Is it true public knowledge of military tech is 70 years behind?

Is it true public knowledge of military tech is 70 years behind?

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still losing to snackbars in the middle east

I think we are much less secretive now, what you see flying around now is what we have.

All the secrecy is in satellites, and other shit you never see, and will never see

The kind of things that aren't public knowledge are either very fine details of how certain weapons systems function or whenever there is a new spy aircraft. Governments like to boast their military cutting edge unless it is not strategically viable.

>70 years
You think we were designing modern fighter jets at the end of world war 2?

it was never true it's just to make the military seem more dangerous and advanced

>military tech is 70 years behind?

Everyone always looses to localized guerrilla warfare. It's why there is such a thing.

ISIS is pretty much dead

It's also why 72 year olds with 2 year old's mentality need a military parade.
>To get caught up.

Trump's in the White House. Poland just passed a law making it illegal to disparage the state. Russia has no free press left, only state propaganda.
I think ISIS won.

How were any of these things ISIS goals?

Russia has never had free press ever
They had a functional prototype of the MKV 1999. They claim the project was cancelled and abandoned because of budget cuts in 2009. I don't believe that for a second.

If the war ends then the profits end, user.

A dumb salesman sells you a course on how to fish, a smart salesman sells you fish.

Depends on what you mean by public. If you consider 80% of the general country's population, then you're probably correct.

no, nations always show of their military tech

No, army is pretty open about their tech just nobody report or even care about it.

That's why they fired McChrystal when he managed to gather the 100k troops he needed to finish off the taliban.
The whole insulting Obongo argument was just an excuse.

>Russia has never had free press ever
Actually in 90s it was more free than in US.

I am clapping from my computer desk.

The general US public considers the US military to be so small and feeble that a 40b dollar cut would lead foreign occupation within months. So no, their knowledge isn't 70 years behind, it's more like 100.

lasted very little tho

dev programs time are getting shorter, what you see flying today in some cases was in a drawing board for a few years like 10 years ago, before that it was 15 or 20 years.
Developing shit takes time, there's not a good reason to develop even faster today. Cold War was fucking crazy, a lot of people were working on some crazy shit or even tech the military use today

>tfw ISIS was created by direct or indirect aid from the USA government because a common enemy is needed to win public favor for the oil wars

Actually yes. We not modern but 1950's/60's era stuff.

Right now there is huge military work in genetic altering via a pill to increase muscle mass and endurance.

This is a fact, I will not tell you how I know this but it is a fact. When George Orwell wrote the novel 1984 he was very good friends with people who worked for British Intelligence. In that novel he described, almost EXACTLY, flat screen TV's that had interactive cameras in them, that monitored voice and which could be used to spy on you. He described so much technology in that book that we have now. LED tv's plasma screens, and more The reason being that you are correct. Military technology is at least 50 years ahead of civilian technology.
Weapons technology isnt actually 50 years ahead, its smaller than that. Certainly the military have computer technology way ahead of its time in the civillian world

used to be about 30 yr behind

now it's like 10

but desu there's stuff public never see like mass reduction and "gravity" field manipulation

>Implying those snackbars aren't payed by the CIA Niggers

only a few of them, the rest are dumb enough to do it for free or are are forced to when their town gets overrun by the former two and they execute the town mayor

What world is more amenable to a future Islamic state; one with liberal democracies working together to keep other countries at least somewhat free and open to facilitate trade, or one with every major power reduced to terrified, self-absorbed right-wing dictatorships all pointing guns at each other and their own people?
By becoming the white Christian version of ISIS, ISIS is free to win in their area of the world. And by us devolving to a third world country, if the arab states disavow right-wing extremism and embrace liberal democracy, they still win.


>he doesn't realise the same Democrats who were calling for a military parade in 2014 are now the ones to ridicule Trump for the same thing

>he is comparing 2014 to 2018
Who's the retard now?

I've heard it's closer to 30 years difference between military use and widespread consumer adoption.

x-ray weapons in space were reported via leaked sources to be completed in '93

now we're just finding out recently about 'teflon coated chink fighter-jets

that is completely faulty logic

who? only democrat i could find wanted a veteran parade, which isn't what trump wants

Your tinfoil hat is on a bit too tight, user.

I don't know... I drive a coast guard boat and there's not much going on here. The newest tech I come into contact with would be the radar, I guess. Which we've had since World War 2. The big boats aren't that complicated either.

>Lying about easiably googleable facts