Show me a single KDE desktop that doesn't look like dog shit

Show me a single KDE desktop that doesn't look like dog shit.



That's impossible OP

Haven't used KDE in a while. They need to fix this.

Just set the color scheme to breeze dark and you are good to go.

The default is fine after you make the task bar dark.

Change to the regular Application Menu, hide the desktop toolbox, and drag the icons wherever you want....



i tried it again for a couple days and got dozens of error reports, switched bakc to xfce/awesomeWM. it's just comfy and rock solid

How do I make mine have those cool, semi-transparent backgrounds? I know how to make the terminal backgrounds clear, but they aren't blurred

He's a KDE dev using Plasma 5.13, which isn't officially packaged for Fedora yet

Mfw I got cucked by red hat

I wouldn't blame Red Hat, 5.12 was just officially released

i can't kde looks like shit

im pretty sure choice De is subjective. Neither looks shittier than the other. The absolute state of Sup Forums when autists are calling something shit bc it doesn't fit their preferences, and even worse, something as petty as a fucking desktop environment.

I actually really appreciate red hat because they don't give us broken packages. Despite having some problems installing some software they don't have in the official repos, fedora has been pretty darn stable so far

>kde looks like shit
>his DE looks EXACTLY as windows 10

>be me
>make the greentext on the Sup Forums
man feels good

>mon visage quand

always found it interesting how much of english is french

Caring about frivolous aesthetic is the trait of the soyboy.

Look Mom! I used the soyboy meme on the Sup Forums! That means I'm accepted!

Why are you responding to such obvious bait


next Konsole release will have it built in

is that powerlevel9k?
that isn't compatible with bash

It's probably the only DE I've ever been able to build a satisfying setup with since I could clone my CDE+GWM configuration from Solaris with it.

only an actual soyboy would get triggered by that kind of low-effort shit

The default configuration looks like dogshit for sure, I moved the taskbar to the top, installed latte dock to bottom and basically tried to make it look like GNOME, but the thing is dolphin and ark, sysguard, are all far more powerful and aesthethic

If you get upset about whitespace in GUIs, you have literal autism. macOS, which is praised for its design by non-autistic normies, has heaps of whitespace, more than KDE or GNOME or any modern Linux GUI. If you think everything should look all bunched-up and intricate, you shouldn't be in charge of design.