/mena/= /tunisia/+ /me/ + /na/

Moroccans wanna live in saudi arabia edition

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Memes(1st post)

ayy yo familia, this shit is fucked up viceland.com/en_us/video/Syrian-Refugee-Girls/57b7745b8f921daa556c6948

fuck this shit thread fuck it

t*rk is salty

I need help, please come on skype! I don't know if there were any dutch flags in previous threads but it was not me. You don't have to come now but it would be nice if you'd be online for once. I really need your help.

Also I like the meme. (1st post)

hey user

there's a skype group?

i had a some conversation with a morrocan koreaboo girl that who was born in saudi arabia on chat app she said saudi arabia a shithole with infrastructure and every saudis dislikes non-saudi people

Wtf is that map about? Switzerland?

anyway morroco is full of qts

>and every saudis dislikes non-saudi people
that's true

well people from morocco be like

she was not look like them she was almost southern european looking i mean iberian people

we have more in tunisia and algeria

2nd and last post
OK dear.

When will you be available?
Is 7:00 (2+GMT) alright with you?

try not to spend all night obsessing about me and probably talking shit like the inbred stupid hatefull arab bitches that you are

2nd and last post
You're such a good friend

feeling is mutual
i only think of people from here when i'm on the toilette

It makes sense I mean if you want sharia then Saudi Arabia is really the only place you can go

Literally meme map


Lol no one cares about Switzerland

The only country on earth where girls are virgins, why don't you want to live there quq

I just wanna die
is that too much to ask for?

if you don't need life you can donate your body to a noble cause
instead of wasting it
btw being my personal fucktoy is a noble cause


I loev you spen


Keef el watan shabab?

Hva' faen
Hvilke fb grupper er du i?

I hope you get hit by a mortar bomb

Allah, Denmark, Margrethe wa bas

Forstår ikke helt..

mona was banned ?

Any fussha speaking bros here? Need a couple of sentences translated.


Jeg er bare lidt overrasket vi har en dansk-araber herinde.

Folger du med i 'Vejen til Islam'?

>Vejen til Islam

Nah bruger ikke så meget fb

>mena thread
>using a European language


english is an european langauge too you idiot

>mena thread
>Jew poster

english is a global language

Hey akhi, if you could translate the following sentences as best you can to fussha I'd really appreciate it. Wanna cross check it with what I have (newbie arabic student).

1. Ali and Hasan are on a backpacking trip through Europe. They're leaving for Paris at 4am.

2. Hasan is going on a holiday with his wife and son by train.

3. A lot of people go to work early in the morning wearing suits.

4. A business man checks his watch to make sure he doesn't miss his plane.

5. The man on the pier is making sure his boat his secure.

6. Aisha is relaxing by watching television in her favorite chair after a long days working.

7. Hala always drinks tea and reads her favorite magazine in bed before sleeping.

Vent, er du ikke arap?

No I got hit by a mortar bomb dummy -_- *proceeds to die* |Д`)

>Ali and Hasan are on a backpacking trip through Europe.

علي و حسان في سفرة حول اوروبا . سيغادران باريس عند الرابعة صباحا

It's just about a tradition we have here in Denmark, were high school students gets driven around in a wagon, where they drink and hear music, and cars honking at them etc.
>Even girls with scarf in wagons where they dance and scream. Shame on you if you're willing to familiar word, is the education so important to you that you're willing to commit such a dishonorable action ew ew ew. (...) you are a small group of Muslims around the world that destroy Islam and make other Muslims to poor Muslims


Nej, jeg er sgu da ej.

حسان ذاهب في عطلة مع زوجته و ابنه عبر القطار

ah, du er ham islamiboo

>Shame on you if that's a familiar word*
Sorry, google translate and I missed that

>leaving for Paris
>سيغادرأن باريس
Wow even Im not a native speaker and I know this is wrong.
You forgot الى

Ja, det kan man vist godt sige.

Jeg folger bare lidt med i hvad ISIS muslimer skriver på fjæsen.

Ayyy P.E.T

Nope thats يذهبان الي باريس the verb يغادر (to leave) comes directly before the place in general

Leaving for = going to

Overhovedet ikke. Kun da mange Syrien kriger drog afsted skrev jeg til noget anti terror ost Jylland

Men fandt en journalist fra Politiken som selv havde snydt sig ind i de grupper, men blev afsloret. Ham har jeg sendt nogle af billederne til.

is it appropriate to use (by train) بالقطار
instead of عبر القطار

Må jeg sporge, hvorfor er du her?

I mena? Jeg prover at lære at skrive islamisk, så jeg kan få adgang til de grupper hvor man skal skrive og sporge om at blive medlem

Oops i read it leave from . you are correct

>Jeg prover at lære at skrive islamisk
Mener du ikke arabisk?
>så jeg kan få adgang til de grupper hvor man skal skrive og sporge om at blive medlem
Med hvilke formål? Vil du gerne blive en Morten Storm 2.0?

>Mener du ikke arabisk?
Nej nej, jeg behover jo bare at kunne det mest basale arabisk, og så sige jeg er 2. generations indvandrer.
>Med hvilke formål? Vil du gerne blive en Morten Storm 2.0?
Oh.. Tror egentlig bare det har udviklet sig over årene til sådan en slags hobby.

Bare til du ved det, de her folk fra /mena/ er ikke som 2. generations indvandrer. Helt anderledes, det er mest er skabes homoer/ateister, ma fi wafa typer, anime fans og stalkers.


Wanna lose your ability to see females?

اي اخو منيوكة منكم هو فتى اللاز؟

why not

Habibi fil fil aswad fi tizzak, tamam ya ibn haram?

Am not so good at reading Arabic

there are private compounds where women can dress however they want



where are you from?

Tunisia is becoming more and more haram

I know.. Ikke forste gang jeg er herinde. Faktisk derfor jeg er her. De plejer at være flinke til at fortælle ting om Islam, som en gudfrygtig nok ikke ville fortælle.

(but Algerian in denial)

You're fucking Danish buddy.
If not, then leave.

Fortæl, hvad har de gudfrygtig holdt skjult?

i'm so sorry
>(but Algerian in denial)
oh dear, no human should endure that
forgive me on behalf of god

Bl.a. at de ikke kan fordrage vores levemåde, og at de rigtig gerne vil snakke om alt det dårlige vesten gor, mens det i alt den tid jeg har kigget, aldrig har snakket om palæstinenser har siddet i flygtninge lejre i 20 år, fordi ingen muslimske lande vil tage dem ind.

Mens folk her fra mena fortæller om at det ikke er haram for 2 piger at have sex, da kvinder ikke kan have sex med hinanden. :^)

I should just pop a bottle of pills, and get it over with.

How's Syria - one star?

You still around senpai?

nah do what jubran k. jubran did
and claim you're indian

Kender det godt, ikke fordi jeg vil forsvar "vesten" men de er 100 gange humane end de arabiske regimer.

Yeah . i just returned from shopping . want me to continue ?

Yes please based user.

The highest is just 56%? WHAT THE FUCK???

mand, jeg lyder som en asyl ansoger

mere humane *

1 procent is a procent too much

بسم الله الرحمن الرحين
يا ايها الكفار القذرين مشاهدين الرسوم المتحركة من بلاد الواقواق
اني قد حذرتكم و الله يشهد
العادة السرية محرمة و لا يجوز الجنس الا مع الزوجة المسلمة الفاضله
فأسمعوا و و اتعظوا
فأن لم تمتنعوا ولله لنقطعن رؤوسكم و اقدامكم
و نحشوها بمؤخراتكم
و الله ولي التوفيق

كثير من الناس يذهبون الى العمل في الصباح الباكر مرتدين بذل

رجل الأعمال يراقب ساعته لكي لا تفوته الطائرة

Thanks. You're a very beautiful girl
صدق الله العزيم

يقال العظيم و ليس العزيم
لكنكم رجعتم الى الجاهلية في بلاد الكنانة
ولكن ولله لندخلكم الاسلام بالسيف


صدق الله العظيم
Sorry isis


لا يجوز الجنس الا مع الزوجة المسلمة الفاضله
فأسمعوا و و اتعظوا
فأن لم تمتنعوا ولله لنقطعن رؤوسكم و اقدامكم
و نحشوها بمؤخراتكم
