person.
Use whatever is pleasant to your eye visually.

>Sublime Text
Absolutely proprietary.
Bloated as hell, slow piece of shit.
>VS Code
Literally just Atom but better, a lot faster and feels more lightweight. It's kind of comfy.

I know for freewareshit Sublime Text, just take this pict on web

So VS Code better than Atom ?

>Sublime Text
Only true answer.

BBEdit or bust

VS code is actually pretty damn good, and surprisingly easy to customize.

NOT Atom

The only people shilling VSCode are the freetards that should stick with *vim/emacs anyway.
If ST was FOSS they wouldn't shut up about that.
Luckily, it's not so those autists are kept at bay with a simple "Would you like to purchase?" message at long periods of time, since clicking an extra button is anathema to them.

Qt Creator

Sublime text is excellent, unless you suck Stallmans dick and/or are autistic to screech at it. Atom i found meh and i don't use VS. Out of all of them , i find Geany to be the best, because i am not an autist who uses Vim/Emacs


Vim or emacs.
For large java project, Eclipse if necessary, but I avoid having anything to do with that as much as possible.

VSCode is botnet and also >electron, Atom isn't worth mentioning, Sublime is the only non-terminal editor worth using despite being proprietary.

Is VC Code the only one with code completion or can you get an extension for sublime that does it?

What do you mean by "code completion"? As in autocompletion/suggestions? Sublime should do that out of the box. Or do you mean stuff like automatically filling in getters and setters or some shit?

The choice of my editor made me realize that the only thing I hate more then proprietary software is electron. Sublimetext it is for me

Has anyone tried Amp yet, the new terminal editor written in Rust? How is it?

VSCode is open-sores and free in every sense.
Sublime Text is not

Looks interesting, I'll give it a try

Damn shame it's made by M$.
>inb4 bias
If you can shill VSC over ST because it's open-source then I can shill ST over VSC because it's not made by Microsoft.
Shoo pajeet. Your kind is not welcome here.

I'm not some kind of tech-SJW, it's good software, it's free, open-source, works on Linux, I don't give a fuck who owns it, it could have been made by ISIS for all I care.

Visual Studio at work and at home

vscode and vim

vscode is fast and encourages sloppiness, vim force precision thought and dsicipline

You know you can rebind ^S to save_all or whatever in the shortcuts json file and it will make the purchase prompt go away because the default ^S is hardcoded to trigger it.

Where is Notepad ++ in this list?

Notepad++ sucks for Python
It doesn't support basic indentation rules.

in the trash where it belongs

>notepad++ is not in the list

SublimeText. Its much faster and uses less resources than the others. Inb4 non-free software, remember this a tool for coding, not a service that stores your data in another server. You can pay for the license or get one free online. If open-source its your drift, then get VS Code. It is an optimized electron app and has better plugins than the competition.


VSCode, tons of extensions, git/terminal integration etc

Report back when you do.

>terminal editor
>go to
>A complete text editor for your terminal
you know those are different kinds of software, right?

Vim for small programs. Eclipse for projects.


vscode easily

Your opinions on WebStorm?

VS Code is just Atom with a shittier UI so it runs slightly faster

Atom normally

MSVS if I'm doing .NET shit

I still don't understand how Microsoft's IDE can be so powerful but still such a buggy piece of shit that doesn't fulfil the basic functions it should have

Neovim is really all you need

micro is pretty cool

VS Code for UI dev (Angular/Typescript)
Visual Studio Enterprise for back end dev (C# /.NET Standard)

>shittier ui


Legit question - why would you choose Atom over anything else?

vim now

xi later

I tried this (for c++) and hated it; slow and clunky. Didn’t really like QTCreator or eclipse either, now trying codeblocks.

I loved Atom but after using VS code I realized how fuckin slow Atom is.

Obviously Vim.


emacs is superior

i use nano for everything. it works so good for me

and whatever scripts i write myself

I've tried Spacemacs in EViL mode but I just can't get past the fact that I don't have my vim plugins.

Emacs for Org and Haskell.
VSCode for javascript/rust.
Atom for python.

I'm happy.

Sublime with a ton of plugins and tweaks, side-by-side with a gazillion iTerm panes.

No way would I use Atom/VSCode. There's some irony here because I write slow, bloated, loosely verified, fragile Node code for a living, but I'm not willing to tolerate it on my own machine.

Atom is unusuably slow, I'm not sure what kind of programming people do that can tolerate it.

N++ is a glorified Notepad with shit completion, it's good for some things but you can't really be productive with it.

never pay for ST, thats an OJT (old jewish trick)

>VIM above all

>VSC for JS/Rust
>ST for Ruby
>Atom for Python
throw N++, Netbeans, all else in trash bin where they belong or just do not DL

I trust you aren't getting paid for any of the code you're writing this way, nor intend to at any point in the future?

>sublime text: absolutely proprietary
>VS Code: omg I love it so much it's amazing
wew lad

I'm not super chauvinistic about test editor choice, but I use pic related. I love its macros and multiple panes, its design philosophy fits me well (down to Lisp scripting), and I can always find plugins for esoteric programming languages that I like (eg Proof General).

I just use whatever IDE jetbrains has made for the language at hand.

No, I do not write code for $ in ST. Would not do it.. write JS/Rust for work. Only write Ruby for personal boxes

>for work


vim is the only one i bothered spending a nontrivial amount of time learning/setting up

that being said, eclipse seems to work pretty well for java, never bothered configuring it for anything that isn't java.

Honestly? Because I started using it, disabled maybe 1-2 packages, and then never encountered any problems whatsoever.

I don't really have any reason to defend it. It just what I started using and I see no reason to stop - it provides everything I feel I need, and that's about it. I've never encountered a problem with it, so I've never thought about using anything else.

i use sublime.

It's seems fine to me to say "terminal editor" in the context of this thread. The thread is about text editors. Amp is one such text editor that works in the terminal. A terminal editor, as opposed to a GUI editor, Electron editor, etc.


Atom is way more easy to customize, but it doesn't have some features that vs code has. I'd love a mix of them

I don't know what Qt is or it does, sorry

BBEdit is the correct answer

Yeah, I never would have imagined myself to be part of the neckbeard clan that is the Emacs user base, but here we are. It's just incredibly convenient that regardless what machine or which HPC cluster you log onto, it will most likely have some version of Emacs installed, thus you feel right at home.

how come nobody ever can make a good nonbuggy ide

Try Xwpe, it has the normal keybindings for copypaste and such plus it works on the terminal.

>why is making complicated software hard
try it and report back

I like nomodes.

The other candidate is a replacement of Sublime that works on the terminal

Is spacevim good?

Backend: Visual Studio
Frontend: Visual Studio Code

>shittier ui

Eclipse with a vim plugin.

On a related note, do any have resources on how to build a text editor from scratch?

First: make a logo.

+1 - no shame, I use it primarily for go and it's great

Why not just use vim?

I use gedit for C on my debian system

I've only used eclipse for c++ but it fucking blows imo.
I'll take a text editor & make over it any day

I can't tell if you're kidding or not

Is this a copy of Borland C?

Atom is good but holy fuck why did they write it in electron. That shit could have been 1000 times lighter


vs code has bad font rendering on windows

cli: vim
gui: geany on posix and akelpad on windows

>everything. it works so good
This. Also if you don't have smooth scroll in your .nanorc you are missing out user.

VS code is just as fat as atom but it has more features. What makes it worse is the telemetry that can't be fully disabled. As one would expect from Microsoft.

vim with mucomplete/ctags and gdb

Atom sucks, sublime is decent, vscode is good.

Vim is tolerable. Emacs is great for CL and poor for everything else.

Visual studio is shit.

There's my full opinion on IDEs and text editors.