1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. What's your opinion on Tibet? Should they be free from China?

yes and fast; with a strong international protection for them before they turn into dog food.

Hong Kong should be free from China.

Tibet has no way of standing on its own two feet, it would suck having to be a part of China but they're much better off like this versus otherwise.

1. Taiwan...province of China...

2. I used to support Tibetan independence but now I have doubts on that
My impressions on Tibet is
1. Monks and Rinpoqe we see on streets and tv
2. Chinese tourist stories about how spiritual the place is
3. Han Chinese complaining how they hate Han people
4. Taiwanese independence activists introducing about their nationalists and how they must get independence
5. Chinese movies about how Han and minorities live together
6. Some history textbooks talking about Tibetans in Chinese history.

But I know very little about it

everything that will weaken china, I support.

No, Tibet basically was Buddhist North Korea before being liberated by China.

Yep, all Qing territory is their rightful clay

Isn't the Tibet full of bald people with superpowers

I think more people outside of Tibet want them to be independent than the people from Tibet

I know that feel.

after alaska

When the D. Lama chooses not to reincarnate, Tibet will be dead forever.

I don't think anyone knows what is going on in that place desu. It was the anti-china cause de jure in the 90s, replaced by the falun gong until people realized they actually were a weird cult, and now, i dunno, the SCS and the island dispute with japan.

The Tibetan people, according to Chinese and Japanese scholars, live in a big region and and have small villages scattered Manchurian Mongolian and other minority's villages since 13C

So I guess they are integral part of China

Besides traditional cultures, many Tibetans live and work in major Chinese cities. It's a problem of how minorities live in a modernize world.

Up to now, many historical evidence show that nationalism--nation state solution, is the only way for a people to be modernized.

A people can only become modern by having their own state, market, and industry.

But that needs further evidences though.

Seems like a small remote place with not much happening. I'll bet they live mostly on welfare from China and would be lost without them, and this is just a liberal "activism" thing

>Up to now, many historical evidence show that nationalism--nation state solution, is the only way for a people to be modernized.

They use Korea and Japan and Vietnam as examples. They were once people living under Chinese empire. But they had their own nations and developed.

i heard that most of tibetan love government present money just like indians in US


know a few tibetans, they are easily the most attractive asian group at my school. most have sharp noses, handsome features, sharp faces.

>and this is just a liberal "activism" thing
as examples.
its also geopolitical. Take Taiwan for instance. Taiwanese independent activists support that because it helps their independence.

Tibet was a backwards medieval shithole when China conquered it. Whatever else you might say about it, they brought the place into the 20th century.

I think China should be free from China

Would you agree that the only way of modernization is through nationalism--having their own nation state?

I sympathize with the Tibetan people.

Not really since if you look at India and numerous other places, they were completely medieval and backwards until European colonization.

Ironically, during the 50s, China largely left Tibet's existing society and institutions intact. What happened then was the 1959 revolt which ended in the Dalai Lama having to flee and Tibet being more extensively integrated into China and enforced Maoist policies. The CIA had also backed the 1959 revolt and would continue supporting Tibetan guerrillas until 1972.

In short, Tibet brought trouble on themselves through a combination of their own stupidity and some well-meaning but poorly thought-out US assistance.
