Name a worse update. This shit is fucking horrid

Name a worse update. This shit is fucking horrid.

kys and never come back here

>tfw 9 years on here and now i have to leave

Nine years on here and you still haven't learnt shit.
Fuck outta here with this Snapchat bullshit

>not pretending to be a normie in public then go home and shitpost on Sup Forums, watch anime, play shitty jap games and jack off to cartoons
i feel sorry for you

>in public

>going into public
Get the fuck out

>in public

What do you even do on SnapShit? Send retarded soyboy selfies to teenage girls you flirt with, or what? I don't get it.
>inb4 I use it to message people duh!
There are literally thousands of different applications that are more efficient and better to communicate with than SnapSplat.

>still being a neet
youll grow up one day

seduce women and creep on them

Fuck outta here, braindead gen-z trash

Is this ?

every normie does that you absolute subhuman fucking retard

>ughhhht heir boring i cant wait to go home and play nintendooo gamess!!! xD

die you fucking nigger

Mobile Skype since ~6 months ago? It's like they threw away a decent design and let a 2 year old with a crayon run wild.

I don't know about the one you're talking about though, I don't have snapshat.

>playing nintendo
kill yourself

>maybe if i call him a nigger ill fit in!

I like it. they finally fixed snapchat. its almost how it was in the very beginning,

Too many fat neckbeards to be /r9k/. They're all skinny beta cucks.

>maybe if I call someone out for trying to fit in, I'll fit in!

>implying I want to fit in on fucking /gee/ of all places
god no. shoutout to /ptg/ though.