FFMpeg on lagdroid thread

I've been working on bringing static webm shitposting on the go, so far I got:

ffmpeg -y -stream_loop -1 -i pic.png -an -c libvpx -qmin 16 -qmax 16 -quality best -t 2 -r 1 pic.webm

Not sure if I'm doing this right but it seems to work. Used termux to install latest ffmpeg.

here is the static web bum of that pic using mentioned parameters

Does anyone know how to capture the screen of lagdroid without rooting? Tried fbdev and x11grab but no dice. What the fuck did jewgle do to linux + android?

kill yourself, my dude

Here's another example. The file saving properties are noice.



I am already dead inside, there is nothing left to kill. :^)


what does this even mean...

cropping it fixed it lmao

Get a computer negro

I do have one, it's at home encoding chinese cartoons. Currently on a train ride to said home.

add webp support hiromoot

honestly that might just make things boring, what am I gonna do with the hundreds of static webms I already encoded? I would go bankrupt!

>no devices listed, not even v4l2

How do you install linux on your phone?

I don't understand, this ffmpeg wasn't built with the --disable-indevs flag...

download termux on the play store and then type in apt-get install ffmpeg

btw also do termux-setup-storage
that one fucked with me for an hour

C'mon /virgins/, help me out here. All these screen recording apps r gei, probably use ffmpeg too.

The source is all png though. A compressed jpg would look as good with comparable file sizes.


Why not just webp?

Dude, what you're getting is blurrier webp.
The compression algorithm is literally the same, but you are getting less bang for the buck (space) via extraneous data.

look hiro isn't gonna implement webp anytime soon so we gotta make due with what we've got.

Hold power button + volume down

Already tried that, it just gave me aids :(

Typing ffmpeg commands on a touchscreen is anoying as fuck though. We really need an foss app on F-Droid containing a static ffmpeg build with a simple frontend for easy use.

ffmpeg -i 1519150676313.png -c:v libvpx -vframes 1 1519150676313.webm

causes high cpu load, hmmmm

convert 1519150676313.png 1519150676313.webp && ffmpeg -i 1519150676313.webp -c:v libvpx -vframes 1 1519150676313.webm

Never noticed. It only took about a second.

Why the fuck do people like anime?

Because we like our sisters or some representation of one. We want to feel like the big stronk reliable oniichan we will never be outside of our imaginations.

I'd rather have a big stronk onee-chan.

wut fone OP?

k20 plus