Bonobos are our closest living relatives. What do you think about that?

Bonobos are our closest living relatives. What do you think about that?

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I would say that my brother is probably the living relative that I'm closest with.




Your average bonobo community has a lower murder rate than Brazil

Bonobos solve all their problems by having sex with each other, and women run their communites

Why are Chileans so fucking rude all the time, mate?

bonobos have a feminist society based on sex and women rule

It's called banter, don't lose your head over a little joke

This is wrong, anyway. We are rather closer to chimpanzees genetically, evolutionarily, taxonomically, and perhaps most importantly for the purpose of smashing these hippie lies, behaviourally.

A bonobo can learn basic auditive human language
A chimpanzee can't

Nor can a mental retard vegetable.

another shitty spanish thread

they are more human than the average spic niggers

see this

do you really think that these animals belong to the same species as you?

The same is true for Brazil yet murder is rampant

I don't really want to say this but that sounds pretty nice. A-are feminists actually right? Is the patriarchy bad?

i don't think about it, otherwise i'll go full hippie and call every living being a brother and sister
ADN sequence it's like a 64-digits string code but only the last 3 digits make everyone different. it's amazing

Poor bonobos

I thought niggers were our closest living relatives

>that sounds pretty nice
No, it doesn't.

matriarchy is shit... for the females
there's a lot of untold details like the alpha female not letting other females have offspring until it's strictly necessary
whatever they choose, feminists lose. that's how the world rolls

No, look at the bonobo, he's hairy but clearly semi-white. Whiter than niggers at least.

It works because they have plenty of food and resources

chimps and bonobos are almost identical but the first ones are a patriarchy and usually have wars, murders, etc ( while bonobos are a matriarchy and solve their problems with sex and female leaders reuniting, which is more peaceful and succesful

but it's not totally a win for bonobos, because chimps use of tools is superior than theirs. mostly because bonobos are lazy fucks that live their entire life in a neet utopia.

>not wanting to resolve your problems with sex

Are you a homo?

Nothing of that sounds bad to me to be honest.

Well we already reached the neet utopia, so it's clearly time to shift to bonobo mode.

>look at the bonobo, he's hairy but clearly semi-white. Whiter than niggers at least.

His skin. He's whiter than you, my somali friend.

>wanting to fuck men
>wanting to share women
>distraction is problem-solving

Your average bonobo has less sex than your mom, that whore.

>He's whiter than you

>wanting to fuck men

Nobody told me this happened, what the fuck, why I am supposed to take for granted that those retard monkeys are massive homos? Resolving conflicts by sex has it implied that it's homosex without having to mention it? Is this the society we're living in?

it's not always homo sex

but homo sex is allowed in bonobo society
