User, why don't you have a smartwatch? If you ever want to know the time you could just look at your wrist...

user, why don't you have a smartwatch? If you ever want to know the time you could just look at your wrist, you wouldn't have to take out your phone

Doesn’t allow me to catch Pokémon

Waiting for the Gear S4.


I have one.

>apple watch
>ugly as fuck
>looks like a toy and has shit battery life
>good feature support and apps

>samsung watch
>better looking
>great battery life
>zero apps or functionality, barely better than a chink fitbit

>android wear
>no one fucking wants to support a particular model
>trash battery life
>good apps

give them 5-7 years

I already have a normal watch

this, a normal watch stops a need to stare at something like a phone when you're impatient. Instead you can just be that cunt that times everyone and everything.

samsung watch
>better looking
>great battery life

Two days is battery life is now considered good


>If you ever want to know the time you could just look at your wrist, you wouldn't have to take out your phone

>If you ever want to know the time you could just look at your wrist
I can already do this with my regular watch, and it looks better than any smartwatch

Apple Watch looks bad if you get the cheapo entry level aluminum model, stainless steel and ceramic models are pretty damn good.

I have a mechanical watch

Smart watches are cool but if you really start using them heavily the battery dies quickly so it becomes a trade off of watching your battery life and doing what you want with it and in the end it just isn't even worth it. Maybe in a few more years.

>amazfit bip
>40+ days battery life
>special lcd screen readable in sunlight
>no bloatware apps, no lag
>only notifications and /fit/shit stuff
switched off android wear, never looked back

So like only a few smart watched are getting Oreo. The rest are left to dry. Apple watch series 1 iss till being updated. Android Wear sucks.

I just want a bracelet that vibrates when I get a text but I can't seem to find one that works with BB10OS. I've read that people have gotten MiBands working but it wouldn't even pair, so I sold it to my sister to use with her iPhone.

why would you sell an $10 bracelet to your sister you horrible jew

I sold it to her at a loss even though it was new and didn't have a job. Besides, she was going to buy a $40 bracelet that did the same thing, I saved her money by selling her my bracelet.

That's honestly a good thing, Android Wear 2.0 is shit. Google completely misunderstood what made AW devices good and ruined everything

Android wear 1 was complete dog shit what are you talking about

You're retarded too then, the one thing android wear 1.0 did very well was handle and display notifications. clicking through menus on your fucking watch to look at notifacations is retarded and everyone hates it

I wear a pebble steel. I like the thing, the music controller is smooth and responsive. Its easy to use and has/had a few neat apps. Most importantly it keeps me off my phone since it forwards anything i need to care about.

You're forgetting the part where you had to say ”OK Google" for everything, even sending a text, because it had no interface whatsoever.

to be fair both were shit but AW2.0 was worse. more bloat and lag, stupid features like swipe left/right to swap watchfaces, literal on watch apps and play store for whatever reason, etc.
AW2.0 made me realize i only need lightweight notifications on my wrist so i dropped android wear and went mi shit with an automatic watch.

Most people don't use a smartwatch for anything other than notifications

idk what is more retarded - literally talking to your watch or trying to use pic related

Oh my god, This!
I have a pebble time and Im so fucking angry fitbit cannibalized them. I fucking love my watch and I feel like they got what a smartwatch really should be. Even though support is going away, Im thinking of buying a pebble 2 just because I like pebble so much and I haven't found a suitable replacement.

They're great if you work for a mega-corp or do remote work.

Easy to know when you get email updates between meeting when you're zoning out, drunk or ducking a hooker.

I used to have to stay sober enough to know if my phone was ringing or someone else's phone was rining or if it was a sound effect on TV.

Now i just see if my write is vibrating, jabber / webex / slack / etc.. all have great smart phone apps and I'm able to appear to be around when people send me shit during office hours

Too early in the game yet - I'm not buying a new watch every ~18 months.

Once we get some models that will have 5-10 year working lives, I'll consider it.

Even that's pretty shitty, my current watch turns 50 in a few months

Cause I just bought a new rolex submariner ;) stupid workingclass poorfags and their meme watches
Grow up and stop being a poorfag ;) ask me anything maybe one day you can be as rich as me

I have a mi band 2

There’s my “smartwatch.” Useless technology.