When have you been asked do you have a criminal record?

When have you been asked do you have a criminal record?
I ask Europeans.
I fucked up and got caught with a lot of weed. I was thick as shit.

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>When have you been asked do you have a criminal record?
Never. The only situation where it's acceptable to ask for this is for certain types of jobs, such as working with kids or working with classified information.

I see. I am shitting bricks. I know I probably wont be asked but its in the back of my mind.
I am paying for my crime now through mental anguish.

>caught with a lot of weed.
Serves you right for being a fucking criminal.

waaa... Ive paid for it so fuck off.

Potential employers don't ask, they just check your criminal record and most likely won't consider you if you aren't considerably better than the other applicants.

Which country do you live in, OP? In Scandinavia, there is no way an employer can ask for your criminal record, that shit is illegal.

What country allows employers to see your criminal record without your knowledge?

Ireland. They cant check here either easily, besides google which may give them a whiff.

>I ask Europeans.
Europoor reporting
Got 3 jobs in my entire life, they asked for it in 2

Caught stealing a candy bar from a grocery store when I was in fifth grade. It was a dare. No record.
Got 8 or 9 police cars and a bunch of cops in full assault gear to come to my friends house once. Sleep-over. Misunderstanding. No record.
Don't fuck around with airsoft guns at 3AM.

>weed is baaaad and makes people criminals let lawk em up right guise
fuck off autist
that attitude is what built the massive incarceration problem all first world countries suffer from
the only one that figured out the real solution is denmark

>massive incarceration problem all first world countries suffer from
Wrong, nigger. Only the US and some retard Eastern European countries have too many prisoners.

look it up you stupid autist
>hint: im right

i was caught in ireland with weed too.
but as a foreginer i was let off, they even gave me my weed back. based waterford garda bastard.

At gov jobs.

Name a single western european country that has this problem.

>protip: you can't.

Pic very much related.

>all first world countries suffer from
No son, it's basically mainly burgerland and poor countries. Then follow dubious countries. And then somewhere at the bottom you got the first world and less insane poor countries (or maybe poor countries that prefer to not pay for incarceration).


>weed is good guise if we make it legal it won't just be like the chinese opium crisis all over again maaaaan 420 blaze it xDDDDD
You fuck off. And, people are getting incarcerated for committing a crime? Stop the fucking presses!

Heh, same idea half a minute earlier.

Don't worry. If the job isn't driving or such, even if an employer asks just provide them with the record.

Most won't care a while later if you were just consuming drugs.

>six promille of US population is in prison
Land of the free.


Police arrest records are public record, so even if you are found not-guilty you will show up on Google. Depending on the severity of the thing you were arrested for they may hold it against you (although they could never "legally" do that).

Besides that, they can ask you on a job application if you are a felon. Which you must tell them, because they run a background check.

I got asked this during pre-employment screening for my current job

Never. I don't think it's even acceptable to demand such information unless the job is unsupervised and involves kids (or other vulnerable things, like hospital patients or state secrets).

What country do you live in?

Worthless junkie. I hope your life is permanently fucked.

So once you've served your time, you haven't actually served your time?

I mean, court documents are official documents here too (Norway), but names become anonymised after X amount of years for non-violent and non-sexual offences. For smaller offences, such as drug possession, names are never published at all. The police maintains criminal records, but offences are "removed" from it after some time (they keep extended records which is used against you if you ever want to work with classified military stuff or in the police etc).


If you want to start a career at a big company this might break your neck, most other employers wont give a fuck unless its government or something

It's the same in Norway. Employers can never ask for criminal records, and only for a handful of professions is a background check demanded.

Must move to your country... Love your social attitudes as well. I fell in love with a swedish girls a long time ago. She was great.

When applying for gun permit.
When applying for mortgage.
At some jobs (particularly when working with Sensitive Personal Data)

I was asked for my criminal record when applying for a (programming) job at a bank.

>at a bank
Was that because you were handling sensitive personal information at that job? They probably wanted to make sure they weren't handing over banking accounts and credit scores to a former scam artist.

Yeah you'd fit right in with all the mudslimes, you fucking leech,

Fuck off, I can program you shithead.

Unironically come to Norway. For most in-house tech jobs (including programming), it doesn't even matter whether you speak Norwegian or not. Norwegians are useless at getting relevant degrees, so the demand for programmers is sky high.

>These posters think the USA has a massive portion of it's population incarcerated because of drugs and other silly charges.
>The USA prison population is mad up of mostly niggers and Mexicans and my ddle easterners... basically non whites, Asians and Jews.
Hint... diversity fucking sucks and brown people are shitty and commit fuckloads more crime. You in Europe are only know learning this. Don't worry it WILL get worse.

True for quite many individuals at least. You can find thousands of documented cases and some broader statistics too.

The USA is a mess with regards to trials, sentences & prisons. Right up to Gitmo (yes, still a thing, now indefinitely open on Trump's orders) levels of fucked.

Anyhow, I guess no point discussing this here, user just had to be corrected.

you're fucking retarded if you think you can compare weed to opium. probably never smoked a joint in your whole life.

>it's okay for the government to lock up 7 out of every 1000 people
>it's okay for the government to limit the drinking age to 21
>it's okay for the government to send people to 20 years in prison for smoking some pot
>b-b-b-but they better not take muh guns though!!!!
Land of the free, everyone. The real reason you have such a high number of incarcerations are for-profit prisons buying off your judges.

Look it up, user.


The problem is brown people not the justice system.

Sounds like a great country. Always have love for nordic countries. Irelands culture is based around the pub. Its shite.

See The very fact that for-profit prisons are even allowed to exist just undermines your credibility. There are literally people that make money of keeping people imprisoned. And you elect judges for office, because you still kling on to some backwards wild west mentality. Of course those prison owners are going to spend money earned from leeching of government on campaigning for judges that wants harsher sentences.

The justice systems are all sorts of fucked up. People can literally get 15 years in prison for making an illegal left turn.

Barely turned 18 and friend and I stole a bottle of alcohol(we could it afford but not old enough it buy it). Didn’t get handcuffed or anything but had to go to court for petty theft. I took some diversion class or something and it’s not supposed to be on my record anymore but I don’t kNow.

How old are you now, how old when caught, how much weed and what country? I got caught with 2 ounce of skunk when I was 24 but was known to my community at the time as a decent bloke, hard working helped out at church etc and I convinced them it was for myself. I've no record because of this and the fact that the local constabulary regularly popped into the take out I worked at, so they knew I wasn't street scum so to speak. UK here btw.
If your not a fuck up and your not hurting anyone the cops are gonna be pretty lax with the law.

half a million of weed, I went hard....

Right well yeah that's way outta my league. Good luck with your future user, and God speed.

No. You're just doing quite a lot of stupid and simultaneously immoral shit.

Stop going from "hurr, everyone else must be just as bad or worse" to "hurr, surely it's the mexicans and brown people's fault".

Other nations just don't imprison people as long over trivial shit, and they have other ways to deal with light drug use or even desperate acts of poverty (eg stealing small sums of money or food) and other trivial crimes than months to year long imprisonment with permanent black stains on employability.

The whole bail system is also confusing for non-americans. So essentially, you're kept in jail until you get a chance of appearing before a judge unless you bribe your way out?


Of course they can ask for your criminal record, in Sweden it's called "utdrag ur belastningsregistret" and is a s.k. "offentlig handling".


>When have you been asked do you have a criminal record?

It basically says that if you work with kids, elderly, mental patients or insurance, you can ask for it. It doesn't say that anyone can ask for it.

Eastern Euro here, it's the same here, except less paperwork around it.

>you get a long way with bribes in eastern europa
Wow, imagine my shock.

Theft of trade secrets, felony. Would have been 2 but they dropped the other one
Thankfully I don't work and neetbux have me covered

In a relatively small company (100 people) the external recruiter might do the checks. The recruiter would be on your side since he's trying to get you hired. The company might be willing to let it go, especially if they have difficulty finding a person for the position. It's a HR thing so they can't shout it out over the office and get a laugh (consensus would be that it's fine, probably), but the HR woman might want to let it slip, or if you're talking directly to the owner or your future team leader it's in their interests to say "whatever".

Lag (1998:620) om belastningsregister, §10
> Om det behövs för att pröva en fråga om anställning eller uppdrag i en verksamhet som avser vård [...] har en enskild rätt att få uppgifter ur registret om en annan enskild

To clarify; the employer cannot see it for himself, but he can basically ask you to show it to him, or ask you about it. That definitely is not illegal, source:


I'm not swedish, but I take it this word means "care" as in "caring for elderly", "caring for patients" etc? Isn't that exactly what I said, if you're applying for a job that requires you to work with kids, elderly etc then they will run a background check on you?

See It essentially says that only a handful of professions are allowed to do this. I don't see the point in you harping on this, OP is obviously not going to work with kids or mentally ill.

>Det är bara den enskilde personen och vissa myndigheter som kan begära utdrag ur belastningsregistret. Det är således bara vissa arbetsgivare som kan ta del av ditt register, exempelvis arbetsgivare inom vården eller boenden som tar emot barn, 9-10 §§. De flesta arbetsgivare kan således inte begära ett utdrag hos polisen men det händer att arbetsgivare ber dig att lämna in utdraget på egen hand.

I do have a record. Was never an issue with the employer here, since it is old one. I had to fake my certificate only once though and that was very long time ago.

>In Scandinavia, there is no way an employer can ask for your criminal record, that shit is illegal.

>De flesta arbetsgivare kan således inte begära ett utdrag hos polisen men det händer att arbetsgivare ber dig att lämna in utdraget på egen hand.

>det händer att arbetsgivare ber dig att lämna in utdraget på egen hand.

But yes, this has gone too off-topic. Sorry, I'm really tired, but I hope I proved my 'point' now.

I was asked about it when applying for a minimum wage parttime student job (when i handed it in they were like "lol, why the fuck did you get that, its just a student job, we dont care")
and for my real job afterwards too, but i had time to hand it in until the end of probation period

In Norway it is illegal for an employer to ask you to provide your criminal record on your own, and I bet that you can refuse to do so in Sweden too even if your employer might not do anything illegal by asking for it.

Of course you can refuse, but you probably won't land the job.

Then you could go to the newspapers and bitch about not landing the job because you refused to give up personal information.

>Your country locks up too many people for stupid reasons.
>You should lock them up for exercising their other rights too.

European (((intellectuals))) everyone.

That was literally not my point, but hey, nice strawman attempt.

My point was that American doesn't give a fuck about lack of privacy (see NSA spying [aka Prism] and Patriot Act), they don't give a fuck about free speech (see people who violently bash your face in with a bat if you say niggers are dumb), they don't give a fuck about voting rights (see formerly convicted felons that are forever stripped of their voting rights or people living in territories such as Puerto Rico or Guam), they don't give a fuck about due process and fair trial (see Guantanamo and thousands getting killed by cops every year), but if you say anything about their guns they run amok because how can they stop a overreaching government that infringes their rights if they don't have guns.

Well, you do have guns. Stop your god damned monstrosity of a government that literally turned your country into a shithole? Isn't that why you have them in the first place? Or are they merely there to shoot thieving niggers? If so, just fucking admit that you don't care about stopping a tyrannical government.

don't have a record got caught with cro a few times but we have a three strike rule in the uk for under a q i think.

You push them into situations where they commit it. The whole thing is ingrained so deep it makes people feel like they have no chance and they end up joining gangs and shit. You guys have truly ruined the world

In the state I live in if you're arrested on a crime that's on the bail list then you're given a bail when you are booked in to jail. The next day, usually, you appear before a judge who verifies that the bail was set properly by the police. You then have to provide cash or put up property in the jurisdiction of the police department that arrested you. This money or property will be kept or seized if you do not appear before the court for your charges. The amount is set based on the severity of the crime, your ability to flee, and likelihood of fleeing. It is supposed to be set high enough to guarantee your return. If you seek out a bondsman you have to pay him a percentage. Here that pecentage is usually 15%. He puts up the bond and is on the hook for seizure. If you fail to appear then the money is his motivation for tracking you down. This is where bounty hunters come in. When your case is no longer before the court the money is returned and the government no longer has the right to seize it.

There's plenty of room for abuse in this system and it does get taken advantage of. On the surface that's how it's supposed to work.

why are leftists so dumb!

Why do you think Denmark found a solution? It's still illegal here. Decriminalised, but not legal.

>>Sup Forums

Weed should be legal.

Weed reduces sperm and testosterone levels by 60 percent. Mothers who smoke it during pregnancy give birth to sons with fucked up balls.

Leftists probably already know this, which is why they want to make it legal.