This fucking whore got a Make magazine cover

>this fucking whore got a Make magazine cover
I am beyond mad right now

Other urls found in this thread:

fucking dropped

sex cells

Nah she just got the twitter mob to literally bully the owner into putting her in there

What a pussy to cave into their demands.

*puts a raspberry pi in a 3d printed box*

>Instead of complaining on an image board all day, she actually does something mediocre productive.
>People like her because plot.
>Gets cover on a magazine that corresponds with her and her audiences skill level
I don't see a problem here.

>Make magazine

Friendly reminder, this cunt got banned from gook makerfair for threats and she wasn't the real person doing the work.
Then she picked a fight with the CEO, went crying to other mentally disabled womyn, cried to the press, sent threats to the CEO and staffers of make.
Claims to be the womyn god of the make movement, bitch can't even use CAD or properly assemble shit.
Oh yeah and the SINO:Bitch isn't even hers, it's a Calliope mini that she stole.

Hi, Naomi Wu here

u rikey my ractation stations? me rove u rong time. sucky sucky 5 dolla

>stick some leds under her miniskirt

Racism is against the rules on boards that are not Sup Forums or Sup Forums

soyboy millenial spotted. sorry for hurting your feelings with an amusing Asian caricature, Chang.

You know what's even gayer than complaining about that whore being on some magazine cover? Not posting pictures of her in the thread.

Unless you start posting those tits I'm out of here.


Friendly reminder, source your accusations or you look like tool.

This is not really Sup Forums related.
If you wanna discuss women on magazine covers, go to /s/.

kill yourself, you dumb nigger

Naomi Wu is always on these types of threads, it is very racist of you to make those remarks about the way she expresses herself.

Those tits are so fake it's not even remotely attractive.

Neither is your post

>soyboy millenial spotted.
>amusing Asian caricature
10 year old who just discovered normie memes spotted

>open source hardware
>hardware has no sourcecode


All on the gook's twitter just have to scroll back for a few months.

"stop using me for my fake tits, silly americans"

The Maker movement is the dumbest shit ever, it just puts a "Look what I made" spin on consumerism. The only people who call themselves a "maker" are Soylent drinking urbanites who copy and paste code to program an Arduino to flash an LED so they can LARP as a tradesman in front of all their bug brained peers.

Fake tits for the fake tit god

>The only people who call themselves a "maker" are Soylent drinking urbanites who copy and paste code to program an Arduino to flash an LED so they can LARP as a tradesman in front of all their bug brained peers.

Can't show that on a christian board

How fucking narcissistic do you have to be to 3D print your own face and fake boobs

where the fuck did this term even come from?
plebbit or 9fag?

>Bringing open source hardware to china
Yeah, that's what worries me. Basically bunch of nerds work for free and Chinese copy their solutions or code and sell on aliexpress or base their technology that might have serious usage against the western barbarians on.

Now, imagine chinkphone market without android and its Chinese knockoffs. Gwailou made stupid rules to work for free and enabled anyone to steal their work and now Chinese can abuse them for free.

Chinese are not west, they won't play by rules of soy boys, they aren't afraid of lawsuits from indie devs. At least some huge companies make their stuff so proprietary that Chiense have problems copying them.

>So what kind of breast augmentation do you want senpai?
>"Just fuck my shit up"

she's a trap

>put a flash drive in a shoe and some led lights on a skirt
>get paraded around as the face of the female hacker/maker community
Women have it hard guys!

Her titjob is horrible but it wouldn't be so bad if she actually ate food and worked out. Looks disgusting having huge bolt on its on a skeleton.

>what's this face trying to convey?

mediocre print quality

made to trash

I wonder if she's making these threads so she can get more material for her "wall of hate"

Everytime a picture of this thing pops up I wonder how bad is she in bed. How fucking boring she has to be, super conscious about her fake tits, even if you wanted to grab and fondle those she probably is against it. Weird smell coming from her aroused pussy. No ass to grab, she does't give decent blowjobs, anal is not even a word she uses. Every time you try to switch positions looking to make shit enjoyable she just tries to grab your dick in an awkward fashion and just tells you in broken english "me finish you off, yes?" because she just wants you to cum as far from her possible and to let her go to take more shit twitter/instagram selfies.

Based Ramsey


found the soyboys

stupid fucking make ceo couldn't keep his mouth shut and now has to take sjw cocks up his ass for the rest of his career.


pee pee in your coke

Who cares OP? You shouldn't be envious of w*men. They are useless garbage. The only skill they have is manipulation and whoring for attention. Women are the eternal child, they cannot even think for themselves or have a discussion.

Go your own way and do not care about sluts.

putting LEDs in your pants is a tech innovation?

someone got a bj...
whats the point of her without wearing a super short LED skirt?

t. white cismale

Wtf? Is this what a bikini bottom looks like in $currentYear?

A woman's narcissism knows no bounds in the era of social media

vruumm psssttt


Lmao have you shutins ever actually been to a maker faire?

Her shit may be boring but it's better than 90% of the non-pro shit from maker types, most of which is hardwired LEDs hotglued to styrofoam and garbage

This is why I've never been to a maker faire. Sounds like some shit where they have official safe spaces and name tags with colored sticker identifiers that let u know the person is too autistic to make eye contact or which pronouns they allow.

She keeps getting harassed by makers for not being a beaded lady.
I say it's just fine for a magazine to make a statement.

Why is this girl so popular here?

She's not 'popular'. If you got that idea from people defending her it's because she's not doing anything wrong. Most of the anti-women stuff on here is about people marketing themselves as geniuses while they're doing nothing.
Here's a lady who is exactly what's labeled on the tin.
Why would you dislike that?

Fucking kek

I approve these technologies.

I like my women fresh and hand picked by illegal immigrant workers, not canned in a tin by a factory worker.


>Most of the anti-women stuff on here
everybody loves women here, we don't like scumbags that advertise shit they can't do as their own work. Specially the kind of stuff that even a monkey with no training and no instructions could assemble.
To be clear, look at the picture. It's a bucket with some cement, even that fucking bucket with cement has more dignity in the sense that it doesn't advertise anything it is not and the contributions it makes to the human race are more note-worthy than anything some random attention whore will ever produce.
Everything she does, it's not for the betterment of people or her peers, is just some stupid ploy to attract as much attention and fake praise as she can and proof of that is the whole act with the ugly bolt on tits, the stupid tiny bikinis and whatever she can do to have people looking in her general direction.
All she wants is to be looked at and not be forgotten, no matter how.

It symbolizes that once you stick your dick in pussy it feels like heaven.

deepfake that bitch

It's basically true. She kept provoking on Twitter by calling him a sexist until he said some real shit things and no buddy was willing to back him up on it. Other well known makers denounced him and he was forced to issue an apology.

To be fair he did fuck up pretty bad, but all of her claims up till then where pretty flimsy.

He was already being targeted for refusing to give her a spot. She even dug up posts from him and rallied people against him for being a racist, misogynist Trump supporter. The accusation that she wasn't legit was a blow back to the harassment she sent his way

Have you had a lot of bad sex user

nah, I don't date vapid attention whores, so I'm doing fine, just get annoyed that they try to take more space than they are worth
It is somewhat wasted time since she has to have some mental disorder if she sees nothing wrong with it. I know white knights and other slobs that orbit around her online or offline actually are on pills or need a shitload of pills.

I can also put leds under my skirt. Can I get a magazine cover?

I get the same feeling, but with those types it's usually good to just bend them over, grab them by the hips and just ride them until you're done.

There's no sense in trying to please them.

false flags are fun

>Women can't literally do anything without their vaginas being the focal point
If women want to be nothing more than holes, then we should stop letting them be equal.

She literally never even claimed to be anything special. Some autistic retard was screeching about her being "made up" because he actually thinks making led shit is at all challenging when in reality most ""maker"" projects are so piss easy that a retarded three legged dog could do it.
Honestly ""makers"" are always so full of shit. As much as I hate women, these soyboy wannabe engineers are even worse.

I want to cum inside this bitch like there's no tomorrow.

yall jelly as fuck. she needs to get into porn.

>biohazard symbol

id on the one with the biohazard tattoo needed for science purposes
the other ugly skank can rot in hell

>this picture
a real life comedy

that feet, man

thats not ok.

btw. the vietnam war was effed up and its not funny at all laugh about people who lost everything in a napalm fireblaze in a completely unnecessary war and were reduced to prostituting themselves.

You're the prototypical angry manchild people like her make fun of. How does it feel?

Really? She genuinely isn't that attractive to me. Her boobs look ridiculous on her frame.

that's a perfect example of how she doesn't know when to stop. The other girl has the right amount of tits, bikini and attitude.
This is what happens when everybody just lies to someone's face and tells them that everything is great when it isn't

yall wont be laughing when your floor is dirty and there are no LED brooms to be found

>biohazard tattoo

Keks were had.

The other girl has natural tits. They're saggy

She's sexy af. A real bimbo

shes a skeleton with silicon balloons on her chest

That Huezil's ~1990-1993 bikini fashion ackshually
They were already coming back from 'dental floss' bikinis when i arrived in july of 93

this plastic bimbo bitch get me rock hard she should just do porn already

That's exactly what i love about her

I'm assuming they mean the design plans are publicly available and not subject to restrictive copyright

Shouldn't they just drop the "source" from the name then?

>Get Low

woah this tech will really disrupt the street prostitution market

>Maker movement

>letting women do anything in bed

>when I arrived
can you please depart

can someone give me a quick rundown on all of this?

This girl got the cover of Forbes even though insiders downplay her role in founding Tinder. And her new company, Bumble, is 80% owned by some Russian guy. She's just the useful idiot of a billion dollar company which preys on feminist ideology.