>Still doesn't own a gaming PC

Explain yourselves console peasants. ;)

Pic related is my new 1050 I just bought for my gaming rig, let me dumb it down for you dumb console retards.

This is a GTX 1050ti, it's a top of the range graphics card (about 100x more powerful than your shitty xbox graphics cards)

Soon I am going to SLI a 1070ti with my 1050ti to make a decent mining rig so I can earn big bucks from just playing games. ;)

Check out my specs:
OS: Windows 10
GPU: 1050ti
CPU: AMD FX 6300 six core processor
Keyboard: Razer blackwidow chroma
Mouse: Razer DeathAdder chroma

All of this cost me around $2,800. Quite a top of the line build. I am able to play PUBG like a god with this expensive build.




I'm not a manchild so I don't play videogames
Therefore I don't need a gaming PC

I have one 2 OP. I'm selling it to cash in on the latest GPU craze. Any offers guyz.


How does your computer work without a PSU bro?

____ ____ __ ___ ______

Nice blog

bait aside, graphic card prices btw.
never been more affordable!

Actually the FX-6300 is has 3 floating point units and 6 integer units so it's a 3 core, at worst.

>I don't play videogames


Feel the burn, AMDfag :D

>Feel the burn

I want this shirt more than the "Fuck Iraq, bomb France" t-shirt I wore in the 90's.


Why would you bomb france

kek, someone just robbed you

Getting a gaming PC right now is a very dumb move.

What the hell is PUBG? Why the hell are you mining on 1070ti rather than 1050ti

GTX 1080s are a thousand USD right now. Cryptofags are the reason we will lose the war against console gamers, especially with that fucking Xbox One X

May they all get cancer:

tfw it's basically real.
Though you did inspect them elements just a tad. Nonetheless.. wow

Why wouldn't you? Fuck the French, Paris is disgusting, just leave the south intact.


Sup Forumstards get out fucking underage faggot


This. Videogames are known not only for training quick thinking, but also creativity, spatial awareness and finger dexterity. Simply put, if you ever found yourself into a fair combat with a gamer you'd just lose.

buy high - sell low

>This. Videogames are known not only for training quick thinking, but also creativity, spatial awareness and finger dexterity. Simply put, if you ever found yourself into a fair combat with a gamer you'd just lose.
I don't even necessarily disagree with you but, breh, my fedora just did 10 backflips

I know it's bait because you spent 2800 and got a 1050ti but still


kek, why this isn't pasta yet?

thanks for making my day anons

delete this

is this really the first time you guys have seen this thread? where have you been the past 3 months?

Obvious bait, but still, the 1050ti isn't even that good
>Src. I use one.

oт 12 гoдини игpaя иcкaм caмoдa cпoдeля чe щe нaпpaвя някoлкo игpи пpивлякoхтe ми внимaниeтo фpaнция гepмaния нe cи cтpyвaт зa 2 pyндa (?5000к 6000к )

this isn't even good bait

even canadians wouldn't claim it desu

What the fuck is going on? Several years ago bought my brother gtx 960 for

> SLIing different cards
> SLI at all
> pretending to be a proud gaymer when miners rape them to poverty
> 1050Ti being top

user, be more subtle
jesus christ, even the velocidensity pasta is more realistic

>still a (man)child
I don't have a "gaming PC". I don't have a console either. I do have a PC that runs GNU/Linux and it shits all over your pathetic "gaming pc" in terms of specs.

Grow up and get off this board in the meantime, this board is for grownups. I can tell that you're either a child or a manchild by the fact that you're using a Razer mouse and keyboard. I've bought quite a few of those garbage toy Razer products for my nephew. He's 11.

Stop taking the bait, just don't reply and let it die.