An American replies to you, putting you in your place

>an American replies to you, putting you in your place

Other urls found in this thread:

dumb commie

>tell Russia to tear down a wall
>elect someone that will build us one

Can Russia even compete?

We must build walls again.

Are you a gay or something?

or something :)

Are you a gril?

Pacany won't understand.

>a russian will never bully you in his native language and make you dress in girly clothes for him

Кyдa ты лeзишь? Bce cтoят, a ты лeзишь!
Этo нe твoё дeлo, пидopaм coпли вытиpaть!
Taкoгo тeбe кaдpa нapиcoвaли, oбpaзoвaнный, peвoлюциoнep
Oн yдaвилcя! Baм нe yдaлocь cдeлaть из нeгo пидopa!
A ты cocи бpaндcпoйт, пoнял?! И нe paзeвaй хлeбaлo
Hecчacтныe paбы! Дa здpaвcтвyeт peвoлюция!

I like this thread already.

I still don't know why you picked Yoshi's theme song for your national anthem.

>Californian calling anyone a commie

dumb anime posters

Such a cute bulge:3

>tfw i get bullied by australians
It makes me cum desu

your whole contry is an anime ,stfu

Now let me hear your voice on vocaroo or something

Sorry,I wouldn't mind that, but my throat is sore now. It's cold here already.

Have another

>google translate can't decipher this
Feels bad

Hillary's gonna build a wall?

Very cute.

Cute, but no bulge.

>all of California is San Francisco

typical Southern education

It's a Soviet movie about prison but it's not translated.
Also, main hero of this movie has raped his sister, lol



>An american starts to lecture you about your country.

I doubt Americans have even heard of your country (no offense)



>mfw a german says to me that my german is really good and to turn off the proxy

>mfw the state of Dakota is reunited at last

I just want a Dane to tell me I'm special


That was a great doujin