The number of ads won't change

>the number of ads won't change
the state of winfags

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Why do you need to install it you inbread linux neckbeard

i cant control if uni profs want to use wangblows 10: CIA edition™

Use a PiHole, see no ads.

Maybe wangblow your prof


maybe i will

or eat your prof's PiHole

i will do it. for Saint iGNUcius

See that's why I use Enterprise with GPOs

>fucking ARTIST
Why do women ruin everything?

did you get it by paying 200$ or by torrenting a miner infected torrent?

just use it in a vm then


>he doesn't know

Some of those faces are walleyed enough to be used as reaction images,especially the one on the left.

pls explain

>right click on ad
>never show up again

I have literally never seen ads in my w10 computer

>0 ads while on
>0 ads while off
So hard. It's basically telling you to turn off ads in other places.

>not ltsb N