So what's the best way to change your vendor ID on an AMD processor?

So what's the best way to change your vendor ID on an AMD processor?

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Is this real?

Yes lol look it up

Intel has implemented platform specific optimizations and owns the right to those optimizations. Intel is not obligated to share those optimizations with their competitors, and using those optimization on a non-Intel platform without Intel's permission is illegal

Shit I'm sorry

final bump


>compile benchmark with Intel compiler

>Capture POST call to benchmark site using proxy
>Modify data, send call again
Idk, seems pretty complicated

So it's not just editing some line in the OS files?

Optimization Notice

Intel's compilers may or may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel microprocessors for optimizations that are not unique to Intel microprocessors. These optimizations include SSE2, SSE3, and SSSE3 instruction sets and other optimizations. Intel does not guarantee the availability, functionality, or effectiveness of any optimization on microprocessors not manufactured by Intel. Microprocessor-dependent optimizations in this product are intended for use with Intel microprocessors. Certain optimizations not specific to Intel microarchitecture are reserved for Intel microprocessors. Please refer to the applicable product User and Reference Guides for more information regarding the specific instruction sets covered by this notice.

Suck a big black cock user.

Their optimization amounts to if (CPUID != "GenuineIntel") usleep(5000) at every branch.

How the FUCK do I change CPUID

Didn't they already got fucked in courts for this shit a decade or so ago? And now with Meltdown it's probably the worst time to do it again.

They were made to either release all optimisations for all platforms or publish disclamers.

Naturally, they published disclaimers in their own website, IN PICTURE FORM, so that you couldn't look this shit up in search engines.

Not to mention there is an unfucker for files, at least for the compliers that explicitly cripple amd hardware, but some companies still put out shit today run though those malicious compilers

Does this affect the average application or it's just a benchmark epenis thing?

Anything built with the Intel compiler will refuse to use faster instructions on AMD processors.

Intel is not crippling anything. They are simply implementing their optimizations on their own hardware. Why would they enable their optimizations for other platforms when they did all the work?

SSE is an instructions set, it's not some Intel-specific optimization. It's already a part of the processor, it's literally no extra work for Intel.

>the Intel compilers focus on Intel CPUs

Alert the media!

That's literally the entire point of Intel's compilers. It's also why they're extremely expensive and not used for general purpose development. They're normally used for development of real-time software targeting very specific hardware configurations. Just use MSVC for your video games or whatever.

>platform specific optimizations
sure.. that's why it works the same on all platforms as long as the CPUID says Intel.

You obviously want to have a compiler produce the most optimized code possible. What Intel's doing really does amount to ensuring that the resulting binaries run slower on competing platforms.

No other compiler do it this way.

No one is forcing you to use the Intel compiler. There's nothing wrong with Intel applying optimizations based on vendor string, since it's their compiler, their code, their optimizations. Go ask amd to make a compiler that optimizes for amd

I've never used the Intel compiler, my GNU/Linux distribution defaults to GCC.

There is something very wrong with Intel applying optimizations based on a vendor string. It's called unfair business practices and "Anticompetitive Conduct" by the FTC,

There's also no logical reason to do it when it's easy to check what instruction sets are actually present.

And your meaningless whining about AMD doesn't change the fact that the criminal Intel corporation is engaging in Anticompetitive Conduct. They don't make compilers. If GNU who make GCC or others who do make compilers do the same thing then that would be equally bad.

If Intel was based in the EU then they would be forced to separate their compiler division into a different company.