I want a degenerate Australian bf to die together in a bath from heroin overdose

I want a degenerate Australian bf to die together in a bath from heroin overdose

This is the 3rd time in 12 hours you've made the same thread. FUck off you retarded Aspergery twink retard

Lol, I've been sleeping the last 12 hours

pay for my flight to russia and I will glady die in a bathtub with you

sorry, we smoke ice here

Are you buff

ITT: unironically gay people


He'll die of lung cancer before the heroin od

Lies, Australia stronk

Isn't that a bit too expensive for you, how about Krokodil instead

You will pay it, baby

We're civilised people like that.



Why are you obsessed with the word 'degenerate'?

Am I?
Degeneracy is sexy

do you russians like malta? I've never actually meet any russian tourists.

When I think of Malta I think of 'The Man Who Went to Malta'.

Do you know of it?

yes, it was popular here in malta 6-7 years ago when it got shared by every maltese person on facebook.

But after a 5 day meth binge, surely you take some heroin to relax and smoothen the edges?

Maybe Russians go to Malta as toursists, but they're non-bydlo and speak English/French, so you can't tell them apart from other European tourists.
Bydlo goes to Thailand, Egypt and France

I always think of 'the Maltese falcon' with Humphrey Bogart and Peter Lorre.

Never saw it.

Your supply will decrease for next few months and expect prices to go up soon.
