How does Sup Forums feel about vaporwave becoming a normie meme?

How does Sup Forums feel about vaporwave becoming a normie meme?

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wtf, i thought vaporware was "big" in 2014. not now.... this is weirddddd

Every Sup Forums thing becomes a normie meme sooner or later.
Especially now when Sup Forums has so many Tumblrites on it.

what's wrong with tumblr? it's a nice porn blog

if you didn't like vaporwave in 2005 you're a fucking poser faggot

Don't all memes eventually become normie? Sup Forums created some of the most memes that eventually crossover to normies.
I don't know if pepe the frog is being used by 9gag as of now, but reddit sure uses it already.

us normies are never going to like vaporwave. It will forever remain an obscure genre.

How do we feel about meme vaping becoming normiewave?

return to reddit please

>Reddit isn't a normie website

If anything, I'm surprised to see that it has taken this long to get this big.

Please just leave this website, you are degrading it with your posts.

well at least it's good for the artists

Things don't "become" normie, they are normie from the beginning with potential to be discovered by more normies, and then normies who think they aren't normies complain.

I remember vaporwave back in 2011

no surprise, vaporwave is just pop music on steroids. built to be instantly satisfying, often focusing on something catchy like a hook, which is why nobody can listen to a vaporwave song more than 3 times in a row before getting sick of it.

Sup Forums has always had tumblrites. nothing has changed.

lazy genre for white boys half-assedly trying to be anti-hegemonic and trying to convince themselves that "muh internet-culture" is a thing

rec me some tumblr porn

old news even hip hop is sampling

I got into briefly in 2006 but then dubstep happened.

I found out about vaporwave today. I guess I'm the herald of normiezation, I always find out about stuff when it's starting to suck.