Itt times you Sup Forums blatantly straight out lied to you but you stupidly enough fell into believing it

itt times you Sup Forums blatantly straight out lied to you but you stupidly enough fell into believing it

Other urls found in this thread:

>mechanical keyboards are worth the $250 they cost

It gets better.

>thinkpads from 2006 are all the power you'll ever need

>macs aren't worth their cost

these are not lies

Pretty sure Linux in general falls into this category and all of Sup Forums fell for the penguin meme

>Nvidia is bad

enough with your lies you judas



>Prestigio SmartBook 133S is bad
The hugest lie I' ve ever heard.

I was a full blown freetard for a few years from when I was 12 to around 15
then gradually became aware of how much of a fool I was making of myself by using the broken piece of shit that is desktop linux
switched to windows and couldn't been happier (20 something yo now)

ITT: Faggots who couldn't handle a meme.
Get better kids. Posted from my librebooted T60 running gentoo.

t. noone ever

you literally can't go back to gimping yourself if you actually used linux for 3 years

unless you were just trying to use it "like windows" instead of actually learning how to operate it and have a normal workflow

ive been using debian for years and went back to windows 7 full time because of some bespoke audio gear and programs... it happens

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

>Linux is not just a server OS, it is a personal-use OS too.

>it is hard to get a job in the tech industry

>slavs are white
oh wait wrong board

>distros like Ubuntu "just werk"

>slavs aren't white
>t. spic

Whiter than you, Achmed

user this is not we tell the lies thread.

No seriously Windows 10 is unusable it will literally shut off randomly and make updates.
This is not a bug this a feature in the eternal win10.

What distro did you use?
Linux Mint on cinnamon and I'm switching off windows.

Its not that the rinkey dinkey peace of crap that is the linux desktop is good or dose not have problems.
The point is windows turned to this level of shit that linux is better.

Get mint if you try to use a autistic distro you will have a bad time.
Also stop being a retard and download the proprietary binary drivers.

Nvidia is literally showing its drivers down your throat however the autists and retards want to have it open source.

Get mint, check the I want proprietary drivers during installation.
install mint.
use menu to open drivers check you are using the Nvidia one.
If not select it.
Download other updates.
Select the "don't fucken break my computer I''m conservative like fuck" option.
never select things to upedate the auto updater did not select for you.

Congratulations it JUST WOKS!
There are issues however they are predictable and you learn what you are not supposed to do like changing TTY while you are booting into a graphical environment.
Cinnamon will crash if it is not in the active TTY and will request you to restart it (you click YES you retard) and it will work normally.

Also the "your thumbnails are corrupted" is bullshit ignore it and simply refresh the window by hiting F5. Don't fuck around into the Fix->[Admin password] bullshit its the same like hiting F5.

I did never have a crash or panic and the problems are there however you can live with them.
Also if you start doing CHMOD on everything in your home directory you will mess things up.
Error windows at start up nothing scary.
You cna fuck yourself over.
Every time it requires you to have admin privileges you can fuck the system.

From my experience its robust.

holy fugg you just took falling for the bait to a next level

I got an AMD gpu because Sup Forums conviced me that nvidia was the devil. I mean its not that bad but a nvidia one would suit me better (I only do occasional esports).


>'''''''''''''''''''mechanical keyboards''''''''''''''''''' are worth it
So many have fallen for this nonsense, I might have as well even though I haven't.

Look at this shit, these retards even have forums dedicated to these things

>mechanical keyboards
I tried them out in the store.
The buttons area pain to use.
Only for retards and ADHD idiots who smash keyboards in full force.

I have one, don't see anything wrong with them. They're not god's gift to the earth or anything but they're alright.

You don't need to push the keys all the way down

Buying a Lenovo product. Crap.

At the store they felt hard to press.
And I tried a lot.

I did not feel it and I'm not spending this level of money on one.
on the other hand I did try a $5 rubber keyboard.
Impossible to use however its a fun novelty to show to guests.

This is why everyone needs to support physical stores because you can test things out VS only looking at a photo of the thing on-line.

>coming from plebbit
>shilling for mint
GTFO and an hero.

It's not a sport, goy.

>Sup Forums blatantly straight out lied to you but you stupidly enough fell into believing it


>I was using linux from 12 to around 15 yo and when I was fifteen years old I realized that windows has more video gaymes, lol, what a retard I was playing tux cart all day every day when my friends played newest triple A gaymes! Embarrassing!
>I am soyboi!
>I am manchild!
My interpretation of this comment.

Sup Forums
The last bastion of manhood and smashing manchild GAYmen

>linux distros are perfect
I have to do more work to get something to work than I did on Windows and sometimes it doesn't even work, and I'm not even accounting the bugs. At least it's not 10, I guess.

Why don’t I ever find places that look this cool and serene?

t. Prestigio shill

>t. iToddler

You can find them on Photoshop™

I actually kept using it for 2-3 more years before switching to windows but was no longer a freetard in the sense that I no longer believed in stallman's bs

>t. retard

nope, not at all
actually I was happy to fix everything by googling how to (sometimes for hours), but one time in highschool openoffice couldn't open a file that some classmates brought to work on and we had to go to a cibercafe, that was pretty humilliating
another was when I brought my laptop to a friend's house and couldn't figure out how to output video through the HDMI port, and he told me to get rid of that linux crap

t. anything I don't like is trolling or bait

yeah that was pretty annoying but it doesn't happen anymore for me, I think I disabled it somehow messing with the update settings

This doesn't negate the fact that you were a child without video gaymes, I guess now that you're an adult you will compensate that misfortune.
What's your favourite? PUBG?

pandoc and xrandr???

Same here. Linux is just teenage phase.

>macbooks are bad, and ancient chinkpads are superior machines

Remember kids always do the opposite of whatever Sup Forums tells you

I'm not mentally retarded so I never believe anything you shit brained baboons say.

>Javascript is a meme with no future
>You'll never need javascript
>Web dev is below inhuman and no one should do it

Hello fellow neets

>Windows 10 is bad
>Ubuntu is a bad distro
>spending 12 hours a day ricing your desktop and editing .conf files to get basic function out of your OS is a good use of your time
>the NSA gives a fuck about some lonely neckbeard's loli doujin collection
>mechanical switches are better compared to rubber dome ones
>computer cases that cost more than $50 are necessary for cooling


nice try NSA

actually I grew up with ps1 games and then the sims, gta vice city, san andreas, falcon 4 allied force and operation flashpoint, so not really
sometimes I play project cars 2 and drive around in gta v but trying to get rid of videogames altogether
no idea if pandoc would've worked
now that I think about it the problem was actually no audio through the hdmi port, I fixed it by using vlc instead of mplayer but then there was microstutter so I just played it in my friend's laptop

It's not about how good it is , it's about being inevitable and useful and you can do so much with it . And I can see that without even knowing the an ounce of js, try proving me wrong.