The anglo-saxon press keep talking about how dumb it was to ban the burkini in France

The anglo-saxon press keep talking about how dumb it was to ban the burkini in France.
In this article, they portray muslim women as victims of an almost apartheid state.

How this whole thing was treated in your country by the media ?

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It is dumb because he won't change anything like the ban on burqa which is not respected, but now there's even the envy to go out with a burkini just to provoke France.

> muslim countries are shitholes
> muslim countries tell women how to dress
> we aren't a shithole
> lets not tell women how to dress


That's because it was dumb. Even le Daily Mail had some opinion pieces about how counter-productive it was.

Exactly, it is totally counter-productive and will provoke the opposite of the expected effect.

>almost apartheid state.
you wont see that unless you're the nigger, mon cher pierre

I'm against the ban too. Just sad to see we even have this debate. I was in Japan when it happened and it's just sad to see such a well functioning country compared to what France has become.

if we allow the burkini, they'd tell how we're caving in. Don't listen to anglos.

>10 towns ban burkini after riots in Corsica caused by it.
>Anglos say France as a whole wants to ban it despite the fact that it's absolutly not true.
>French highest court says it's illegal to ban it showing that France is actually a democratic country where justice prevails.
>Muh France is blatantly islamophobic

>Socialists are so unpopular
>They launch a populist reform
>The working class who votes FN is happy
>It avoid to talk about more important subjects like the disastrous economic situation of France
>Nothing change

Just allow them to wear it so it's much easier to pinpoint where you need to go after revving up those trucks.

Some media compared it to our soviet-era comedies, western europe is a satire now.

>It avoid to talk about more important subjects like the disastrous economic situation of France

lmao, why is there a need to talk about it? EVERYBODY knows about it.

why is it illegal to ban the burkini but not the burka?

I'm for it. It's a win win situation.

Only one small-town west Virginia shit hole renamed French fries to freedom fries after 9/11, is still a well known "fact" about all Americans now
It's American media, no one under 30 even watched it anymore, so they report things 45+ year old women will find shocking/entertaining

Yes because Burka includes having your face covered which can be considered as a threat to security.

Actually it's all face covering clothes that are banned in France except for security equipment such as helmets.

ok. how does one celebrate Halloween or have costume parties?

Halloween is not really a thing in western Europe.

It has only spread a bit in the last 10-15 years.
You'll Mayer go to a party but rarely you'll be in the street with your mask.

my swiss bro,
you always understand me.

well, I'm not a fan of muslims or covering heads/faces and am absolutely in favor of assimilation among immigrants. But really, you can't regulate what people wear. It's like us telling Mexicans that they can't wear ponchos because maybe there's a gun underneath, or telling Scottish that kilts are banned because they're not wearing any underwear.

They are just asking people not to hide their face in public.

Fun fact:

The ban of the religious signs in public schools is yet another story and is way more debatable than the "Burqa" ban in my opinion.

I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather live in a society that permits people to wear what they want and accept a level of violence rather than regulate everything to death. I'm sure you're aware in the US we're allowed to carry guns openly. I'm not a gun owner myself (because you're far more likely to kill a family member than a criminal) but you can't regulate everything to death out of a notion that security is paramount.

What's behind telling people what they can wear? What's the argument? You are covering up too much?

For the Burkini it was a temporary ban tried only by a few coastal cities after riots in Corsica.

For the Burqa and all face covering clothes is that it's a threat to security.

For the ban of visible religious signs in public administration it's the french conception of Laicity which is pretty hard and apprently postulate that public administration should be completely neutral and that no religious signs should be shown there.

I think they are the only ones having such a strict conception of laicity. And unless I'm mistaking that would be considered as a violation of religious freedom in the US.

Don't forget french are historically anti-clerical since the french revolution. Their hatred toward religion just went from catholicism to Islam in the last decades as it's now the religion with the most distinctive signs.

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with themselves, just that it's in their culture.

nytimes is jewish not anglosaxon

The beach is for normies anyway

There is literally nothing wrong with burkinis, at least those allow some minimum decency. Bikinis are whorish in nature.

>Allah commands you not surround yourself with naked people
>"Let's force ourselves at the beach to spite the evil Kaffirs"
They're obviously preparing for amphibious assaults using Burkini suits

Don't act like your mainstream media isn't just as insidious

Never said it was good.
