Will China be as arrogant and attempt to force their way of living on the rest of the world the same way the US did as...

Will China be as arrogant and attempt to force their way of living on the rest of the world the same way the US did as superpower when they inevitably become # 1

No because the thing about American dominance is that, deep down, people want to be ruled by Americans. They want their boring national films to be replaced by Hollywood blockbusters, they want Coca-Cola on every street corner, they want dangerous weapons for an irresponsibly cheap cost. If everybody stopped buying American bullshit we would have no power, yet everybody keeps slurping down McDonald's and watching Simpsons reruns. China can bully people, but it can't make them want to be bullied

Are there any actual white people posting under Australian and Canadian flags?

China is shit, they got too many problems to be a superpower.
But, besides this, they already act super arrogant.

[Little Wing plays]

you sure about that?
You guys did lose to a bunch of illiterate rice farmers..

Here is your reply

>illiterate rice farmers backed by ussr with their own airforce, divisions of armour, artillery, infantry, and special forces

by that logic so did you anyways, and china.

No, because China is good and will lead humanity into a golden age of peace, prosperity and space exploration, once the american dark ages finally come to an end.


This is an interesting question, and there are a ton of factors to consider.

1) Language. Mandarin is obviously not an Indo-European language like most of the world. People won't be easily able to pick it up.

2) Globalization + Liberalization. This is a force that originated from the west, but now is more of a 'global push' (weak in many areas of course) headquartered in the west. A Chinese push for liberalization will be the same as the West's-- gay rights, minority rights, etc. In that way, we are ahead of them. It would be hard to press their Eastern conservative cultural standards on the west.

3) Westernization + Globalization. The western world is now a global corporate brand. I've seen a documentary of ISIS fighters wearing signature Raybans. It doesn't 'battle' with other cultures as so much it absorbs and overtakes them. Fast food, clothing, etc. The momentum these industries have on a worldwide scale is enormous and only protectionist policies by the government will be able to stop them from taking over.

I DO think China will impose its will on Africa, but not the west. Their culture is not as forward as ours, and our mega-corporations, as much as we might hate them, muscle out any non-American influence



Chinese culture is dying out anyway, first thanks to Maoism and second due to Western influence.

You fought in Vietnam too, don't forget that.

Also The NVA was a battle-hardened and well-supplied force that was fighting on its own turf against a power that was 4,000 miles away, backed up by powerful communist nations who could easily ship supplies across the northern border, NOT TO MENTION a massive pro-communist civilian movement sparked by the incompetency of the South Vietnamese government that made pacifying the population supremely difficult.

no, china will be relatively different from america because china is culturally isolated unlike the us with europe it cannot readily use "our ideology is the best" to pressure global compliance rather it has to use it's material influence such as economic connections to make way, china after all is a very inward looking culture, this will not change, ever

>when they inevitably become # 1
t. Liao Zhang

How cute, he actually thinks that's a white Australian guy posting in here.

And you lost to birds.

lol finish your burger johny mcsharty, noone really respects you

>country that only exists so we could build a canal

we were only there at a minimum capacity to keep good relations with your politicians. Over the entire war we only had 521 combat casualties.

That's like saying Germany lost the holocaust..

>That's like saying Germany lost the holocaust..
They did.

And your country is still run by emus.