I'm fucked

Accepted to do a website for a fella even though i never had that much experience before and now i'm struggling as fuck and dying of nervousness.

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why would you offer to help someone when you don't know what the fuck you're doing?

You're going to learn quick, and maybe lose reputation.

That's ideal. Learning by doing. Your ass is on fire, so you'll be determined.

Just build a shitty clone of whatever resembles you promised.

Nigga just edit some pre made templates to your own and/or your client's likings.

You remind me of my younger brother who just got a gig with a start-up to develop a minimally viable product. All he's done so far is play with Javascript and a couple of year 1 CS projects in his portfolio.

just install any random cms and as many meme plugins as you can find to ensure the attack vector is as wide as possible.

you are now a freelance web developer


If I had to jump in said deep end I would first fuck around here -> joomla.org/

>had to make website for a college event
>Work for like 3-4 week and made a shitty website from scratch tho (I only knew the basics and nothing else)
>Website was rejected by the teacher
>Download a bomb ass template
>Invested 3-4 hours and the teacher was wet
>Anyway, now I am supposed to make a whole new fucking website for my college
>Why? Because they assume I am good at this
>Fucking took me years to make just the nav bar
>Deadline is this months end

>lose reputation

I second wix
op probably doesn’t want to actually make a website


what are the requirements on the website?
do you have hosting?

why would you agree on that?

wordpress then

Use squarespace

Because I thought I could pull it off like before but the current website is like a fucking maze and huge af

Use bootstrap and a template generator

It'll look like a good site with 0 effort put in, bonus points if you use a different bootstrap swatch so it looks a little more edgy

This, I made a web gui for adminstration of a home automation system in all of a fucking hour and people were impressed just because I used bootstrap to make it pretty looking.

Just outsource it to pajeet. It's going to look like shit either way.

even a brainlet can make a good looking website in it

been there done that, and got way too under paid

What kind of website do you need to make?
You can't just create a wordpress and be done?