I came to give you guys the funkiest meme you, Sup Forums

I came to give you guys the funkiest meme you, Sup Forums.
It's in Polish. It says "and on the third day, they've found an empty grub".
Grub (grób) means grave/tomb on Polish.
Isn't this the most hilarious meme you've ever seen?

>being a non-American



>being an American

>having single citizenship


Empty grub = empty grave. How retarded are you?

It's up there with "Nie programuj w święta - bug się rodzi".

Subscribing to the concept of nation states.

but you are polish, why you call me retard?

it's plural form is "groby" and man who digs graves for future funerals is caled "grabaż"

Sounds a bit like the word is taken from German Grab


Gonna blow your mind, you're retarded is why.

Literally a disgrace to the United States

How? Burgers are literally jews, it's normal.

Boki kurwa zrywać

Very funny indeed!


I just checked the etymology, and am a little disappointed that the Polish word for grave (grób) isn't a German loanword (Grab), but native Slavic.

The irony would've been delicious.

Too bad, stupid kraut.

I'm not German, stupid Kurwa.

It actually comes from a Slavic root that I'd best write down as grebati which means to dig, to work the ground. Therefore grób is the thing that has been dug.

Wracaj do pracy Radek.

Fucking mutt.


is this meant to be funny
pole humor, not even once

The Jew is only spiritually a citizen of Israel. Any other passports are just travel cards.

I thought it was funny. Non-slav here

memes are obsolete

Feels pretty good.

This is why religion should be banned.


That's pretty clever. I know Polish and didn't think of that.



Yeah, I know you religious people lack arguments so you reply with memes instead. I'm not surprised.