Was Eastern Europe always shitty and poor or is it just shit because of the commies?

Was Eastern Europe always shitty and poor or is it just shit because of the commies?

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It was always quite shitty, but Moscow's influence definitely stunted economic growth in EE.

EE was always poorer and more agrarian than Western Europe; feudalism persisted there longer.


eh, it was okay in middle ages compared to some parts of central europe and it was not so bad in 1950es except for the bombed-and rebuilt cheap architecture

but mostly yeah, western europe had always had better lands and more trade, so bigger economy and generally more power

showing 1990 numbers and not say 1980 is a fallacy, since there's clear post-transition slump that has nothing to do with commie economy

but the bigger fallacy is to measure GDP of market economy against a commie country

Well, there was a stagnation in the 1980s. That's probably why Gorbachev started with his perestroika and why the whole thing came down. Our economy was in tatters by 1990.

well the upside was that if you look at that growth, it was an uninterrupte growth for almost 5 decades. market economies usually can't duplicate that

t. not a commie

Poland's nobility was living da life before the Russians started buying the out magnats who apparently wanted even more.

Probably PLC was the richest european country without an open ocean access and free trade around the world.


whats that

Yeah go fuck yourself

It was always poor.

It was pretty develloped back in the renaissance, and even in the middle ages. I think WW2 destructions and URSS "management" put them very down.

It has always been shit and poor, but without commies it would have been even worse.

...Say Russia.

Russia isnt Europe, Russians arent europeans so no problem here.

with the exception of the Czech republic, yes

The reasons the Baltics are poorer is because of Russians, yes. ((If they blame commies or Soviets remind them that by the same logic we should put the victory of the USSR in world war 2 on commies or Soviets rather than Russians))

>Not European
You should review your history, mate


Russia was heavily influenced by Europe but that doesnt make us europeans.
