Why is this the best instrument mankind could ever conceive?

Why is this the best instrument mankind could ever conceive?

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my dick


multiphonic microtonal brass

Because it represents the height of engineering and skilled mathematical manipulation of harmonicity.

>no sustain
>no attack
>fixed tuning

hurr durr best instrument ever

It allows quick note movements, endless chords possibilities, is dynamic.

Yeah why not.

Try to compose music with a percussion instrument

>never listens to buddy rich

Wild drum solos are cool, but not "music"

>what is sustain pedal
>what is damper pedal
>what is playing softly
>what is tuning it a different way

Sup Forums is so full of musically illiterate people

Because we suck.

what do you expect from a korean eggplant forum

Perfect, multi-octave 12-tet is what makes it great, 12-tet is the single greatest achievment of western musical theory, it's what sets us apart from primitive garbage music like indian """"""classical"""""" and chinese music.

Prove me wrong

Some synth, probably

this has to be bait

Not bait

then ur must be retarded

Guitar and its disgusting disciples are the worst things that ever happened to music in human history.

>piano has superior range
>can play 12 notes at a time
>can change scales easily
>can play faster

heh its not perfect kiddo, and there's no reason western tonality is better than any other kind other than we're used to it.

>the computer has superior range
>can play any number of notes at a time
>can change ANYTHING easily
>can play faster than any human, even faster than we can hear

hence the computer is the superior instrument

Western tonality is better simply because it enables harmony. This is the defining feature of western music and is unmatched in any oriental or popular tradition. A master stroke of mathematics, engineering and art.

I was proving that piano > guitar.

Since when is the computer an instrument itself? More like a tool. Maybe you create new sounds, but you don't "play" the computer.

>What is microtonal harmony?


i was proving that computer > piano > guitar

its an instrument since around the 60s i think

are you saying indian traditional doesn't have harmony, balinese gamelan? lol you can stop now

I don't get this microtonal thing. At some point the intervals get so small that the human ear can't phyisically perceive the difference in pitch anymore. Or maybe it's just me.

try it on robotussin

good one

Kinda defeats the point tho to play microtonal stuff with a fat detuned synth with fucking chorus effects.


>12-tet is the single greatest achievment of western musical theory
>sets us apart from primitive garbage music like indian """"""classical"""""" and chinese music.
>chinese music
except the first person to solve equal temperament mathematically was zhu zaiyu (a chinese guy)

whats ur point tho?

He means functionality.

it's pretty cool that it can be a piano and a forte at the same time

but actually just baiting

What makes you say that?

>arguing about which instrument is the best
>comparing technical "achivements"
>reducing music to maths and mechanics

this thread in a nutshell :

The coffee machine is the best device mankind could ever conceive.
>but hurr durr go bake a potato with it durrr

What's functionality?

>Not the jew's harp
Are you even trying to be patrician?


In short, it's directionality, or 'pull'.

>Why is this the best instrument mankind could ever conceive?
>plebs questioning piano master race

>every other music culture doesn't have 'pull'

Not in a way that is anywhere near as universally felt. Blind studies on the perception of dissonance between interval and chord studies show this frequently - almost everyone hears major->minor->diminished->augmented in that order of perceived dissonance, even if they've never been part of a 12-tet culture. Similarly, most (though, admittedly this is less unanimous than the previous fact) will have fairly aligned senses of where particular chord-tones want to resolve.

This is absolutely not the case for almost any other temperament in use - they all have percieved 'pull' within the culture they belong to, sure, but it's much more based on cultural norms, and nowhere near as innate or universal.

>anyway, here's wonderwall...

Link to these blind studies??

how does it feel to have no brain?

if you use a computer solely to make music, with no "real" instruments, then surely the computer is an instrument, otherwise where did music come from?

Inter-cultural studies:




Studies that suggest an innateness built into 12tet temperament through testing on infants and animals:



reddit or just pleb? or both?

Except he's right.

haha whoo here i go with my 12 fingers waha whoohoo

Good one bleep fag, btw computers aren't instruments and are objectively inferior to any other form of music

underrated post T B H

The synthesizer is the only thing that could beat it.

You can depress multiple adjacent white keys with a single finger without much trouble. It's a pretty normal technique. Frankly, you can play every note on a piano at once if you wanted, just not with any dexterity.

>Wild drum solos are cool, but not "music"
this is retarded
your other points are excellent though

you literally can play a computer, bud. link up keys to notes. bam. or use a midi controller. or sequence a track (not live playing but still playing). it can function just the same as any other instrument.

That's not a computer OP
Specifically doing additive synthesis

wow you're dumb

So why is it that certain music makes us feel emotions? Why exactly?