Is it easier in your countries for fat guys to find a gf?

is it easier in your countries for fat guys to find a gf?
in poland its like you would play on hard mode on windows vista in 640x480 resolution on a laptop

It's hard everywhere

Why not just lose the weight instead of trying to find some paradise? Wouldn't that be easier

How fat are we talking?

it's always compensatable. You're european so you can't be SO fat.

Go to Nauru, everyone is fat there

I hear the chicks in Antarctic love fat bois. Go there.

The fatter the easier it is. Just be warned though, if the men are fat, so are the women. Hope you like some cushin' for the pushin'.

Alternately, just start lifting and eating a lot of vegetables. That way you don't have to move to Mississippi.

Fat fucks disgust me.

Eat less and do more exercise fucking weeaboo, it's very straightforward

If you don't mind a fat gf its probably easy here. If you want a hot gf then you better be only slightly fat and either rich and/or very charming.

You know you don't have to be fat, right?


Just b urself

that depends on how fat, but a little bit chubby guy can get a gf easily

>went to gym for 1 month and no results
>stopped eating too much shit and no results

I'm convinced it's genetics

Over 90% of people in the gym are completely wasting their time. Even if you aren't, it takes longer than a month to see real results. It took you a long time to get fat, and it won't come off immediately. I also guarantee you that you are eating more than you think. Know the calories of everything you are eating. You may be very surprised, especially with processed foods.

1 month isn't long enough to see results

Genetics have nothing to do with it

Apenas janta e almoça (sem exagero) e não comas mais nada entre as refeições.
Faz 2 horas de natação todos os dias

Num mês vez resultados

To add to this, if you see good progress in a month it's probably just water weight. If you're not losing weight with 2k calories a day drop down to 1800, 1600 etc until you start losing weight. Not everyones metabolism is the exact same and 2k~ is just an average.

Yeah there's a lot of fat bitches here

>used to eat like shit with no exercise
>cut calories down to 1700 a day and drank a shitload more water without exercise
>lose 3 kilos in two weeks

Eh if he gives up in a month there's no hope

Might as well just eat more now to prepare for the inevitable heart disease and early death

Of course, but not a single less kilogram? lol
so yeah what about when I feel hunger? It hurts and unconcentrates me
hurr durr im so le edgy~ xD
yeah I don't count calories I just dropped soda and sweets

Yeah so it must be genetics

You're totally unique and your body defies the laws of physics and generates energy from thin air. That makes sense

Samoa where everybody is fat, literally.

Then eat, man. Just don't eat too much. Count calories and plan your day out. Chew your favorite brand of gum if you feel a bit peckish to hold you off until a proper meal, or eat a few times a day. You don't have to absolutely have 3 meals a day, you just need to keep your calories at the specific amount that you need which you find out through trial and error.

>you don't have to absolutely have 3 meals a day
You don't have to absolutely have 3 meals a day max* Eating atleast three times a day helps you lose weight since your body doesn't think you're a starving haitian child.

I read that if your father was fat when he got your mom pregnant, you are condemned to be fat

like, everyone burns fat at the same rate?

I mean, I know that if everyone stops eating they become skinny, but what about the hunger? some people don't even eat breakfast and they don't care

btw, drinking water while drinking makes any difference? lol
yeah I think I'll start counting it, btw what about the spices on the food? are they like negligible?

You get used to it and you stop being hungry

Eat more filling food. How much protein and fat are you getting per day?

>btw, drinking water while drinking makes any difference? lol
I assume you mean drinking water while drinking alcohol; in which it helps keep you hydrated while your body is trying its hardest to get that shit out. Also helps prevent hangovers or lessen them.

As for your spices question, I don't think I've seen any spice that has calories in it but don't go overboard with sodium since too much is bad for you.

Of course, we hardly even have fat people.

idk, only the meat in my lunch and diner, proteins are meat and eggs right? kek
I'm sorry, I meant while eating

Just give up man

You'll go back to eating cake in no time. Who cares about looking good or being healthy when there's candy and cake

Then get fit you fat fuck.

lol stop it it's not funny

Eat less, fatty