Xposed Framework Must Have Modules

Sup Forums, what are your must have xposed modules? Finally got my phone flashed so I'm looking for quality modules.

Boot manager

Must haves.

Does youtubeadaway work now? It was dead last year haven't checked back since. Is it working again?

Youtube background playback but you have to get it from github

People still waste their time modding phones? Manchild get an iPhone.

Not falling for it

I'm still using xinsta (downloads instagram pics, profile icons, stories etc.) and flat style collection

Yeah, handful of updates this year. What else do you use?

Grindrmod always

Too much crap on xposed op, move on its deprecated

>pic related

Xposed Uninstaller.

What is better?

nothing worked on my Nexus 5 ~2 months ago. Wanted to protect certain apps with a pin but all the modules were shit. Hello sailfish

you..you went to sailnigger for more enhanced apps?

andorid 4.4 + gravity box
need nothing more

App settings
Gravity box
Xprivacy / XprivacyLua

Boot manager
Notify clean
Xposed edge
Utube adaway

Youtube background playback
XPrivacy if on 4.4.4

Some other device based fixes, and lots of other minor stuff. Had lots of fun with it on my old Z1, glad it's back with that trash of 7.0

tfw too smart to mod your phone

Last one is a personal mod I use to test shit and mess around.

>Youtube adaway
Just flash iytbp desu

YoutubeAdAway (sadly fucks up on Oreo)
Youtube background playback

xposed fucked up my battery life, went from 3 to 2 days even after uninstalling. never again

Is running Xposed a security risk for your phone?

xposed is shit, it use to be good back in the day of lolipop, now it is just shit

Even if certain module had some sort of exloit of it, whomever tries to hack you has to know you have it b4 he even tries that exploit. So, only somewhat of a threat, not a major risk.

wifi spoofer (works if u have a usb to ethernet adapter because wifi is insecure but a app needs wifi)

rootcloak (magisk is better)
i think the last one is called lock screen bypass which is nice for android set top boxes to auto load into kodi without needing to swipe up

>rootcloak (magisk is better)
>tfw spent 2 days trying to figure out why magisk couldn't pass safetynet, tried everything and finally when i got it to the last stage of safety check it turns out my kernel doesn't support magisk hide

Gravity Box
Lolipop Notification Ticker (although I'm on Nougat and it works)

Unrelated, but why is the Nexus 5, but not the 6/5X/other phones, frequently featured in app explanations/commercials an so on?

Is the Nexus visual design under GPL or something?

Picture is old. also, nexus 5 was the flagship for devs

Support for Android 8.x

maxlock and native clipboard.

that's like buying a car with factory welded hood and trunk

>complains about people modding their phones
>on his friendly neighbourhood crab fishing forum

There is a beta available.