What if we would merge into one federation? I know it's not possible because of right-wing populism...

What if we would merge into one federation? I know it's not possible because of right-wing populism, but just imagine how it would boost western world - our economy would easily beat Chinese, our army would be unbeatable, together we could probably colonize Moon and Mars in a few years. I bet that by 2050 we would live in a world resembling that from the sci-fi films. Just imagine - only if we could get past the present concept of nationalism...

Go to school, you dumb teenager

>it's a "the US gives Europe a piggy-back ride" episode.

we'll stick with canada and greenland, the bahamas maybe as well
you guys can stay with germany and france and whatnot


greece hates america
fck aerica

yeah and half of poland would emigrate to US

polacks are like gypsies in this

>e could get past the present concept of nationalism...
polaks have a shit culture and americans have no culture so it would be easy for you

Doesn't Greece also hate EU?

i am the same

oh shut the fuck up

The US has more of a culture than you do, autism isn't culture.

In this way

I am Greek

ζεσyes fuck europe

I am a Greek

yo uare also right
young germs are basically retarded german speaking americans

Burgers do have a culture. A shitty fucked up one, but a culture after all.

we would be completely dominated by USA, beeing americas little bitches.
First we need to unite as EU and then we can think about closer cooperation with USA

their shit"culture" was literally made by movies and ads on tv
not even joking

no thanks, you guys are cool by yourself though but

it's called "OECD"

Now that's just nWO shit.

Just fight us off enough to let us save face & world peace tillthe allieums cum.

>tfw 53rd state

You are the next Greece of EU anyway.

This is the west mate

I don't really think we'd ever want a mainland european nation though
I'm sure you'd make a nice friend maybe

says the guy who live in a country where they get in extace by the act for torturing and murdering bulls and put them self in danger while doing it.

Spain is a country with a retarded culture.

here a better map of western europe

Hello. Israel is calling.

You guys probably also had stupid shit like that, but then you willingly exchanged your culture for some generic american-influenced pseudoculture.

JEWS jews

90% blue blood reptiles 5% Jews 5% Niggers

I mean i could see little resistance some merging's
I mean if the political elite forced new Zealand and Australia into one nation I don't think you'd really have a revolution on your hands

Yeah, but I believe success is a cycle and we need a restart right now. That'll also mean we will no longer be a tempting vacation home for rapefugees and our new generation can harden the fuck up.

And your contribution would be?

>including Romania and Bulgaria
We're out m8

We would have more strength through a divided alliance than as one union.
That's how Europe prospered for so long. States compete, and economies grow.

why does Sweden have so many?


they like to import stuff from other countries
McDonalds, taco fridays, somalies, etc

>our economy would easily beat Chinese
why do you talk about china so much?

>average germ christmas
>everywhere figures of this fat american coca cola man
>children wake up
>ugly balding dad with his glasses and his wife watching how the children open their gifts
>12 yo daughter with make up
>i hate you, i wanted a white iphone myphone
german christmas=presents

maybe because their women cant cook
germ children go here always to fast food restaurants at schol breaks and eat some super market shit from the microwave when they come home
they also order a lot from foreigners because they cant cook

dont look at this then

>blaming Jews

Can we blame niggers now?


so irish and syrian girls are the best from europe?

You've got to stop.

We can see a finite expenditure.


I love you, do you love me?

divorce wasnt allowed in ireland until 95

syrian girls would get stoned for looking into the direction of another man

So Germany and GB are closer to Syria and Turkie than Spain in divorce rate

So many Germans hate the US because their kids adopted American culture?

why is that?

A collective solar panel encapsulating the sun.

We can start this!

non white people, you know

>No dogs
Well that's just fucking rude.

Aren't you the fastest growing economy in the world?

Americans will never accept anything that remotely resembles their NWO scenario, nevermind they won't give up majority voting to more liberal Europe. The only country that could conceivably merge with the US is Canada, or maybe also Australia and New Zealand, but only as aditional states under their current system and constitution.

It's called American exceptionalism and we've been having this discussion ourselves ever since the days the NAFTA right wing hysteria got started at the turn of the century. Here's the deal leving aside whether people in involved countries would be willing. The US has a very active "world police" role in the world, which because of the nuances of its domestic policies is strongly tied to the Israeli/Saudi lobbies, it's military/industrial complex (and the jobs it creates via federal funding in different states) and a whole bunch of both corporate interests in and outside the United States as well as any number of political comitments important to everyone from the evangelical right to the proggresive left. It's a fucking mess no other people in the world will willingly accept. Americans would not only expect unconditional support for their hawkish policies but that their partners shoulder the expense of mantaining the world's largest armed forces, we are talking something close to HALF their budget, if you think paying into the EU is hard now imagine when you're paying your proportional share in a fleet that includes a dozen nuclear powered aircraft carriers with their respective support fleets, fighter aircraft, etc. And this is leaving aside American non negotiables such as the right to bear arms on the level of fucking human rights or the death penalty which I know the edgy /pole dancers posting here would love but the majority of Western Europeans would find ridiculously uncivilized. And then there's the economic side, if you think you've got it bad with Germany syphoning jobs you've got no idea of how uncompetitive CONT

Picture Francois Hardy on Andromeda

Americans give everything to their rich because they have some sort pf cuck mentality, I don't want that shit.
Also making access to guns a right is some seriously dumb shit, the average person can't be trusted with that shit, we need fucking tests and shit for that shit.

usa is still bigger i think at the moment

United States and Europe size and population are similar and USA grows faster - it seems that cooperation is better than competition

CONT European industry has become compared to the American one which is dismal working conditions compared to Europe, nevermind is uncompetitive itself against China. And do you really want to make New York and LA even more important cultural/media capitals? Are you going back to adopt America's inane measurement system and English? Nah, man, of all half baked ideas this one is beyond ridiculous.

Go fuck yourself

Youtube is banned in china but Sup Forums isn't?

anything owned by google is banned

Within 1000 years Earth is done.

I agree. Take that shit to the suburbs of US. Burn down the suburbs. We need our safety. We need our shit. I don't wear it, but we need it.

Thats why China is ripping us off in trade we need a trump to renegotiate our deals

Wrong. I've been to the suburbs. They want to kill.

Safety over freedom clasical cuck and 3rd world mentality

The kill is the one thing democracy won't give the.

China has the whole world by the balls. No one can renegotiate shit. Not Trump, not Hillary, no one.

China is a whore to the american consumer.

0/10 try harder kid

No. We merge WITHOUT Canada and the Us. Then, we get closer with Russia and China, and THEN we fuck the usa.

They need a solid base of tolerance


& fuck you that sounds nice, but I'll cut you're throat out.

Happy 11 september greatest day in Chile history

You will get closer to the Maghreb before all these ever happened.

How long it will take till this become reality? EU is slowly drifting towards federation (especially now when britain is leaving and hungary is proposing european army). When EU will finally be federation - pobably somewhere around 2030 - what would it take to merge with US?

He's sadly right

It would be just bad for the both continents

Sadly, people (especially in France and Poland, btw) don't care anymore about the eu.

But we will have to accept people that a different to us. Our national cultures and languages will suffer. Muh history, muh cultural heritage.

;_; that's all so valuable and and most important to me blah blah ;_; _;;_;_;_;_;

China is still a planned lad socialist country.
They use capitalism to boost their economy but are not dependent on it. They can always just switch back.
