Pi-hole thread


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okay what exactly can i do with a pi-hole?is it just some sort of adblocker?

Blocks ads at the DNS level and stops them before loading. Supposed to be faster than typical ad blocking, as long as you don't have a lot of things on your network.

can i run beside the Pi-hile a VPN server or something like that?

I use it, quite cool, still doesn't block all ads

How badly does the rpi bottleneck your network?

It is only DNS lookups so almost none of your actual traffic travels though the rpi. Even a Pi Zero has sufficient power to act as a pihole

since when ?

It is a DNS unless your decide to DDoS your pihole your fine

I have a problem, when i set my pi-hole up all works great but suddenly moviles devices stop getting connection, so i have to disable HTCP in my router to make the internet connection usable again.
Any idea?

yes, search in github there's someone that even made a convenient script to get openvpn and pihole running on the same rpi with no major work.

The start of 2018

probably your brain.
Try letting your router handle dhcp and point the dns to the pihole and let it only handle dnsmasq but not dhcp.

raspi's have shit VPN performance, really only useful if you have a slower connection or don't need much speed.

>this retarded shill is still at it

raspis have shit performance in everything. people need to stop thinking of it as a cheap server replacement


How to block Spotify ads on the Xbox app? The regular hosts that work on PC don't work with the Xbox app.

Pi hole..


Except I wouldn't have asked if it actually worked in this scenario. Pi Hole doesn't work with the Xbox Spotify app, and yes, the Xbox is set to manually use the Pi-Hole as a DNS.

Server is a very large category. There's plenty of services that don't require more than shit performance.

>Pi Hole doesn't work with the Xbox Spotify app

sounds like you're a retard who doesn't understand what DNS is. read their faq

list a few of these services that would be relevant to the average home user

None. Half the population has a double digit IQ. I don't expect them to be able to properly set up anything involving involving Linux.

why is my pi-hole constantly hitting up ntp servers like time.nist.gov?

It probably has a ntp client running to keep the system time correct for you.

Determine what ip spotify is using for ads when running on the xbox. Add that ip address to your pi hole.

It's happening at an abnormal rate. 400 queries per hour.

Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?

Got a tp link (Chinese NSA) device?


No. Pi-hole is running on an ubuntu server.
I have my public ip listed in the top clients section - thats where the ntp queries are coming from. Is that actually my router?

not if you only vpn the dns requests lololo

If you want to use it as a network wide VPN, it gives shit performance. If you just want to use the pihole through a VPN, then sure that is not really a big deal, but if you wanted a rasberrypi to act as a VPN for your whole network you'll get garbage performance, total throughput is likely under 50mbps.

But ads pay for the Internet.

Instead you should buy (or at least shill for) everything advertised.

is there a way to block youtube ads with ph?

ima put it in your pihole

Why wouldn't you just run this task on your consumer router?

My Archer c7 is like 3 years old and has a 720mhz CPU with 128mb RAM, it has a load average of 0.01. Newer routers are even dual core.

Not seen a youtube ad for years

>having less than 3 million domains on blacklist

block ads on yt or not all ?

lists would be nice

i think youtube ads come from a youtube domain, the blocking of which stops youtube from functioning. i could be wrong though. in any case, i use ABP for blocking youtube ads and that works fine.

this should get you started: wally3k.github.io/

Running this alongside a standard uBlock is pretty great. Less requests through the pi, and it catches those that fall through the net.
Can also cover my devices that don't have adblockers, like my phone and consoles and stuff.

Because people on Sup Forums bought a Raspberry Pi and didn't know what the fuck to use them for until they discovered Pi-hole

can pihole block this?

TIL YouTube has ads

I had to buy mine for a semester of university classes

>3 million domains blocked
Just tell it what to allow desu

I bought my Pi0 a year ago because I wanted to do an OBD2 project for my car.
Too bad my shitbox has an OBD port but uses some shitty Ford proprietary protocol, so it's just a dust collector now.

Any idea to remove the empty boxes in webs?

I let adblock for remove it

what the heck, how do you have so many queries in such a short window of time?

Just use noscirpt niggas

ok, explain how you run noscript within a mobile app?

Hey, user! I'd like to take some Pee in my Hole too!

>3 million domains on blacklist
Might as well go with a fucking whitelist. It would have less and be more secure.

I mean literally no mobile app i use has fucking ads
But I would just use this adaway.org/ if i where you

>queries in such a short window of time?

One phone have a fucking adware... I have to wipe it... These phone have 3322 queries.

Shit they sell is pretty overpiced but they do have a good support that goes with their products
I dig that terminus font tho

So I can just hook up my old pi I have mying around, ssh into it and put pihole on it for an instant ad-block acting as a DHCP?

If I just want a set and forget pihole, what distro would be best?

sure, you can use it as a DHCP, but why not just continue using your actual router for it instead?


So all devices use it instantly without changing the DNS on each one?

Any docs on how I can start?

yes, so long as you set in your router to use the pi as the default dns server

and then in the pi you select which dns server that uses (open dns, your isp, google, etc...)

My router is shit and won't let you manually set a DNS, so I think the DHCP method would work better for me

Ads died on the day they decided to install malware on the computers.
That is a bridge that got burned and won't be rebuilt.

You need to disable DHCP on your router though, otherwise they would conflict.

Is there a way to somehow use the pihole as a VPN over a 4g wireless network? That way I can use it even if I'm away from home?

My router did the same after a firmware update once.
Kept pinging its default ntp server at probably the same rate as yours. Did so because it couldn't update the time. Didn't connect.
Oce it did and got a time update, it stopped.
Don't remember how I fixed it though.

Why did they name it pee hole? Do they think it's funny?

Couldn't you achieve the same thing by pointing your router to a DNS service that does the same thing?

Not my default, but you got Blocklist and add them all with wildcard and it works.

Hey so I tried to block the porn ones by Chad May field, but they don't work, any ideas why?

I want to set up my Pi-Hole, but when i do, after some short time, i cant connect to internet and i have no idea why, i have to disable dhcp server on my router to make it work again.
Any idea of what can be happening?

How do you have the pihole set up?
Is dhcp enabled? if so turn that off.

in the Pi is disabled, just enabled in the router with the ip of the pi.

What ?

you can enable the dhcp in the pi and not in the router. but i do enable it from the router.

set the primary DNS server on your router as the IP of your pi, set the secondary to google

This doesn’t work if the service hosts ads on the same domain as the content (ie YouTube uses *.googlevideo.com to serve ads now), so if you block the host serving the ads it will block the content too. I would assume Spotify does the same shit.

Can’t with pihole. That’s an element blocking thing, which Pih can’t do. It’s just a DNS server.


use opendns at LEAST or some shit what the fuck?

I think you forgot that your on Sup Forums ads are shit


Your other machines should have DNS set to pihole's IP(192.168.*.*) after setting the forwarding dns on your pihole from your router

Seems like a waste of a raspberry pi. Just get pfsense and pfblockerng
